I like the first episode. Viola Davis sooo good.
yeah she is awesome. I loved her character.
I like the first episode. Viola Davis sooo good.
Anyone see how to get away with murder with Viola Davis. This looks to be an excellent show i just wish the entire season was on netflix. I hope netflix gets this show and drops blacklist.
if the main dude keeps up his silly ass reactions i'm gonna need the gif wizards to get on that.
I never knew the most terrifying feeling in a game could be realistic sounding thumps in the house with a light shooting through your window.
I don't like that shit.
if the main dude keeps up his silly ass reactions i'm gonna need the gif wizards to get on that.
It was doing way to much for it's first episode but well see how it goes. Davis was killing it tho
Sis, Tumblr BEEN on it:
^Would have swore that was Bruce Leeroy
Driveclub OST sounding legit yo.
dude has a nice butt, especially riding that bike to class.
Something about him reminds me of Kermit the Frog, and for some reason that makes me really hot...
Driveclub OST sounding legit yo.
Something about him reminds me of Kermit the Frog, and for some reason that makes me really hot...
Something about him reminds me of Kermit the Frog, and for some reason that makes me really hot...
Something about him reminds me of Kermit the Frog, and for some reason that makes me really hot...
Wild JUHA BACH appeared...
That was the only black guy in Harry Potter btw
Ichigo about to come in and Worf these guys after they take out the rest of the Zero Squad.
Wild JUHA BACH appeared...
It wasn't very effective
It was super effective
Not my comment, but a damn good summation of the latest Bleach chapter. More OP characters OPing already OP characters because POWER LEVELS or some shit.
the entire time
baaha I watched the trailer for that movie on youtube the other day...
"He didn't give up, he got down."
and this scene....like whoa
I'll give this show a try since you cats are talking about it. Scandal, Grey's and Private Practice have done nothing for me.
That was the only black guy in Harry Potter btw
I'll give this show a try since you cats are talking about it. Scandal, Grey's and Private Practice have done nothing for me.
if kubo was worth a damn Uryu would be able to give Ichigo that work. and Chad could at least be Piccolo level.
Between all the TV shows, anime, manga and bad MMOs, you're just burning through entertainment options right now lol
As with every other Shonda show, I look forward to enjoying How to Get Away With Murder for exactly one season, then cursing myself for continuing to watch the melodramatic, cheesy shit it'll turn into early season 2.
As with every other Shonda show, I look forward to enjoying How to Get Away With Murder for exactly one season, then cursing myself for continuing to watch the melodramatic, cheesy shit it'll turn into early season 2.
Shonda has amazing premises for shows, and she's a great writer when she's in the "got something to prove" stage. But she's just like Ryan Murphy in that she ALWAYS gives into fan wanking and over-the-top cheese. So her shows just nosedive the second they establish themselves. Murphy gets a pass though because he tends to go for show ideas with goofier premises. Shonda will do this shit with dramas and procedurals.
Scandal's first season was HBO quality. Like, House of Cards good. But then halfway through it's 2nd season it became a complete soap and didn't look back. Olivia's only purpose now is to fuck or not fuck the President, which is really sad for the character that started this new wave of strong black females we're seeing on tv right now.
scandal was "over" when olivia dug in the trash like a crackhead to dig out the batphone.
In case anyone was curious as to my type.
Scandal was never House of Cards in any manner. Not tone, not stakes. Both are unrealistic and goofy, but House of Cards tries its damndest to "follow the rules," while Scandal embraces its foolishness and tries to dial things to 11, daring skeptics to turn away.
Looks like she'd kill you if you even mentioned another girl's name.
"Man I can't stand Katy"
*pulls knife out of your throat*
"That'll teach you to cheat on me with Katy asshole!"
Looks like she'd kill you if you even mentioned another girl's name.
"Man I can't stand Katy"
*pulls knife out of your throat*
"That'll teach you to cheat on me with Katy asshole!"
I'm ok with that
I'm about to show up and wreck shit. Done with these regular Sternitter jobbers. Science guy and childhood lovers can handle the rest.Wild JUHA BACH appeared...
It wasn't very effective
It was super effective
Not my comment, but a damn good summation of the latest Bleach chapter. More OP characters OPing already OP characters because POWER LEVELS or some shit.
Was going
the entire time