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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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I walked out of Nighrcrawler

I don't remember the last time I was so pissy over such a shitty ending that it make me dislike the entire movie. God I was pissed leaving the theater. And I felt like that ending was coming as soon as the final scene started. I leaned over and said, "This better not be the ending". And then it ended and I was like, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS. There was a palpable air of....


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How cute. My little sister is 14 and she heard Earth Wind & Fire on the radio (After the Love is Gone) and now she's asking me about their other songs.

She's got such great taste. <3

Get her a vinyl copy of All 'n All and make her listen, and stare at the album art for years like I did as a kid


About the same probability of Naruto GT


Bleach doesn't do as well as naruto or one peice

At all

Kishimoto decided to end Naruto

Ending bleach was a jump descion, that he is in fact dragging out.

Japanese comic book publishers seem to be super lenient, HxH and berserk would have been canned by now.

Bleach doesn't do as well as naruto or one peice

At all

Kishimoto decided to end Naruto

Ending bleach was a jump descion, that he is in fact dragging out.

Japanese comic book publishers seem to be super lenient, HxH and berserk would have been canned by now.

I honestly doubt Jump ending Bleach is their decision. Seems like it would be the other way around.
Ehh, The Force Awakens isn't too bad. Attack of the Clones isn't even bad
if you can separate the title from the piece of shit film...

I don't remember the last time I was so pissy over such a shitty ending that it make me dislike the entire movie. God I was pissed leaving the theater. And I felt like that ending was coming as soon as the final scene started. I leaned over and said, "This better not be the ending". And then it ended and I was like, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS. There was a palpable air of....

Strobogo, that has made me go from "0 interest" to "now I have to see this film" in record time.


what is nightcrawler?

A movie about a big worm that falls in love with the local news team.

Man, why?

Because the movie was bullshit, ridiculous, and had ZERO resolution to even a single plot point in the movie. It was a hamfisted critique of the news media more than anything else, and by having the station runner be complicit with the sociopath main character, it implies that she and the media by extension are just as bad. By airing RIDICULOUS shit that was obviously illegally obtained and likely illegal to air. Shit that you can't even justify in a movie if it isn't a parody. And then it just drops every single plot point with no resolution for a bullshit non-ending. SPOILERS FOR THIS SHIT:

Our main character murders a security guard in the opening moments of the movie just to steal his watch. No consequences.

Main character crosses police tape of an active crime scene, rearranges things in the house, steals mail, and takes it to the TV studio. The manager allows it even though it is clearly illegal footage and she's advised against it.

Main character cuts the breaks to his main competitor's van, which crashes, and he just happens to be there filming the dude's death. No consequences. Not even mentioned again.

Main character gets to a home invasion before the cops do. He records the murderers leaving the house, then goes in to film the dead people, including one who was still alive that he left to die. The footage is aired moments before airtime with the victims unidentified and faces blurred. Also illegal footage and far too graphic to be aired. He edited out the footage of the killers leaving and the guy still alive. Cops question him about it, think he's shady, but it is completely dropped.

Main character forces the station manager into a sexual relationship or else he will take his footage to other networks. It is implied that he might rape her if she doesn't do what he asks the next time they are together. She seemed to have little issues with it after the first encounter.

Main character uses footage of the killers to track them and follows them to a restaurant, where he calls the cops, knowing they wouldn't go in gently, so as to get better footage. He threatens to murder his assistant, who wants nothing to do with it. It turns into a shoot out, with 4 innocent people being killed, a cop dying, a high speed car chase with much damage. Main character then intentionally gets his assistant killed by one of the murders because he was offended by assistant's bargaining techniques (one he used frequently through out the film himself). He then records his assistant dying. Police question him. Nothing comes of it. The movie just ends with him continuing to do what he does.

Nothing in the movie has any consequences. The main character gets away with EVERYTHING. Every plot thread is dropped. Also, the music was wildly inappropriate and sounded more in line with something out of Anchorman.

Fuck Nightcrawler.

Trying to take sole possession of the ain't shit crown?

Nightcrawler ain't shit.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Stro you must have found Everclear after all. That ending was good, and realistic. Consider this: circumstantial evidence is bunk, only television like CSI and Law & Order end with justice. Plus I don't understand why you are so mad, there wasn't anything to tie up, it was a case study in fuckery. I didn't have any lingering or burning questions going out, it just was what it was.

I didn't interpret the opening as the MC murdering the security guard, we don't know what happens, my interpretation was that he just knocked him unconscious which is morally repugnant but hardly a loose end.
Dawg, you know that shit's never gonna end. Same as Hunter x Hunter.

And if they do get endings, they won't be satisfying.

So.. you plan to obtain immortality someday...

Damn HxH is never going to get the ending it's built to have.
I have no control, even over my own will.
I walked out of Nighrcrawler
That's an L.


Stro you must have found Everclear after all. That ending was good, and realistic. Consider this: circumstantial evidence is bunk, only television like CSI and Law & Order end with justice. Plus I don't understand why you are so mad, there wasn't anything to tie up, it was a case study in fuckery. I didn't have any lingering or burning questions going out, it just was what it was.

I have no control, even over my own will.
That's an L.

I did not find Everclear and I wasn't drinking before, during, or after the movie. Jake G was good. Rene Russo was good and hot. Everything else was trash.



Bleach doesn't do as well as naruto or one peice

At all

Kishimoto decided to end Naruto

Ending bleach was a jump descion, that he is in fact dragging out.

Japanese comic book publishers seem to be super lenient, HxH and berserk would have been canned by now.

My impression is that this is super far from the truth. Togashi has already made Jump millions of dollars with Yu Yu Hakusho and other properties and Hunter x Hunter is pretty damn popular still in Japan. When you add up the fact that he's married to the creator of SAILOR MOON the man is rolling in cash. So Jump cuts him slack because he's already made them millions of dollars and he's a super rich man who is married to a super rich woman. Nobody on any side of the equation gives a fuck. I assume its a similar deal with Miura - rich author, series that's still popular, he's already made his employers lots of money etc.

It would be the same thing if Toriyama ever decided he wanted to do a new, long running shonen in Jump. He's made them so much money, and still does, that he could probably turn in chapters of a new series filled with nothing but scribbles and with his shit smeared on them and he'd be given a free pass. You know Oda is getting the same deal if he finishes One Piece before he dies and decides to do a new series.

If you're a starting no-name author or only one with medium success so far you aren't getting the same slack. Lots of promising series have been cut short in their time due to not being popular enough.
Didn't even get the ending of Nightcrawler. I felt I knew everything I needed to know about him from the first ten minutes, and he was just never scary or interesting. Went home and watched King of Comedy instead, was much better.


My impression is that this is super far from the truth. Togashi has already made Jump millions of dollars with Yu Yu Hakusho and other properties and Hunter x Hunter is pretty damn popular still in Japan. When you add up the fact that he's married to the creator of SAILOR MOON the man is rolling in cash. So Jump cuts him slack because he's already made them millions of dollars and he's a super rich man who is married to a super rich woman. Nobody on any side of the equation gives a fuck. I assume its a similar deal with Miura - rich author, series that's still popular, he's already made his employers lots of money etc.

It would be the same thing if Toriyama ever decided he wanted to do a new, long running shonen in Jump. He's made them so much money, and still does, that he could probably turn in chapters of a new series filled with nothing but scribbles and with his shit smeared on them and he'd be given a free pass. You know Oda is getting the same deal if he finishes One Piece before he dies and decides to do a new series.

If you're a starting no-name author or only one with medium success so far you aren't getting the same slack. Lots of promising series have been cut short in their time due to not being popular enough.

I can buy that.


bitch I'm taking calls.
You missed the best parts of the film JC, but to each his own. King of Comedy is indeed good.

I didn't see Nightcrawler as a good vs evil movie, where there has to be direct consequences and morals. If anything, it was the opposite of that. Shoving a mirror into the ugly shit that goes on behind the scenes and how our society is training sociopaths to thrive based on our wants and desires. It was like Gone Girl in that it was merely a vehicle for fuckery to be displayed. There are a ton of other movies that conclude with a nice, neat ending in which everyone bad is punished and the good guys get to high five. They also have portions where suspension of disbelief is strained, so I don't really see that as a unique criticism.
Also, I kinda liked them ditching the Ep.7 from the Star Wars title, just as a branding tool. They got creators making Star Wars films every year, they don't want to make JJ Abrams film look so much more important than the spin-offs by Josh Trank or whoever.


You missed the best parts of the film JC, but to each his own. King of Comedy is indeed good.

I didn't see Nightcrawler as a good vs evil movie, where there has to be direct consequences and morals. If anything, it was the opposite of that. Shoving a mirror into the ugly shit that goes on behind the scenes and how our society is training sociopaths to thrive based on our wants and desires. It was like Gone Girl in that it was merely a vehicle for fuckery to be displayed. There are a ton of other movies that conclude with a nice, neat ending in which everyone bad is punished and the good guys get to high five. They also have portions where suspension of disbelief is strained, so I don't really see that as a unique criticism.

I saw it as a bunch of bullshit and hallow critique of the television media and an unfocused story with no consequences or resolution to ANYTHING. The ending reeked of, "Well, we're at about 2 and a half hours in, we should end this". At some points, it feels like you should start to live through Nightcrawler's life, as he is shown to be driven, determined, gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it, is his own boss, gets the cool car, gets the girl, gets paid.


My impression is that this is super far from the truth. Togashi has already made Jump millions of dollars with Yu Yu Hakusho and other properties and Hunter x Hunter is pretty damn popular still in Japan. When you add up the fact that he's married to the creator of SAILOR MOON the man is rolling in cash. So Jump cuts him slack because he's already made them millions of dollars and he's a super rich man who is married to a super rich woman. Nobody on any side of the equation gives a fuck. I assume its a similar deal with Miura - rich author, series that's still popular, he's already made his employers lots of money etc.

It would be the same thing if Toriyama ever decided he wanted to do a new, long running shonen in Jump. He's made them so much money, and still does, that he could probably turn in chapters of a new series filled with nothing but scribbles and with his shit smeared on them and he'd be given a free pass. You know Oda is getting the same deal if he finishes One Piece before he dies and decides to do a new series.

If you're a starting no-name author or only one with medium success so far you aren't getting the same slack. Lots of promising series have been cut short in their time due to not being popular enough.

Kishi is getting that treatment too if he ever decides to start that mafia manga he's been talking about forever. Kubo may as well; Bleach's popularity has dipped, but it was raking in cash when it was in its prime.

Also, I kinda liked them ditching the Ep.7 from the Star Wars title, just as a branding tool. They got creators making Star Wars films every year, they don't want to make JJ Abrams film look so much more important than the spin-offs by Josh Trank or whoever.
I get that, but at the same token, Abrams films are being billed as "the new trilogy." They're going to be viewed as more important regardless.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I saw it as a bunch of bullshit and hallow critique of the television media and an unfocused story with no consequences or resolution to ANYTHING. The ending reeked of, "Well, we're at about 2 and a half hours in, we should end this". At some points, it feels like you should start to live through Nightcrawler's life, as he is shown to be driven, determined, gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it, is his own boss, gets the cool car, gets the girl, gets paid.
I thought there was more to it than just the critique of television media. Consider JG's character at the start of the movie, him asking for a job, the types of things he does to try and make ends meet, everything about his manufactured "personality", what he says versus what he means etc. Him taking the watch is a metaphor in of itself. Your last sentence in the post I quoted above encapsulates part of it. He sees those attributes and commodities as the measure of success but anyone with even the slightest sense of morality can see he is an irredeemably awful person.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn HxH is never going to get the ending it's built to have.

What do you mean? It already got it. Gon found his dad.

That's why the story has shifted to the other protagonist's perspectives with Kurapica and Leorio. Gon and Killua's story has ended. Time to wrap up Kurapica's revenge story
What do you mean? It already got it. Gon found his dad.

That's why the story has shifted to the other protagonist's perspectives with Kurapica and Leorio. Gon and Killua's story has ended. Time to wrap up Kurapica's revenge story

I'm sorry clearly this is what I fooled myself into wanting. Yeah I know Gon & lazy dad is done but but I want to see new world ish.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sorry clearly this is what I fooled myself into wanting. Yeah I know Gon & lazy dad is done but but I want to see new world ish.


I think that'll happen eventually.

I don't think hunter is as hopeless as berserk or anything. It really just needs one more good arc to wrap itself up

I'd honestly be more worried about One Piece


I thought there was more to it than just the critique of television media. Consider JG's character at the start of the movie, him asking for a job, the types of things he does to try and make ends meet, everything about his manufactured "personality", what he says versus what he means etc. Him taking the watch is a metaphor in of itself. Your last sentence in the post I quoted above encapsulates part of it. He sees those attributes and commodities as the measure of success but anyone with even the slightest sense of morality can see he is an irredeemably awful person.

As a character study, it sucked because everything there is to know about the character is established in the first ten minutes. There is no change. No growth. No regression. I felt Rene Russo's character was far more interesting and the movie would have been better focused on her with JG in the main supporting character role.

But at the end of the movie, this irredeemably awful person has the money, has the car, has the successful business, has the woman he wants, gets away with all of his bad shit, and lives the life he wants to live. He seems happier about his life than anyone in the movie. And by any standard, he "wins" at life. It's some Taxi Driver shit where it is way too easy to relate to and at points root on the sociopath main character because he lives his life by his own code and gets what he wants.


My boy Neji was the most baller motherfucker in Naruto. Too bad nobody will know his love cause dude could have gentle fisted his dick and laid pipe for hours. And you know my man could find that g spot.
Bruh. If I could show the damn conversation motherfucker had while watching episodes 3, 4 and 5. I'm sitting here laughing and just overall having a good time. I haven't watched an anime in a minute that I was legit interested in.

This is how I brokedown terraformars.

"man these these m************ bugs and s*** on the Mars do with some s*** ain't supposed to be doing and these motherfuckers human beings merged with from some animals and other bugs and they just going f****** each other up and it's just going ham on motherfuckers and like if you know you send a bug to kill a bug and its just like f*** it I ain't got nothin else better to do but they got a job to do and when you send a bunch of killing f****** planet to do a job you make sure you send a bunch of mother f****** killing to do the got damn job and that's basically what this show is about I want your god damn killers just sent tomorrow to clean up some stupid s*** and save the world from the virus."
Bruh. If I could show the damn conversation motherfucker had while watching episodes 3, 4 and 5. I'm sitting here laughing and just overall having a good time. I haven't watched an anime in a minute that I was legit interested in.

This is how I brokedown terraformars.

"man these these m************ bugs and s*** on the Mars do with some s*** ain't supposed to be doing and these motherfuckers human beings merged with from some animals and other bugs and they just going f****** each other up and it's just going ham on motherfuckers and like if you know you send a bug to kill a bug and its just like f*** it I ain't got nothin else better to do but they got a job to do and when you send a bunch of killing f****** planet to do a job you make sure you send a bunch of mother f****** killing to do the got damn job and that's basically what this show is about I want your god damn killers just sent tomorrow to clean up some stupid s*** and save the world from the virus."



Man, I really can't give a shit about shounen endings that just show everyone older with kids. Seeing the character designs is cool I guess, but it does nothing.

Honestly I think I just don't like it when series end in the future, I guess it just feels like it's ending the series with a totally different cast that you went through it with.

*Shrug* I can't say I can think of a better ending of Naruto though other than just ending it right after the war, I'm okay with this. Shippers get to either have their fun or go out fighting so I guess that'll be fun to see. Lmao.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Bruh. If I could show the damn conversation motherfucker had while watching episodes 3, 4 and 5. I'm sitting here laughing and just overall having a good time. I haven't watched an anime in a minute that I was legit interested in.

This is how I brokedown terraformars.

"man these these m************ bugs and s*** on the Mars do with some s*** ain't supposed to be doing and these motherfuckers human beings merged with from some animals and other bugs and they just going f****** each other up and it's just going ham on motherfuckers and like if you know you send a bug to kill a bug and its just like f*** it I ain't got nothin else better to do but they got a job to do and when you send a bunch of killing f****** planet to do a job you make sure you send a bunch of mother f****** killing to do the got damn job and that's basically what this show is about I want your god damn killers just sent tomorrow to clean up some stupid s*** and save the world from the virus."

only thing i hate is the censoring

shows like that just need a fucking disclaimer and 10 second warning before every episode because the censorship is so heavy you can't even tell what's going on most of the time


Good to hear AW is fun, been hearing tons of good word from friends and others. Gonna pick it up at that b2g1 target sale.


only thing i hate is the censoring

shows like that just need a fucking disclaimer and 10 second warning before every episode because the censorship is so heavy you can't even tell what's going on most of the time

Ugh, is it like JoJo censoring that blacks out everything?
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