Wait. Are we the neogaf popo?
Not exactly, I'm sure other subsects of GAF put things that need to be said to the forefront, but the amount of posters in here make me more comfortable speaking out about things like this on the forum.
Wait. Are we the neogaf popo?
boring ass questons I wish people would stop trying to shove into my superman stories. Nobody cares. Fuck, Superman, just stop being such a super-bore.
Sounds like an OT title to me.I gotta say, "all that matters is that ass" are epic final words.
Seems to me like that cat gave an honest answer to the question in the OP. The OP that asked for honesty and stressed that there were no 'wrong' answers. Kinda messy.I gotta say, "all that matters is that ass" are epic final words.
No, but informants do get to ride in the car and play with the sirens.Wait. Are we the neogaf popo?
Seems to me like that cat gave an honest answer to the question in the OP. The OP that asked for honesty and stressed that there were no 'wrong' answers. Kinda messy.
No, but informants do get to ride in the car and play with the sirens.
Super-whore. Think about it.
Also, did you know dude who draw Supes used to draw a porno version? Same deal with Archie comics.
Was going to post images and then I realized how bad an idea that was 😅
What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to say HERCULES fits the KH style but THOR does not?
Young guy, unsatisfied with his life, wants to go off on an adventure. At the beginning of his adventure, he gains a legendary blade, then boards a ship, and, along the way, gains mastery over his legendary weapon and learns new, mystical abilities, gains more and more friends and allies, from whom he gets separated, and is later reunited with them, several times over due to various circumstances. His adventure requires him to save the princess and the universe from the forces of darkness, culminating in a battle with the big bad villain, bent on controlling the universe and attaining ultimate power, who, at one point in his past, also wielded a mystical blade, much like the one our young hero wields...
Am I talking about Kingdom Hearts or Star Wars Rebels?
I gotta say, "all that matters is that ass" are epic final words.
Marvel and Star Wars for Kingdom Hearts!
http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=134311991I want parts of marvel but not all of it.
I want Dr. Strange to teach me magic in kh3
Namura pls
I want parts of marvel but not all of it.
I want Dr. Strange to teach me magic in kh3
Namura pls
Yes they are. People just aren't buying. That's why devs aren't trying any harder than they already are.
This is an entertainment industry. There's no moral imperitive for equal representation of genders or races or creeds. If it allows a company to increase their consumer base, then sure, do it.
almost every FF character knows magicka.
It's pretty sick how so many people over at gaming side (and well people almost everywhere) think any sort of criticism about race and gender issues in gaming is some sort of political agenda, whatever that means.
That thread linked earlier especially has some posts where it'd be clearer for them just to get straight to their point "video games are for white guys, leave us alone".
Marvel and Star Wars for Kingdom Hearts!
Posting the Supes slander from your mighty mod account? I see you, my nigga. ThOught you were real.REIGUN I'M SORRRRRRRRRRY
I'd rather they just created a new serries or rebooted kingdom hearts before tackling something like that. Kingdom Hearts story is as, incredibly stupid and convoluted.
That's an interesting way to be wrong.
So, because I am clearly insane, I just watched Maleficent. I can only imagine the planning sessions for this movie went a little like this:
So, because I am clearly insane, I just watched Maleficent. I can only imagine the planning sessions for this movie went a little like this:
That's how we end up with gamergaters.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if we had a large infestation here, only some of them know to keep it low-key.
Dracula Untold is awful. L.A. Confidential is dope as fuck.
So, because I am clearly insane, I just watched Maleficent. I can only imagine the planning sessions for this movie went a little like this:
I could have told you about the last one. Is it coming back to theatres or something.
Angelina is fine as all hell. That movie was awful.
There once was a man who made jeans. He made the jeans by hand, as he had done all his life. He put his heart and soul into his work. Sometimes customers came into his store wanting to buy shirts. He politely told them that he did not make shirts, because he did not have experience with them and he felt he could not make them to the quality his customers expected. This offended the people who wanted to buy shirts, so they decided to sue the jean maker, and protest and boycott him. The jean maker soon went out of business, and lost all he owned. Now he walks the cold streets as the leaves fall about him, and fears the long winter to come. He puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans to keep them warm, and there is a faint flicker of a smile because he made those jeans with his own hands. But somewhere in the distance he hears someone whisper "shirt hater" and the smile fades away, and the jean maker walks into the thickening fog, and the figure loses itself in the gloom.
Yeah, those accents were... something. I was about to say I wasn't sure what they were thinking when they decided that was a good idea, but:
Also, it felt more like I was watching a film about Angelina Jolie in a Maleficent costume than Maleficent.
EDIT: DreamDrop, I never took you for a crazy person.
The Evil Within is neat
Turn on BET to see the hip hop awards
Turn off tv
Ill see you coons another time
Turn on BET to see the hip hop awards
Turn off tv
Ill see you coons another time
I'm kinda glad I never posted my GTAV should have had a female protagonist article here. People would have flipped shit.
I remember thinking that too. Lady Crime Boss could be dope
I remember thinking that too. Lady Crime Boss could be dope
I'm kinda glad I never posted my GTAV should have had a female protagonist article here. People would have flipped shit.
I'm an idiot, BCT. I got some creampuffs out of the freezer not too long ago to thaw, and I just checked back up on them to grab some.
They're fucking chicken nuggets.
Is it possible to be sexually frustrated, but about food? Because that's the emotion I'm feeling right now.
"Well I mean, why do they have to make a character to cater to them? Just let them make the game and stop whining."
boom thats how that thread would go
Turn on BET to see the hip hop awards
Turn off tv
Ill see you coons another time
Turn on BET to see the hip hop awards
Turn off tv
Ill see you coons another time