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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to be juniored, but sometimes I wonder why I make topics.


Yeah last time I saw her she had lost weight and in my opinion not as hot as when she had some thickness.


Read this book, it is about that got abused by his teacher and years afterwards he has a hard to forming relationships and trusting people. Fucked him up royally. Made me think

There was a poster in the teacher thread who had himself been in a similar relationship with a teacher and it also fucked him up. Started seeing every interaction with women as them wanting to have sex, couldn't have any normal relationships with women for years, found himself shut off from emotions and freezing up when things would remind him of his abuser. Even ending a relationship because he felt like he was doing similar things to what his teacher had done with him. Completely fucked up his boundaries and literally every interaction with women he had for the next decade.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I'd abort my babies until I get a male, because I would worry about my daughter getting raped and I wouldn't have to worry about that with my son. The equality between men and women is just pointless to bring a woman into this world. All the while I'm a masochist/sub who fell in love with a dude over a voice chat on a game because I could tell by his voice that he was a sadist and willingly enjoy an unequal relationship with my Sir.

Yo. When did this happen?


[quote="Vince McMahon, post: 132600449"]I don't want to be juniored, but sometimes I wonder why I make topics.[/QUOTE] I have an idea:


There was a poster in the teacher thread who had himself been in a similar relationship with a teacher and it also fucked him up. Started seeing every interaction with women as them wanting to have sex, couldn't have any normal relationships with women for years, found himself shut off from emotions and freezing up when things would remind him of his abuser. Even ending a relationship because he felt like he was doing similar things to what his teacher had done with him. Completely fucked up his boundaries and literally every interaction with women he had for the next decade.

That story had me shook, He's actually a regular in here.

Its important people hear these stories because I know I used to be on the fistbump side when female teacher on male/female student abuse happened. But just hearing more personal stories on here and elsewhere about how these cases fucked people up, my viewpoint has completely changed. Its gross as fuck
Yo. When did this happen?

It's not unheard of (and in fact has a loooooong history for a variety of reasons, too many mouths to feed, don't want to pay dowries etc). I can't really think of anything more to say on the topic other than it happens without degenerating into a seething mass of expletives.

People suck.


No need to ban if almost every topic has fucked up people coming out of the woodworks.

Just look at some simple thread like hygiene and see how many nasty fucks say they don't shower/use soap, or don't clean their shit filled hands.

Shit like that get me shook, why would you want to go around stank all day. A few extra rounds of DOTA shouldn't be enough to stop Satch from getting soap on her hands.


The Louisiana pedo teachers thread just made me realize something about myself: No matter what you're initial reaction is to rape (consentual or not), having any kind of sexual experience at any age before at least 18 can scar you mentally and sexually, and affect how you approach every single relationship you have later in life.

So, I'm gonna mull this shit over while I'm at work, and evaluate my life at this moment. BBL...


Jesus fucking christ!

Something about the faucets having more germs than their hands. /shrug

Shit like that get me shook, why would you want to go around stank all day. A few extra rounds of DOTA shouldn't be enough to stop Satch from getting soap on her hands.

Its like, we all know that the nasty gamer/geek stereotype obviously isn't for every gamer, but shit, these dudes are out there in packs. Every time I hear about a gaming/comic/anime convention someone always mentions how much these places reek.


is a goddamn bear
There was a poster in the teacher thread who had himself been in a similar relationship with a teacher and it also fucked him up. Started seeing every interaction with women as them wanting to have sex, couldn't have any normal relationships with women for years, found himself shut off from emotions and freezing up when things would remind him of his abuser. Even ending a relationship because he felt like he was doing similar things to what his teacher had done with him. Completely fucked up his boundaries and literally every interaction with women he had for the next decade.

Made me tear up a bit. I just really fucking hate how abuse for men/boys is seen as a fucking joke or something they should be proud of.

We live in a society that glorifies sex of any kind, and this even includes rape. To most people, an orgasm is worth the years of emotional damage that follows. Makes me sick. So fucking sick.


The physical form of blasphemy
Made me tear up a bit. I just really fucking hate how abuse for men/boys is seen as a fucking joke or something they should be proud of.

We live in a society that glorifies sex of any kind, and this even includes rape. To most people, an orgasm is worth the years of emotional damage that follows. Makes me sick. So fucking sick.

It's pretty wild.

Sidebar: It's been pretty wild seeing the reaction to one of those dumbass prankster chuckleheads on youtube getting called out by a bunch of people and youtube admins as well. People champion the most ridiculous shit ever.


It's pretty wild.

Sidebar: It's been pretty wild seeing the reaction to one of those dumbass prankster chuckleheads on youtube getting called out by a bunch of people and youtube admins as well. People champion the most ridiculous shit ever.

the guys that do those "in the hood" pranks getting called out by Youtube admins?
That story had me shook, He's actually a regular in here.

Its important people hear these stories because I know I used to be on the fistbump side when female teacher on male/female student abuse happened. But just hearing more personal stories on here and elsewhere about how these cases fucked people up, my viewpoint has completely changed. Its gross as fuck

Reminds me of this video.

Pretty sure there was a gaf thread about it too. Which makes me wonder why the people who keep posting in these threads never learn.

No (I wish), one of the dudes grabbing women's asses and going, it's just a prank!

One dude pulled a "prank" where he handcuffed himself to women on the street and refused to let them go until they kissed him.


The physical form of blasphemy
SMH. "It's not sexual harassment if it's all in good fun! Boys will be boys!"

"It's just a social experiment! Why are you mad?

I have no tears for these idiots.

One dude pulled a "prank" where he handcuffed himself to women on the street and refused to let them go until they kissed him.

mind-bogglingly dumb, out of pocket, and creepy as shit. Harassment is cool, if you're making money from it!




No (I wish), one of the dudes grabbing women's asses and going, it's just a prank!

Sam Pepper, the ass grabber, may wind up in jail before it's all over. Women are coming out of the wood work to complain about his sexual assaults. He's already been investigated by the LAPD.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mortal Kombat got my boi Quan Chi

One of my favorite dudes too. He looks SO badass. I've always been a fan of him and Reptile. Reptile's old MK2 outfit in the newer MK game was so tasty.

Never understood the people that went for Scorpion or Sub-Zero. Lamest of the BMX Ninjas.


So, it turns out that I'm scheduled a bit later than expected so, here goes. DISCLAMER: This is not an attempt to one-up the guy in the Louisiana teachers thread. I just personally feel more comfortable discussing it in here, rather than that thread.

So, when I was about 6 or 7, I was raped by my cousin who is about 7 or so years my senior. At the time, I acted like I enjoyed it because I didn't want to make anyone angry. I never told anyone until later in life, and I never went through long periods of counseling. I just sort of... numbed myself to the memory.

All my life, I grew up around the shittiest male figurs that a young Black male could have... the type of guys that treat women as nothing more than sex machines and maids. In fact, my uncle was the shittiest of them all. When I ended up living with him for a bit, he would sometimes drop me off at my high school and say shit like "You should be tryin'a hit that, nephew!" whenever a relatively attractive girl or teacher walked by. He would also say shit about how women will lie about rape and how Black women would get pregnant to trap a dude in a relationship, and such. That affected my perception of women to a certain effect. I always had a bit more respect for women than any of them ever have (but that's really not saying much), but it made me think that one should always attempt to pursue a sexual relationship with a woman first and foremost, and anything else is extra and unnecessary.

I'm mentioning all of this because it whenever threads about rape come up on GAF (or whenever the topic comes up in real life), I never really know what to say, or how to feel. Part of me emphathizes with the victims, while another part of me is cynical as hell. I never really post in those threads outside of a few occasions because I don't want to get permabanned for being on the wrong side of a debate.

But when dude brought up his own history with rape and how it affects him, it had me thinking about how I interact with women and if I have some of the same issues. I have girls that are friends, but I always think about them sexually, or at least the potential for sex. For women that I'm attracted to outside of friendship, I've always toed the line between the extremems of never making my feelings known, and making myself so pushy and clingy that I push women away. Thankfully, I've had more of the former than the latter (the latter was really bad during my teenage years), but I feel that's more because I have no real idea of what would happen if I actually were to be in a relationship, and that's scary to me. My biggest fear is that I would one day turn out to be the same type of man that my mom tended to fall in love with and that I was surrounded by: abusive, deviant, and disrespectful.

And the rape affects my sexuality even to this day. I've never really had sex, and while I can joke about it and watch porn and all that like normal people, real life sexual situations are awkward for me. I never really danced at high school dances because I never wanted to be caught in an embarrasing situation. I don't go to clubs even though I kinda want to sometimes. I can't tell if women are flirting with me or not. I can't tell if a woman is interested in me or not. And it all makes me feel like shit because I feel like society pushes an idea of what a single young mlae should act like (and it's even worse within the Black community), and I don't know if I can or should act like that. I don't want to hurt anyone, or act any way that can be percieved as hurtful to anyone, so I just avoid it all together.

I don't know why I posted this. I just had to get it off my chest because that thread had me thinking, and I can't start my own thread on it, plus I feel like this post will be glanced over like most of my posts are on here so... yeah...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, if you wanted to get it off your chest and now you did, there you go. You'd be surprised at how many people have the same kind of feelings that make them kind of try to avoid situations like that as well, usually subconsciously. I know I avoid certain things but ignorance is bliss for me so even though I could dig around and find out, I'm honestly kind of scared to.

Not that I think I had a fucked up upbringing, but I can guarantee my sexuality and how I TRULY feel about people have been twisted by my past experiences - but I think most people probably did and brushed it off, never to think about it again.


Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry it happened to you. My experience is similar, although it covers a three year period of my life. You don't ever get completely over it. You don't forget what happened. At best, you learn to live with it.

Rape changes the course of a human life. I am not the person I would have been had I not experienced it. It has colored every perception I have, from dealing with authority figures, to general trust issues.

Therapy helps. It doesn't make anything go away, but it helps you trace the trauma and its effects, and once you realize that your behavior is a reaction to what happened to you, it becomes easier to modify the behavior. Knowing why you feel the way you do is half the battle.

If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me.


Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry it happened to you. My experience is similar, although it covers a three year period of my life. You don't ever get completely over it. You don't forget what happened. At best, you learn to live with it.

Rape changes the course of a human life. I am not the person I would have been had I not experienced it. It has colored every perception I have, from dealing with authority figures, to general trust issues.

Therapy helps. It doesn't make anything go away, but it helps you trace the trauma and its effects, and once you realize that your behavior is a reaction to what happened to you, it becomes easier to modify the behavior. Knowing why you feel the way you do is half the battle.

If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me.

Thanks, man.

Damn, sorry to hear that man. That's an awful experience for anyone to go through.

I ask this with all due respect and with zero intent to make you feel odd: Have you ever spoken to someone (a professional) about it?

Not really. I spoke to a few mentors about it, but nothing outside of that. I've always been leery of professional help for this or my depression because I feel like they are way too quick to push a narritive that doesn't fit you or try to push medication on you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Therapy does help, I wish the stigma about it wasn't there. I see a therapist as well and there's been a lot of personal growth, for me, and I recommend everyone try it because you might just need it - and it's legitimately important.

Your well-being is absolutely important to invest in.


The physical form of blasphemy
Sam Pepper, the ass grabber, may wind up in jail before it's all over. Women are coming out of the wood work to complain about his sexual assaults. He's already been investigated by the LAPD.

Get his hat, his clothes, his fans, his everything the fuck outta here. Good.

Damn jwill. Thanks for sharing. Sorry that happened to you man.

Vince is absolutely right about therapy. Even if you try it out once or twice, it's worth it.
So, it turns out that I'm scheduled a bit later than expected so, here goes. DISCLAMER: This is not an attempt to one-up the guy in the Louisiana teachers thread. I just personally feel more comfortable discussing it in here, rather than that thread.

So, when I was about 6 or 7, I was raped by my cousin who is about 7 or so years my senior. At the time, I acted like I enjoyed it because I didn't want to make anyone angry. I never told anyone until later in life, and I never went through long periods of counseling. I just sort of... numbed myself to the memory.

All my life, I grew up around the shittiest male figurs that a young Black male could have... the type of guys that treat women as nothing more than sex machines and maids. In fact, my uncle was the shittiest of them all. When I ended up living with him for a bit, he would sometimes drop me off at my high school and say shit like "You should be tryin'a hit that, nephew!" whenever a relatively attractive girl or teacher walked by. He would also say shit about how women will lie about rape and how Black women would get pregnant to trap a dude in a relationship, and such. That affected my perception of women to a certain effect. I always had a bit more respect for women than any of them ever have (but that's really not saying much), but it made me think that one should always attempt to pursue a sexual relationship with a woman first and foremost, and anything else is extra and unnecessary.

I'm mentioning all of this because it whenever threads about rape come up on GAF (or whenever the topic comes up in real life), I never really know what to say, or how to feel. Part of me emphathizes with the victims, while another part of me is cynical as hell. I never really post in those threads outside of a few occasions because I don't want to get permabanned for being on the wrong side of a debate.

But when dude brought up his own history with rape and how it affects him, it had me thinking about how I interact with women and if I have some of the same issues. I have girls that are friends, but I always think about them sexually, or at least the potential for sex. For women that I'm attracted to outside of friendship, I've always toed the line between the extremems of never making my feelings known, and making myself so pushy and clingy that I push women away. Thankfully, I've had more of the former than the latter (the latter was really bad during my teenage years), but I feel that's more because I have no real idea of what would happen if I actually were to be in a relationship, and that's scary to me. My biggest fear is that I would one day turn out to be the same type of man that my mom tended to fall in love with and that I was surrounded by: abusive, deviant, and disrespectful.

And the rape affects my sexuality even to this day. I've never really had sex, and while I can joke about it and watch porn and all that like normal people, real life sexual situations are awkward for me. I never really danced at high school dances because I never wanted to be caught in an embarrasing situation. I don't go to clubs even though I kinda want to sometimes. I can't tell if women are flirting with me or not. I can't tell if a woman is interested in me or not. And it all makes me feel like shit because I feel like society pushes an idea of what a single young mlae should act like (and it's even worse within the Black community), and I don't know if I can or should act like that. I don't want to hurt anyone, or act any way that can be percieved as hurtful to anyone, so I just avoid it all together.

I don't know why I posted this. I just had to get it off my chest because that thread had me thinking, and I can't start my own thread on it, plus I feel like this post will be glanced over like most of my posts are on here so... yeah...

Good that you mustered up and posted this.

That's a-lot to take in, man. Half of my family has horrible male figures. Majority of them did drugs, stole from others, and tried to fuck as much as they could. My cousin who I did some growing up with when I was younger turned into one of those guys. He is my age and I find it SO hard to relate to him. He comes around to visit every once in a while and he's always talking about his 'baby mama' and stupid shit like that, and then EVERY DAMN TIME HE COMES TO TALK TO ME he asks, "Hey, Phillip, you been getting some pussy?" It's just like, dude, do you understand that I'm not even thinking about that at the moment? I usually avoided it by saying "I guess" even though I haven't even able to get close to any women through my anxiety and ocd. And like you said, someone would always say "Aw, she just trying to get that child support though." It's just confusing how some people can think like that.

I understand why you feel that way towards women. Sometimes you just want to avoid them because you're afraid that you'll make a mistake and lose their trust. I feel this way all of the time and it's something that I need to fix. Those times where you just take a peek at a girl and they turn just to see you looking at her ass, I'll usually feel bad because I felt as if I lost her trust. It really is something that'll take some work and things like what you went through make it harder for people to completely understand.


is a goddamn bear
So, it turns out that I'm scheduled a bit later than expected so, here goes. DISCLAMER: This is not an attempt to one-up the guy in the Louisiana teachers thread. I just personally feel more comfortable discussing it in here, rather than that thread.

So, when I was about 6 or 7, I was raped by my cousin who is about 7 or so years my senior. At the time, I acted like I enjoyed it because I didn't want to make anyone angry. I never told anyone until later in life, and I never went through long periods of counseling. I just sort of... numbed myself to the memory.

All my life, I grew up around the shittiest male figurs that a young Black male could have... the type of guys that treat women as nothing more than sex machines and maids. In fact, my uncle was the shittiest of them all. When I ended up living with him for a bit, he would sometimes drop me off at my high school and say shit like "You should be tryin'a hit that, nephew!" whenever a relatively attractive girl or teacher walked by. He would also say shit about how women will lie about rape and how Black women would get pregnant to trap a dude in a relationship, and such. That affected my perception of women to a certain effect. I always had a bit more respect for women than any of them ever have (but that's really not saying much), but it made me think that one should always attempt to pursue a sexual relationship with a woman first and foremost, and anything else is extra and unnecessary.

I'm mentioning all of this because it whenever threads about rape come up on GAF (or whenever the topic comes up in real life), I never really know what to say, or how to feel. Part of me emphathizes with the victims, while another part of me is cynical as hell. I never really post in those threads outside of a few occasions because I don't want to get permabanned for being on the wrong side of a debate.

But when dude brought up his own history with rape and how it affects him, it had me thinking about how I interact with women and if I have some of the same issues. I have girls that are friends, but I always think about them sexually, or at least the potential for sex. For women that I'm attracted to outside of friendship, I've always toed the line between the extremems of never making my feelings known, and making myself so pushy and clingy that I push women away. Thankfully, I've had more of the former than the latter (the latter was really bad during my teenage years), but I feel that's more because I have no real idea of what would happen if I actually were to be in a relationship, and that's scary to me. My biggest fear is that I would one day turn out to be the same type of man that my mom tended to fall in love with and that I was surrounded by: abusive, deviant, and disrespectful.

And the rape affects my sexuality even to this day. I've never really had sex, and while I can joke about it and watch porn and all that like normal people, real life sexual situations are awkward for me. I never really danced at high school dances because I never wanted to be caught in an embarrasing situation. I don't go to clubs even though I kinda want to sometimes. I can't tell if women are flirting with me or not. I can't tell if a woman is interested in me or not. And it all makes me feel like shit because I feel like society pushes an idea of what a single young mlae should act like (and it's even worse within the Black community), and I don't know if I can or should act like that. I don't want to hurt anyone, or act any way that can be percieved as hurtful to anyone, so I just avoid it all together.

I don't know why I posted this. I just had to get it off my chest because that thread had me thinking, and I can't start my own thread on it, plus I feel like this post will be glanced over like most of my posts are on here so... yeah...

I'm so sorry. Gosh I wish there was something I could do to truly be of help, but the most I can do is provide a listening ear.

My heart goes out to you. I wish you never had to experience something so traumatizing. If therapy is an option, please look into it. You deserve to live your life to the fullest without being held back by your past.
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