Shonen.I'm reading BLEACH for the first time.
Decent, or nah?
Shonen.I'm reading BLEACH for the first time.
Decent, or nah?
Between having my angry black man moment at work, consoling a friend on the receiving end of gamergate/net asshole bullshit, and the constant influx of "fuck black lives" news this has been a rough week.
I might be developing a midget fetish...
.....I might be developing a midget fetish...
I might be developing a midget fetish...
Can you be angry and black in japan?
Where you been bruhWhen did midget become offensive?
When did midget become offensive?
Y'all need to get up on that Alien: Isolation.
I originally thought it would be a lot like Outlast but you can actually pick up weapons and the Alien ain't the only problem apparently, there's Android things too. I said goddamn.
Too big of a coward for first person horror games. Just watching niggas play the PT demo had me lookin over my shoulder like a mothafucka
PT was trying to murder me.Too big of a coward for first person horror games. Just watching niggas play the PT demo had me lookin over my shoulder like a mothafucka
Not really a fan of horror/survival games. Get me a Colonial Marines that doesn't suck and I'm in.
Please don't spoil A.I. The only thing I want to know is if there's other modes besides single player ? Been on media black with this and the evil with in.
I don't like games where you are damn near helpless.
Where you been bruh
I dunno, midget sounds better than little person to me
"He's a little person"
Please don't spoil A.I. The only thing I want to know is if there's other modes besides single player ? Been on media black out with this and the evil within.
Wanted to play this, but shit looks too creepy
Thankfully I didn't jump new gen just yet and decided to ride with the PC and vita....because this is the season where shit gets rough on broke pockets :/.
Gaming is only as expensive as you make it. Wait a few months and catch a sale. PC just as expensive unless you are using third-party sites or pirating.
PT was some otherworldly horseshit. Scary as whatever. I had that game on in the middle of the day, hot sun shining, neighbour kids playing outside, dog snuffling around the media room and I *still* had to take periodic breaks.
Haven't finished it yet.
Wanted to play this, but shit looks too creepy
PT was some otherworldly horseshit. Scary as whatever. I had that game on in the middle of the day, hot sun shining, neighbour kids playing outside, dog snuffling around the media room and I *still* had to take periodic breaks.
Haven't finished it yet.
Yeah it's pretty great.It's gotta be played at night man (or in a dark room). It's really creepy tho for sure, I had to quit a few times
Anybody here playing the new lord of the rings game? Hoooo it's batman:middle earth with a really fun enemy mechanic. Dark horse goty candidate
Anyone see how to get away with murder with Viola Davis. This looks to be an excellent show i just wish the entire season was on netflix. I hope netflix gets this show and drops blacklist.