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The Black Culture Thread |OT8| Hands Up, Don't Shoot

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Saw Gone Baby.

She's fuckin nuts.

Gimme my ascendant shard or whatever and lets keep it moving. Xur sells exotics every weekend and once you level up a faction legendaries don't mean much.

It's cool if you're already planning to test out the other classes cause you get a bit of a bump, but for me, I'd rather get my ascendant shards since my character still needs tons of it.

Have to agree. I have 2 Exotics, all Legendary gear aside from my Fusion Rifle (Pocket Infinity in progress), and I just need tons of Shards to finish upgrading, the actual leveling is finished.
Just have to keep going--the factions make it easier, but even the Cryptarch can give you items once he levels, the Nightfall Strike, PvP will all give you stuff.

I complained too, it just takes some people longer than others.


Wut? Dudes amazing. Refreshingly detached and realist thought process

Dudes gonna be the goat of the reboot series after its all done

Eh, I dunno I'm just not buying him. Peter's portrayal just seems so...labored. Although I'll admit, Matt Smith was always going to be a tough act to follow. Dude was a fantastic Doctor.

Eh, I hope they 1-season him.
WTH Sinbad put out a new comedy album this year (have yet to listen to it)

Brain Damaged is still one of my favorite stand ups ever. The first few minutes had me dying the first time I saw it... Him having to reintroduce himself, to bringing out some dudes in power ranger outfits to do a dance set, the Keef Sweat impression. Etc
I wanna make a game.

That's what all this is from, the game I want to make. Teala is a magical girl....

Actually, does anyone care? Because it's a bit to type up, but I don't wanna waste time if no one cares.

I'm so far from that, it's not even funny. Plus, I'm a nobody. ^^;

I'm late because I was asleep but I care!
I actually have aspirations towards making a game myself but I'm WAY behind where you are.

EDIT: About Doctor Who, I have no problem with Peter Capaldi but I think the writers have started to believe their own hype. This season has just felt like a rehash of old ideas with a Doctor who says he's clever but seems incapable of demonstrating that.


Eh, I dunno I'm just not buying him. Peter's portrayal just seems so...labored. Although I'll admit, Matt Smith was always going to be a tough act to follow. Dude was a fantastic Doctor.

Eh, I hope they 1-season him.

Hell no, Capaldi is fantastic.
*wakes up, sees Bayonetta 2 thread, peaks in at 90 metacritic*


GOTY for me and the 12 other good taste having mothafuckas who buy it


I just rode my bike to work in the rain, only to think we ain't work today because of indigenous peoples day.

Turns out the opener is just sick, and I found this out as soon as I got back home, so now I gotta ride my black ass back in the rain in 2 hours.


A) It completely confounds me the Gamers Gate is still a thing. Like at the very beginning, when it looked like there may have been an issue of journalistic integrity at stake, I could understand how there could be a controversy at hand. Once that was essentially debunked, the thought processes of many involved became completely alien to me. As in I literally couldn't understand what they were talking about or why they were mad. Why is this still a thing? I don't get it O_O

B) I feel I'm in an awkward place with regards to religion. I was born and raised Catholic and I still consider myself to be a God fearing man but I've definitely drifted further and further aware from the organized aspect to the dismay of many of my family members. I feel like my time is oft better spent getting more sleep or doing more work than going to Church. Sometimes when I actually get my butt into the seat I leave feeling kind of happy and "good" so to speak but I feel a lot of that is due in part to the spectacle (singing is fun even if I'm bad at it) and also in part to fulfilling an "obligation".

Sermons range from "well no shit, though it's nice of you to say so" and "I feel uncomfortable because what you're saying makes sense in 1950 but doesn't now even if I know you mean well". Have empathy, "Golden Rule", etc. are pretty simple and good ways to live your life. I feel I have that part mostly covered. Aside from the occasional church street fair with lots of good food, I don't feel like most Church communities have much to offer me. There are of course swell people involved that I interact with but the spending hours of my week in a Church doesn't seem like the most efficient use of my time.

I'm curious as to how my feelings may change in the face of tragedy though. My aunt's brain cancer has come back after 20 years and we are all scared for her. I wish for nothing more than a complete and full recovery but having been so "negligent" in my "churchly duties" it feels like going to Church for it would be the definition of a fairweather Christian. Logically, I understand saying some words at the side of my bed isn't going to have any effect on cancer cells but at the same time I feel like I would be failing her if I didn't at least try. God forbid things turn south, I know I'd feel guilty (regardless of whether or not I should) if I didn't turn up my Church appearances and prayers.

C) Speaking of work, I feel like I'm having a hard time getting motivated. I feel like even after relatively full nights of sleep, the energy leaves my body super quick and its SUPER easy for me to get distracted nowadays. When push comes to shove, I know I can and have many times in the past done insane amounts of work (I'm a PHD candidate in Biology/Vertebrate Paleontology) in short periods of time but getting myself in a mood to actually do so can be so very hard. The worst is when I get into a cycle - I plan to get X work done by Y time > don't get as much done or do it as well as are up to my standards > feel bad about myself for these personal failings > makes it harder for me to feel good about myself or energize about myself to do the actual work > repeat.

When I'm teaching (I teach anatomy at the local medical school - it always makes me nervous but there is no better feeling that getting to help people in this regard), talking science with my peers or even trying to interpret data I feel energized but when I have to sit for hours in front of my computer running statistics or in a library looking up papers from 100 years ago or even trying to keep abreast of the newest stuff that get put out I oft feel like I want to bash my head against a wall. These fluctuations in energy and motivation are annoying and a bit worrying as in a few years I'll be in full CAREER mode and I feel like I need to have already gotten this shit knocked out of me but I don't yet. I wonder how much of this is due to being a bit "stuck" on this part of my Thesis project and if I'll feel better once I get this paper I'm working on actually published.

What are things people generally do to help themselves feel motivated? I think these fluctuations in motivation are affecting my self-esteem and also how well I'm able to sell myself to other people and I need to figure this/me out.

D) Talking to women I know "nothing can happen with" is the easiest thing in the word. Talking to women where there's a "chance" something can happen always feels X times more taxing. I know that's all on me; I wish I could be more natural about it. I think in general I'm just bad at transitioning normal, natural conversations into "so do you want to go out?". I'm also not the type of guy to really even have those sorts of emotions without prolonged exposure to someone. I feel like I should have already become good at this by this point in my life but I never did and now I'm just way behind the curve so to speak.

I hope this isn't spammy or that I don't come to regret posting this. Just some of the recent topics in here prompted me to talk about some topics that had been on my mind recently

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've got a couple pals on Twitter that make shitty and worthless jokes trying to make fun of gamergate, but I understand they just want more followers, that's why they tweet about it.

Ignore gamergate and it goes away.


The physical form of blasphemy
This shit is dope:
cacophony said:

Gaf hop saving rainy Mondays.

The feels when you wake up to discover a water main has busted.

Sucks man.

And it didn't cost half a billion dollars to make. I wonder how they pulled that off.

It's a mystery to us all.

My game of the year comes out tomorrow


Psych your mind, make your booty shine. Borderlands 2.5

Impressions when you get that shit plz.

Damn Bayonetta! That's one hell of a beautiful score! :D

Christmas can't come soon enough.

It's gonna be the prettiest bomb ever. :(


Was this to you? Yo damn.


Good post I saw

Really good post. I saw the discrepancy right away when I was just starting college. We had a first semester that was like high school: most of us in all of the same first-year courses. It was a very diverse group. A few white guys from working class neighborhoods were quickly doing okay for themselves as school progressed, whereas I and minority friends were struggling to balance school and work (or even find work). One of the former, who was kind of a dummy, dropped out after a semester to go back to community college in his area and work a nice job through friends/family connections. He was doing well for himself years before I was. They all were, regardless of how poor their grades and and how much goofing off they did. Generations of white privilege were waiting to help them.

I know that feeling of thinking everything I have now could be gone tomorrow, and that I'll be poor again, at any moment. I had a coworker walk away from a well-paying job after only being here a few years... to go backpacking in South America. People up and leave, with no job lined up, if they don't get along well with someone. Take some "time off" and "freelance" on the side like your livelihood is a casual hobby. That's how carefree and expectant some white people can be of nice jobs waiting for them whenever they get back in the "mood" to do serious work again. I'd say practically everyone around me here is like that. Take a few years to go to school and BS around, then hop back into another nice job. Absolutely no fear of sinking into economic hardship, that lackadaisical life decisions will slip them into poverty similar to to the poor brown people in the same city. The sense of entitlement has been tremendous and alienating.

My job... I'm equipped to move to others like it, yet guard mine like it's the last one.
*wakes up, sees Bayonetta 2 thread, peaks in at 90 metacritic*


GOTY for me and the 12 other good taste having mothafuckas who buy it

Buying the game at launch and will get a WiiU during winter break. This game looks like it may surpass the holy trinity of action games especially if there are more human sized bosses.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I don't blame you. Gotta check motherfuckers when they get a dumb idea.
A) I hope this isn't spammy or that I don't come to regret posting this. Just some of the recent topics in here prompted me to talk about some topics that had been on my mind recently
No problem, speak your mind whenever you like.
This shit is dope: Gaf hop saving rainy Mondays.

Was this to you? Yo damn.
That track you shared is excellent, I'm not subbed to GAF hop, thanks for dropping a link in here. Nah it's not me, just something I saw on imgur that was too good not to share.


There is something about Bayonetta that makes dudes feel a certain way.

That whole sexualization thread...standard procedure.

It's because you can't plug her neatly into the binary "sex = bad vs sex = good" narrative. For some reason, this results in her making some people extremely uncomfortable.

We have all these games that feature sexualization in spades with skimpy armor and the like, and those are easy for folks. But then one game comes out with a character that throws that shit into your face and owns it and people don't really know how to take it.


I am still fucking confused about Gamergate. I was going to read that article explaining it, but then decided not to give a fuck. I have a headache form other shit already.


Formerly Momotaro
It's because you can't plug her neatly into the binary "sex = bad vs sex = good" narrative. For some reason, this results in her making some people extremely uncomfortable.

We have all these games that feature sexualization in spades with skimpy armor and the like, and those are easy for folks. But then one game comes out with a character that throws that shit into your face and owns it and people don't really know how to take it.

True. I was half-joking in that thread, but I mentioned that we'll never get a Black Lagoon-esque game due to this. If people can't take Bayo, they won't be ready for someone like Revy.

spent 30 minutes watching gamergates videos on youtube. now i hate people

Why would you punish yourself like this.


There is something about Bayonetta that makes dudes feel a certain way.

That whole sexualization thread...standard procedure.

I knew as soon as I saw the blurb from Gies' review that people would be going in on him and his opinion.

People really hate that dude.


I am still fucking confused about Gamergate. I was going to read that article explaining it, but then decided not to give a fuck. I have a headache form other shit already.

I think that is the best route. I watched Boogie's video and was just sad. And proved to me that 99% of people that mention feminist on the internet don't know what the word means.


So fox just fearmongered the shit out of jacksonville.


Ebola case in jacksonville

Man was screened and didn't have it aka nonstory

If there was an issue the hold a fucking presser


is a goddamn bear
Personally, I do see Bayonetta as an empowered woman. I think she's a great female character for the industry so that people can see there's a difference between waifus who exist to be sexualized and fapped over and a sexy woman who is without a doubt sexualized but she takes charge with it and feels empowered.

Kamiya himself wants her to be seen as a woman in control of her sexuality. This is interesting because recently there was discussion over should women who work at Hooters feel empowered. Bayonetta would fit in with this topic because it all comes down to, "women who like to flaunt their sexuality can and do feel empowered by it".

This is something a lot of people aren't comfortable with but too bad. A woman (in this case Bayonetta) who owns her sex appeal is not gross, being objectified or slutty. She's empowered. If she wasn't comfortable being sexualized, then she would be a problematic character. Bayonetta, is not.


Formerly Momotaro
Personally, I do see Bayonetta as an empowered woman. I think she's a great female character for the industry so that people can see there's a difference between waifus who exist to be sexualized and fapped over and a sexy woman who is without a doubt sexualized but she takes charge with it and feels empowered.

Kamiya himself wants her to be seen as a woman in control of her sexuality. This is interesting because recently there was discussion over should women who work at Hooters feel empowered. Bayonetta would fit in with this topic because it all comes down to, "women who like to flaunt their sexuality can and do feel empowered by it".

This is something a lot of people aren't comfortable with but too bad. A woman (in this case Bayonetta) who owns her sex appeal is not gross, being objectified or slutty. She's empowered. If she wasn't comfortable being sexualized, then she would be a problematic character. Bayonetta, is not.

Good post.

Though it makes me wonder, what would things be like if Bayonetta were a black woman?
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