I meant if you go by rules just from Jesus. That's why I said a bunch of others were added on after the fact. That's what I meant, anyway. Jesus was pretty much just " Don't be a dick, don't be killing folks, don't get too weird with your bits and pieces, brah". The other rules are inherited or added after the fact.
Everything okay in here?
Apologize to me, nigga. You just implied I had an irritated vagina.
I'm seriously curious but who actually believes in God in this place?
Keep talking shit. Its cute.
Smells like thinly veiled slut shaming to me. Take that shit to OT.
Oh we moving on up.....to the east side....to a deluxe apartment...in the skyyyyy
I'm seriously curious but who actually believes in God in this place?
I said it many OTs ago.
I feel we are probably one of the most lurked threads period. Some cats are waiting in the wings to say some ill shit. But at the same time we got family out there who want nothing more then to join in and contribute to the conversation. Depends on the time of day honestly. On top of all that it has become a damn safe haven for most of us. The nonsense doesnt fly in here. But when some people come in expecting to "fuck with the bucket" they get got. Post haste.
And yeah I talk a lotta shit, but I do believe in a supreme being. I also believe in paying shit forward as well. Treat everyone with the kindness and respect that you feel YOU deserve.
I said it many OTs ago.
I feel we are probably one of the most lurked threads period. Some cats are waiting in the wings to say some ill shit. But at the same time we got family out there who want nothing more then to join in and contribute to the conversation. Depends on the time of day honestly. On top of all that it has become a damn safe haven for most of us. The nonsense doesnt fly in here. But when some people come in expecting to "fuck with the bucket" they get got. Post haste.
And yeah I talk a lotta shit, but I do believe in a supreme being. I also believe in paying shit forward as well. Treat everyone with the kindness and respect that you feel YOU deserve.
I think people would be more inclined to jump in if y'all didn't spend 75% of the thread talking about anime. But I'm just like a toad spilling coffee or whatever.
I believe in God, but I can't say I'm part of any religion.
Well, again - it doesn't affect my day or anything.
And in fact, no one is expected to be without sin. Everyone is a sinner.
The point is that those who claim to love God will make an effort to live by his rules. Of course they'll falter, but faltering is different from claiming one thing and knowingly doing the exact opposite (or again, warping God's rules to fit your behavior).
(And I'm an agnostic, to whoever was asking. Agnostic atheist, to be precise.)
I think people would be more inclined to jump in if y'all didn't spend 75% of the thread talking about anime. But I'm just like a toad spilling coffee or whatever.
I think people would be more inclined to jump in if y'all didn't spend 75% of the thread talking about anime. But I'm just like a toad spilling coffee or whatever.
Fix that damn soccer team esco, this shit turrible
I think people would be more inclined to jump in if y'all didn't spend 75% of the thread talking about anime. But I'm just like a toad spilling coffee or whatever.
If you don't care about the extras (like me) just get the regular blu-ray edition, only $50.
I'm sure that knowing that Mumei, Besada and Bish are regular contributors keeps a lot of lurkers as just that.
Well, again - it doesn't affect my day or anything.
And in fact, no one is expected to be without sin. Everyone is a sinner.
The point is that those who claim to love God will make an effort to live by his rules. Of course they'll falter, but faltering is different from claiming one thing and knowingly doing the exact opposite (or again, warping God's rules to fit your behavior).
(And I'm an agnostic, to whoever was asking. Agnostic atheist, to be precise.)
Yeah I was just going to do that now until I saw this
It's like 20 bucks more than the basic set after shipping so man fuck it
One of the issues I have with this train of thought is that no where in the 4 Canonical retellings of Jesus' life does any of the authors of those books or Jesus hint at not following the old rules or telling Jews not to follow the rules. For example, most modern Christian followers I've talked to will quote the story where Jesus saved the woman from adultery by telling her accusers to stone her to death only if none of them have sinned and all of her accusers left because none of them were without sin. They interpreted this story as Jesus saying not to follow that law or as a way to get out of following other old Testament Biblical laws that they don't want to follow, when all Jesus did was find a loop hole to get out of killing the woman. He didn't say not to follow it/stoning people to death wasn't ok. If someone there wasn't a sinner, she would have been stoned to death and Jesus would have minded his business.
Yeah I was just going to do that now until I saw this
It's like 20 bucks more than the basic set after shipping so man fuck it
The bold is almost the literal definition of what denominations are. Many people who make an effort to live by the rules in public are the same people most likely knowing and doing the exact opposite in private. Only difference is one group isn't concerned about putting on a facade to appease others. Which really is a problem with most if not all religions, people are more concerned about how other people view them and much less how view and love themselves IMO.
I understand what you're saying, I just don't see the point in judging someone for it. Let them make their own mistakes, stop being fixated on people who aren't "repping the gospel" correctly, you're going to burn yourself out because there are millions and billions like her.
I'm not saying I'm better or anything, I just having a hard time understanding why you care so much.
The bold is almost the literal definition of what denominations are. Many people who make an effort to live by the rules in public are the same people most likely knowing and doing the exact opposite in private. Only difference is one group isn't concerned about putting on a facade to appease others. Which really is a problem with most if not all religions, people are more concerned about how other people view them and much less how view and love themselves IMO.
I don't think it's fair to call that a "problem with all religions" since I don't think it's something exclusive to religion. You see that in any social institution in both the macro and micro levels.
It's just basic human social behavior to worry about appearances.
Well, shit....
I need this
Read my previous well written but ignored by everyone post. I pretty much say it's a human trait. The problem is, the entire point of religion is to be above such pettiness but you often find it manifests itself most in religion for that very reason.
Read my previous well written but ignored by everyone post. I pretty much say it's a human trait. The problem is, the entire point of religion is to be above such pettiness but you often find it manifests itself most in religion for that very reason.
Well again - it doesn't affect my day. Furthermore it applies to all religious hypocrisy. I'm not judging any of them, per-se (though I did call my friend out for his hypocrisy just recently), and I'm not saying I'm better (in terms of being totally free from hypocrisy).
I'm just saying that it's jarring, because it's total nonsense. Like... talk about it, be about it. Especially because we both know those same people are gonna go back and talk about homosexuality or some other shit being wrong because "God said so."
EDIT: I don't know if the edit is about me, but I totally put "hoe" in quotation marks in my first response and said that I'm not remotely religious.
Yeah I was just going to do that now until I saw this
It's like 20 bucks more than the basic set after shipping so man fuck it
Read my previous well written but ignored by everyone post. I pretty much say it's a human trait. The problem is, the entire point of religion is to be above such pettiness but you often find it manifests itself most in religion for that very reason.
I think people would be more inclined to jump in if y'all didn't spend 75% of the thread talking about anime. But I'm just like a toad spilling coffee or whatever.
That wasn't really a serious suggestion.
I think the primary purpose of religion has always been to explain the unknown. Especially the meaning of human life and death and to give guidelines for what it means to be a good person in our society.
I don't really think that "pettiness" is any more prevalent in Religion in comparison to any other social institution, but I think that the more antiquated and unnatural ideals people are expected to adhere to as religious figures might contribute to that perception.(Sexual orientation and abstinence)
You know how it is after church on Sunday while the family sitting around for a meal. We get a little into the discussion. This is just a "past the rolls" moment. Its all good.
I'm sorry sis
I posted this, sorry to you, Devo or anyone who may have thought this all too succinct rant was directed specifically at women. It was supposed to be more of an indictment on people who do everything in their power to spit in the face of God, but claim to put him first and foremost in their lives. It's the kind of hypocrisy I can't stand, having been raised Christian I at one point actually made an effort to be closer to God, and be Christ like. I don't like that sort of dishonesty, If someone were to acknowledge that they are not perfect but show some semblance of effort towards being a better person(whatever that is), then I respect that.
I understand what you're saying, However, it's worth noting that some people (in regards to religion) really don't know any better. I've come to see that as well as people running to religion to escape faults within themselves.
Religion is a strange thing, and what people do with it is even stranger to me.
Shit, I live in Japan and am just now catching up on anime from 3-4 years ago.
Good stuff is always shown late night
Shit, I live in Japan and am just now catching up on anime from 3-4 years ago.
Good stuff is always shown late night
I think just about anyone can be really into god but unless you're a monk I'm not really going to believe any "god first" crap.
Also that sexually pure crap wasn't even followed by popes back in the day, it was out of date the moment it was written brehs.