In contrast, I use totes in normal convo.
I use it in normal conversation when I'm being sarcastic and basically exactly how I use it online hah.
You got me confused with other people. I even say in one of my posts in that thread that none of my critiques makes Beyoncé not a Feminist.
I don't give a shit about the bullshit "she's too pretty," or " she's to sexual" arguments about Beyoncé's feminism. My issues with Beyoncé, going back to debates even in PopGAF, have more to do with her using the label as personal branding, and the gross inconsistency in her messaging. Beyoncé tries to have it both ways. You can't be a feminist pioneer for your album and then rapping and dancing along to your husband's incredibly anti-female lyrics for your tour. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
That's a horrible argument. And when has Beyonce ever called herself a feminist pioneer? You're basically attempting to invalidate what she's done and has done because she dances to a catchy song...what kind of shit is that?
And no, you weren't saying she isn't a feminist. You were arguing she's a feminist lite; then in the same breath make statements that "feminism" isn't defined and is a concept when asked to define feminism. You can't call someone a feminist lite and at the same time put forth the argument that feminism can't be defined that's a contradiction. You can't make up imaginary/only known to you requirements to be considered feminist then move the goalpost as people point out how someone might fall into that definition.
Like Mumei said, going by the definitions many people were throwing in that Annie thread even he wouldn't be considered a feminist by everyone's standard and by further definition NO ONE on GAF are feminists. But how can that be possible if it's not suppose to be strictly defined?
This is like saying Elton John can't be for gay rights because he admitted he loves Eminem's music and listens to all of his albums (he knows the words to quite a few of the songs) and he has performed with Eminem several times, you can't invalidate all that EJ has contributed because he supports Eminem.
Honestly you just sound kind of salty that she called herself feminist and are completely ignoring what she's done for women because. I mean as people keep telling me, it's just a word that isn't defined, but yet so many people are salty that Beyonce has finally acknowledged this "word".
As I said in the other thread, there are only two things in Beyonce's life that have been consistent. Her name, and her "women rule" shtick. Feminists will continue to co-opt Beyonce's songs as their feminist anthems tho…
As devo said, it's a much better to argue whether someone is a feminist or activist. Because really all of this is "no true scotsman fallacy", like damn near textbook definition. She doesn't fit
your definition therefore she isn't is such a weak argument. Because for all we know
you don't fit Beyonce's definition.
Obviously I agree that a lot of female MCs were pioneers. I disagree with the idea that they were respected for it. They weren't. Go drop their names in Gaf-HOP if you don't believe me.
That's not proof of anything. Gaf-Hop isn't indicative of anything. It's like me saying go ask older females in the Bronx what they think of Lil Kim/Queen B, Eve, Foxy and that entire movement from the 90s. Or asking females from the south what they think of Trina. Or alternatively this is like me making a thread in OT asking females what they think. We know the answer. slut shaming out the ass. Now ask them what they think of Lady Gaga. I roll my eyes.
I'm willing to bet there will be many people on GAF-Hop who respect those females for what they did even if they think they're all shitty lyricists which is something many of them value.
Oh that dumbass, she shitted all over poor Viola in the article.
That entire article was the most painful 1960s BS I've ever read. I was going to make a thread on it but refrained mostly because I hit the character limit and didn't feel like trimming my I deleted it ha!
So that GTA thread brought up a good question. Was CJ the first black main character in a videogame? Ignoring licensed stuff with athletes, stars, etc. If so...that's pretty sad