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JC how do you take screencaps on Wii-U
JC how do you take screencaps on Wii-U
Alright bayo 2 demo is the shit
Platinum and Nintendo got the juice now.
JC how do you take screencaps on Wii-U
I thought I was ready for this game. I thought I was at peak hype. I was so, so wrong. This demo has taken things beyond the impossible.
Hit home and go to i.nintendo.net/wiiu
Man, fuck Arrow, fuck Flash, fuck Man of Steel. Fuck all of that garbage. Arrow isn't good. Flash looks terrible. Man of Steel was terrible. DC has one chance with DCCU to get their shit together with live action stuff. They can go fuck themselves if they fuck it up (which I expect they will, because Snyder makes stupid ass movies).
The fuck, I only knew of the method JC posted above.
Hey, HEY. Watchmen was good, even with the somewhat off pacing.
Man, fuck Arrow, fuck Flash, fuck Man of Steel. Fuck all of that garbage. Arrow isn't good. Flash looks terrible. Man of Steel was terrible. DC has one chance with DCCU to get their shit together with live action stuff. They can go fuck themselves if they fuck it up (which I expect they will, because Snyder makes stupid ass movies).
NWA going to the the rock and roll hall of fame
To day was a good day
Man, fuck Arrow, fuck Flash, fuck Man of Steel. Fuck all of that garbage. Arrow isn't good. Flash looks terrible. Man of Steel was terrible. DC has one chance with DCCU to get their shit together with live action stuff. They can go fuck themselves if they fuck it up (which I expect they will, because Snyder makes stupid ass movies).
NWA going to the the rock and roll hall of fame
To day was a good day
Man, fuck Arrow, fuck Flash, fuck Man of Steel. Fuck all of that garbage. Arrow isn't good. Flash looks terrible. Man of Steel was terrible. DC has one chance with DCCU to get their shit together with live action stuff. They can go fuck themselves if they fuck it up (which I expect they will, because Snyder makes stupid ass movies).
Typical dingus Stro.
I think I'm ..pretty much done with Marvel. I'm sticking to DC stuff. I don't know, I am pretty sure between now and a while ago I just can't mess with Marvel anymore.
Marvel is destroying at the box-office, but in terms of TV.....lol.
Comcast was trolling my ass on Destiny last night. Each time I managed to get back in and load a zone, the entire internet would go back down again. Said fuck it and went to sleep.
I now understand the Comcast hate
thought you sold your consoles to #DaStruggle
Yea, I did, for rent. I'll be on the PS3 struggle version.
Did some things to get a GS gift card pro bono. Though I had left over in my account, but alas, I goofed.
lol why you trapping for a Gamestop gift card breh
Why you knockin that man's hustlelol why you trapping for a Gamestop gift card breh
Watching Blackish....
they really did an episode all around the nod lmao, giving out the key shit on abc now?
lol why you trapping for a Gamestop gift card breh
That Sara silverman thread
" I think I just walked into pop off"
Have yall seen it, what do you think of the ad in question
Typical dingus Stro.
I think I'm ..pretty much done with Marvel. I'm sticking to DC stuff. I don't know, I am pretty sure between now and a while ago I just can't mess with Marvel anymore.
Which on in particular?Another day, another bad Japanese PC port.
Another day, another bad Japanese PC port.
Minecraft for the vita being around the corner *crosses fingers*...I think I'm going to dust off my pc version and work on my duplex I been making.
Which game?
Final Fantasy 13
Locked at 720p
No graphics options besides "do you want this fullscreen or not?"
They giving out key fucking information. So was it "accurate"? As in theye might have a black writer on staff accurate?
Final Fantasy 13
Locked at 720p
No graphics options besides "do you want this fullscreen or not?"
It looks and feels better than I thought it would on PS4, but those microtransactions harshen my buzz a lot.
You guys were 0% kidding about Gone Girl. Whoa. I went in utterly blind (not even actors' names) and it delivered like nothing since...maybe Calvary.
Final Fantasy 13
Locked at 720p
No graphics options besides "do you want this fullscreen or not?"
Anyone know some one who wont go near a Ouija board?
I am shocked it wasn't made in the 80sCan't believe it took them this long to make ouijia the movie. You'd think there would have been 8 sequels by now
Maybe even a prequel about the carpenter who first made it
I jave more issue whith peeps in the thrrad like " I have no idea what your life is like transgender person, but you shouldn't get offended by that joke because reasons"
Which on in particular?
Anyone know some one who wont go near a Ouija board?
Anyone know some one who wont go near a Ouija board?
Final Fantasy 13
Locked at 720p
No graphics options besides "do you want this fullscreen or not?"
I prefer not to have evil spirits shmoney dancing on my corpse thank you.Anyone know some one who wont go near a Ouija board?
What is it with Japanese devs treating PC gaming like this? If they aren't completely negligent with the ports, they avoid porting it altogether.
And you'd think they would care about PC gaming given a great portion of gamers are using it. I'm really considering PC gaming myself but it's stuff like this that puts me off the idea.![]()