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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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The physical form of blasphemy
Are people really feeling Azealia Banks like that?

Sonically, the album is dope. It's got a huge house influence and she does the job well of blending hip hop and house. Even though she has some silly ass lyrics in spots, her flows are on point. She's waving the harlem flag throughout the entire album. Even the weaker tracks are pleasant to listen to, due to the production.

Honestly, if she wasn't so fucking extra and didn't act like an idiot on social media, she probably would have crushed Minaj and Iggy...
A lot just seems like his personality is what it is and the most you can do is point out the bad stuff and explain why its bad. You'll sound like a broken record and you'll feel like you're talking to a wall but every now and then they might come around, but it won't ever be completely and it'll always be on their own time.

Behavioral stuff is tough. He never knows when he has crossed a line and has said some wildly inappropriate shit to family and strangers plenty of times. It's like he never exited that toddler phase where they'll say anything and absorb everything around them, so you'll never have great control over that but I'd say like with any other kid keeping yourself from saying shitty things would be worthwhile just to limit the bad influences.

Like most autistic kids he gravitated towards things almost obsessively, mostly videogames and shoehorns in references to them for almost no reason. "that's just like when x happened in series-y" but from what I read it can be almost any form of media especially if there's a collection aspect to it like say pokemon.

Holy crap, Moris..lol. We're talking about the same kid, just on some different shit. My daughter SINGLE HANDEDLY made me hate Sonic (and I was a HUGE Sega fan)..Ratchet, and I'm only giving that much away, because..yeah.

I've noticed, as of late, the influence her classmates have had, and how it's actually messed with me tons. On the bright side, she acknowledges it..and reports in, practically without being asked.

She's a great kid..


I want to try campfire smores :(. I'm surrounded by trees and shit but my Cityness bring up a big NOPE at the thought of camping out.


I'm mad I missed out on that thread. I was ready to drag the ones calling her bitches and stuff. I really don't give a fuck what she did. Dude was fucking huge. What the fuck is he doing hitting her? Charge her ass but at his size, he shouldn't be hitting no damn body.

Fuck is wrong with GAF and hate for women? They sooner want to slap us than stop catcalling and shit. Fuck that noise.

Ok, so I watched the video and looked over the thread

And both of those things devolved into chaos.

So question, what do you think the appropriate response.

I ask this because i'm interested in your responses in a place that isn't that thread (eug) and because I am also " fucking huge"
Ok, so I watched the video and looked over the thread

And both of those things devolved into chaos.

So question, what do you think the appropriate response.

I ask this because i'm interested in your responses in a place that isn't that thread (eug) and because I am also " fucking huge"

Full disclosure, I sent someone a P.M. about that thread.

As a man who has dealt with a "crazy bitch" and who has sisters, a daughter, the most amazing wife..I'm not a fan of the Ralph Kramden approach (and I say this as a fucking FAN of the OG Honey Mooners). I just feel there's a strange "equal opportunity" angle for some on that subject..fuck that.

IMO, to be clear..


Ok, so I watched the video and looked over the thread

And both of those things devolved into chaos.

So question, what do you think the appropriate response.

Appropriate response? There isn't one, really. Shorty clocked dude over the head with some Steve Maddens, I don't know why she didn't expect retaliation.

If everyone was level headed in that situation, we wouldn't have anything to talk about because that goofy video wouldn't exist.

What busts me up is how all the folks ran up into that thread with unmitigated glee. Niggas couldn't wait to unleash "bitch" this and "deserve" that. If you were smart you'd slide up in there and release your two cents like "I don't know what she expected," "she couldn't have thought; that'll learn her."

Letters went in deep with it; I'm not entirely sure he was serious. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he wasn't. I don't know what possessed Mes.


I'm not gonna front and pretend there aren't some people who get way to hype that its specifically a woman getting hard.

However I ask because I have never found myself in that situation, I hope not to. But hoping for shit not to occur never really stops it

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a giant dude and I've been in a situation (a LITTLE more low key than that, but I've been attacked by a belligerent woman a couple times) and there's no way to win. So just take some hits that don't really hurt and hope that's enough.


I been down that road with my ex. She would verbally tear the knee caps off of a bull and constantly try to riled me up because "issues"...but it's not in my agenda to land punches since I've seen that shit growing up and momma boy etc. Now as far as the video is concern I'm indifferent. It was wrong that the woman kept fucking with dude to the point of laying her hands on him...but....shit it's a double edge sword of the consequences.


The worst part of that thread is the smug-ass OP.

You know, I was juniored for having two game music threads open at the same time on GS. I'm over it, whatevs. But, people are allowed to keep posting thinly-veiled bullshit like that in OT? Threads that continue to make a good segment of the site's users extremely uncomfortable due to racial/gender/sexual/cultural insensitivity that is constantly displayed in said threads?

Dude should've been banned for the way he came across in that thread.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
so just the weird adventures of specific spider dudes

also some of them died?

thats the edge of spider verse, a precursor to spider verse. you get a intro to different spiders through short stories

spider verse is the actual story where things that happened during the edge events come together.


Ok, so I watched the video and looked over the thread

And both of those things devolved into chaos.

So question, what do you think the appropriate response.

I ask this because i'm interested in your responses in a place that isn't that thread (eug) and because I am also " fucking huge"

Walk past her, maintain eye contact, and switch cars. When you're twice someone's size we'll assume you could kill them with ease anyway.
The worst part of that thread is the smug-ass OP.

You know, I was juniored for having two game music threads open at the same time on GS. I'm over it, whatevs. But, people are allowed to keep posting thinly-veiled bullshit like that in OT? Threads that continue to make a good segment of the site's users extremely uncomfortable due to racial/gender/sexual/cultural insensitivity that is constantly displayed in said threads?

Dude should've been banned for the way he came across in that thread.

The "1 on 1 with an animal" shit reeealy fucked with me. Then again, I'm sure that's the desired effect..

Love that song..


From just what is shown in the video, I don't feel bad at all that girl got slapped. She shit talked massively and then hit the dude from behind. I would never be like "YEAH! Slap that bitch!" or anything like that. But in a video like that, I'm not going to feel bad she got slapped. I'm also not going to feel bad about the even smaller girl who started attacking dudes trying to calm things down. My opinion is that women who get into situations where they are provoking a dude to hit them should probably be prepared in the event that a dude hits them.

I would never get excited that a woman gets hit. I also have no idea what that dude said to her to get her in that state. I'm not at all advocating male on female violence. I wouldn't hit a woman and I'm a small ass dude. But I don't have a lot of sympathy for women who do everything they can to provoke a guy to hit them and then get hit. Because there are a lot of women who cross the line by a LOT because they think that being a woman means they aren't at risk to get hit. It's a tricky position. It's possible that dude said some really terrible shit to her that got her to say and do the things she did. Just based on the context of the video, it is hard to feel bad for her getting slapped. He didn't punch her in the face and pull some ground and pound shit. Idk. Maybe I sound like a real asshole.
I can't condone what either one of them did and definitely don't feel bad that after verbally and physically assaulting someone that she got hit in the process.

I don't think some great justice was served with that thunderous smack. I'm neither applauding or risking my jaw to save that woman from that house of cards she built.


The reactions of some of the posters in that thread border on sick, though.

ItIsOkBro said:
You can tell, as soon as she hit him with the purse, he stopped and thought, "yes...I can finally justify slapping this woman."

_DrMario_ said:
God seeing that white knight get his ass handed to him felt so good.

feel said:
I'm stupidly wired to never hit a female no matter what, so it fills me with great joy every time I see some other guy do it (in a situation like this one where the woman hits first and is a despicable person, of course).

Video is great, that camera guy had me rolling. AAAWWW SHEEEEIT! WORLD STAAAAR :lol

Tall guy loved that the tiny white knight jumped in swinging, that way he could release his pented up rage on someone. Just that slap back on the girl wouldn't suffice.

ChawlieTheFair said:
Fuck that was good to watch. Stupid girl had it coming, was fucking with like 4 different people on the train.

orochi91 said:
That's childish mentality.

He was insulted repeatedly and didn't react physically.

She got called a bitch and then proceeds to get violent.

She's a repugnant animal.

Stop giving her a pass just because she's black.

And of course...

charsace said:
I'm black and what you're saying is stupid. 8 ball giant didn't hit her because shes black. He hit her because she put her hands on other people and then him. Once she hit him shit was on.


If you don't know how to throw a punch and can't take one don't act Rambo when you're on the motherfucking train. Get on the car, ride the train and then get off.

DetectiveGAF needs to get on it and find out who hurt these fuckers...



aka Mannny
Lol got into a fight with my girl over that video. Apparently because i said the girl got what she deserved she thought I'd hit a woman. Then she said fighting back is immature (which granted, it is), but I tried to explain to her in most cases it's hard to actually think in those situations with all that adrenaline pumping and the situation usually ramps up so quick people just react.

All in all like I said in that thread: if you're being attacked you have a right to defend yourself immature or not, civil or not. With that being said however, in those situations I would use caution and restrain or push the girl always. Usually being a male you're much stronger and bigger than a female. There are special cases when There are larger women but it's so rare and even in that case I'd try to talk my way out of a situation get out of there and not fight back.

TL;DR: For me, the only way I'm fighting is if provoked physically by a male.
I want to try campfire smores :(. I'm surrounded by trees and shit but my Cityness bring up a big NOPE at the thought of camping out.

Nah I didnt camp. Some friends invited me over to chill since I'm broke. They said they were gonna have a bonfire, and I'm like sure. Was very fun. Learned how to heat up marshmallows. They had bam boo skewers, her shy chocolate. Very

You can see that fucking L from orbit.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
people need to stop putting their hands on other people period.
These new cats are sadly equal opportunity when it comes to the ko.
Everybody ain't gone sit there and be jay z in the elevator.

where royal and storm at ? they been banned forever.
That kissing your children thread have confirmed to me that I should kiss mine on the mouth lest they turn out like GAF members, socially inept, creepy, shut ins.


i'm a shut in :D

not creepy though D:

I get the feeling the 10 year old wizard smash bros girl thread is going to go bad


Big bear of a man wearing a speedo?

While yes, a lot of SF characters are very muscular naked people, geif in particular has had the implication ( or rather not said out loud but widely known essentially fact ) that he likes dudes. On that same token eagle from street fighter, is also gay.


I'm out of the loop wtf is this nu black thing y'all be talking bout

A new way for Black celebrities, social outcasts/anomalies, fuckboys, and Uncle Toms to believe they transcend race and all its effects.

In other words, "I'm a better nigga than these other niggas, I am so enlightened and one of the good ones. Please accept me, White America. <3"
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