Storm Chamber
Yeah Slayven, please go in detail

Oh dude. Yeah they even had a 'he brainwashed me with a voodoo doll!' attempt afterwards, but nobody cared about KONY anymore by then.
"Things that Dy's kids will never have to say for 100 Alex"
But then again if the debate is Beyoncé is not a feminist because she doesn't partake in feminist activism then a lot of people on planet earth wouldn't be one. Likewise a lot of people wouldn't be anti-racists despite acknowledging that racism is bad because they aren't engaging in "traditional" forms of activism to stop it.
That's why you don't let instagram/twitter dictate the meaning of words.
With how much more popular tattoos are these days, it's gonna be weird seeing all these senior citizen dudes and ladies with sleeves 40 years from now. Nowadays when I see an older dude with tattoos, I assume he was a complete badass in his youth. I remember one older dude having these real scratchy looking tattoos on his hand. Apparently his friend did them when he was in the Navy.
You guys need to get your boy Drake.
This mofo got an emoji tattoo...
"Things that Dy's kids will never have to say for 100 Alex"
Black women have been complaining about the feminist movement in the US excluding them since the 1960s. .
Make that since 1851, if Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I A Woman" speech is considered.
I don't know if all of you listen to The Black Guy who tips, on the show one of my favorite parts is called "Fucking with Black People" where they read articles and stuff about people fucking with black people. I think this GQ article is going to get a hundred.
I don't know if all of you listen to The Black Guy who tips, on the show one of my favorite parts is called "Fucking with Black People" where they read articles and stuff about people fucking with black people. I think this GQ article is going to get a hundred.
Speaking of The Black Guy Who Tips and feminism, there was a recent episode with the ladies from the Good and Terrible podcast. So, there are three black women speaking on the podcast, all three support women's rights loudly and vocally. Only one identified as a feminist.
Everyone should listen to TBGWT. Justin is my ain't shit hero.Speaking of The Black Guy Who Tips and feminism, there was a recent episode with the ladies from the Good and Terrible podcast. So, there are three black women speaking on the podcast, all three support women's rights loudly and vocally. Only one identified as a feminist.
"Things that Dy's kids will never have to say for 100 Alex"
Fuck her and her family. If they all died in a fire I wouldn't shed one tear.She can be startlingly callous about Trayvon Martin's family, about the help they've received, financial and otherwise, which she feels her family has been unfairly denied. It often seems as if she believes the Zimmermans have suffered equally, as if they have lost a son as well.
Fuck her and her family. If they all died in a fire I wouldn't shed one tear.
You know it is. They wanted the dude to be the next John Welsh.If that GQ article is accurate, that shit is just gross. What miserable people.
",,,but I understand."Fuck her and her family. If they all died in a fire I wouldn't shed one tear.
Damn JC snook the dude's family tree. What did he do?every now and then
ViewtifulJC makes me smile
JC really out here trying to get overzealous fans to snap out of their dream
Good luck
Racism isn't dead, it's a Tyrant and we have no rocket launcher
Where's that white dude when you need him?
not gonna happen. Ever, they've already got that thing locked as the greatest of all time.
Starting to see a parallel between GotG and TEW fans
I have no idea what TEW stands for.
It's such a cliche that every time someone says it, my instant reaction is they're not listening.I absolutely hate it when people say that shit. "Everything happens for a reason", I don't care if I'm down and out, don't ever say that shit to me unless you want to irritate me further.
Yeah pretty much anyone who tries to give advice in the form of cliches sort of pisses me off
Take it one day at a time.Just gotta roll with the punches man
Just gotta roll with the punches man
Take it one day at a time.
But did he lie ?Is this video old?
I remember in a recent thread someone posted something along the lines of
"Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. The trick is to learn how to avoid the ones you don't like the smell of"
Yeah pretty much anyone who tries to give advice in the form of cliches sort of pisses me off