I agree
What I mean is you don't see women going "What about the plights of Asian, Hispanic and black females? We need to start getting them in on this!" they largely don't care because their plights don't affect them. It's basically the same attitude toward black people in the US in general. That very attitude is something women of color notice almost immediately and as such they find it necessary to create their own thing. What the movement needs are these girls going "Hey look at these women of color and their movement, we need to stop excluding them and bring them in it can only make us grow". As someone in the other thread said, the complete lack of unity is hampering progress.
White Girls' Club doesn't literally mean, white people only. It means "You can totally join, but we're not here to talk about your issues, we'll get to your issues after our issues are fixed."
There are so many books published on this very thing, that women of color feel excluded from the mainstream feminist movement, so this isn't some strange foreign concept I'm talking about. This is something that many females definitely see as an issue and has been an issue since the 1960s. The fact even mainstream feminists call it "black feminism" with that modifier clearly shows there is a schism. Speaking of, there is a book you should read (I've read it several times) called "
Racism and Feminism: A Schism in the Sisterhood".
That's been a thing forever, again it's called womanism and the black feminist movement and it was directly born from black females believing that the feminist movement didn't care about them. It's been going on since 1960. Feminism and really any movement are just a look at society at large. You exclude "us" so we create our own, this is seen time and time again. Television, music stations, Hollywood, it's a never ending cycle. And almost always it involving co-opting and appropriation without inclusion. So yes, the mainstream movement might have been blasting Janet Jackson albums, but that doesn't mean it was an inclusive movement at the time. That's just nonsense. That's like saying, black music acts in the 40s/50s got spins on white radio so they were inclusive, or comic books are inclusive because of Dwayne McDuffie, or that video games are inclusive because you can name a few black developers. That isn't how it works and you know this.
You can't say mainstream feminism isn't excluding women of color then turn around and say you black feminist are speaking up and doing their own thing, they're doing that because they don't have a voice in the mainstream movement. If mainstream feminism was inclusive then there wouldn't be a need for womanism and black feminism movement.
At no point did anyone allude to Beyonce creating anything, but rather dismissing the painfully swallow argument that she isn't "down for the cause" or some half baked argument that she's "feminism lite" at the same time having the audacity to argue that feminism can't be described and is all inclusive. Just because you have a black friend doesn't absolve you of being a racist, much like just because feminist co-opt Janet Jackson's album doesn't absolve them of excluding WOC. Again WOC have been doing their thing since the 60s specifically BECAUSE they felt excluded.
And I doubt the average white feminist knows who the hell Lauryn Hill is outside of that girl in her Psych class who might have slept with her boyfriend.
The bold is just your personal dislike of Beyonce seeping through yet again as if she JUST started talking about sex. And why can't she sing about having sex with her husband? What a callous argument to put forth. As I stated in the other thread, being a feminist isn't about being anti man that so many people clearly seem to think. Being a feminist is about showing the world that women have the option to do anything a man does. Being married and singing about sex with your husband is as much the part of the movement as being single and talking about sleeping with random men. The backlash from conservative America arguing that she shouldn't be singing about that kind of stuff because it's "prude" and she's married is
exactly why she should sing about it. Why can't see talk about it? She shouldn't have to conform to the what society says women should be when it comes to sex (modest). The whole point is to break down the notion that women don't enjoy sex, that women shouldn't talk about sex with their husbands. Why not? Men talk with other men about sex with their wives all the time. Why should she be modest about it?
And stop with the oppression Olympics, one group being excluded doesn't mean the other was not. As for no one speaking for those women, unless I live under a rock. Nicki Minaj has been doing it for the last 5 years where other women have been to scared too do such. Nicki gets shitted on constantly for being open about her sexuality, whether or not she's a lesbian, for making her videos too provocative. People for years have been saying "what about the kids!" as in be more modest! It's like how dare Nicki own her sexuality, how dare she rap about riding a dick! And honestly I think conservative white women have been shitting on Nicki ALOT harder than black females have, especially young black females.
Young girls (black and white) love Nicki specifically because of how she owns her sexuality without regard for the feelings of prudes and sexists the country over. How she throws away the idea that only skinny women are beautiful, that she and female can be a "bad bitch"; why do you think so many feminine gay men love Nicki Minaj (and Beyonce) much more than say Taylor Swift? In fact you can go through the last 2 Nicki threads on GAF and see how many people are turned off by Nicki because of how open she is about her sexuality and how they think she's a bad role model and she needs to be more modest.
You honestly seem to have the mindset of those older generation conservative "feminist" who clash completely against the young generation of feminist. The old generation was about wearing men's clothes and cutting their hair like men to show men "we can do it too". The young generation is more about embracing being a female and showing that they have options to do what they want with their body. Time and time again, I see the old guard shake their fist at young women not doing what THEY see as feminism. For something people say can't be defined, people sure as hell like to try and define it.
I really need to stop double spacing after every period in a sentence.