I ain't scared bruhDon't get served over rice Jandro.
I ain't scared bruhDon't get served over rice Jandro.
I ain't scared bruh
The Superbowlwhen is that avatar bet up? when the season ends?
I'm stupidly wired to never hit a female no matter what, so it fills me with great joy every time I see some other guy do it (in a situation like this one where the woman hits first and is a despicable person, of course).
Of course. People wondered why that thread got closed?
Of course. People wondered why that thread got closed?
Apparently someone from the extremely powerful bloc known as the BCT lobbied to get it closed for no good reason
We're having some good convo on #BlackHairCare in OT if y'all interested.
So if you're a certain size you should never defend yourself. Why didn't he roll up into a ball?
Point just flew over your head didn't it?
JC is the Roger from sister 2 sister of BCT.
Never talk to GAF about self defense involving women because that shit pisses them right the fuck off.
Anyway, I'm done with it for tonight.
Never talk to GAF about self defense involving women because that shit pisses them right the fuck off.
Anyway, I'm done with it for tonight.
Moral of the story is don't hit people.
People are having a hard time separating the idea that no matter what gender you are, you can't really expect to berate and then beat on someone without consequence, and the idea that living vicariously through someone slapping a woman and then busting a verbal nut over it is not cool
dreamdrop is my new londa
Except hit gfex, slayven and bct membersbased jandro wisdom
Except hit gfex, slayven and bct members
I don't know what that is and I won't respond to it.dreamdrop is my new londa
Never talk to GAF about self defense involving women because that shit pisses them right the fuck off.
Anyway, I'm done with it for tonight.
Do people really not remember Londa?
She and her righteous fury was an IconiC poster to me back when I was lurking GAF. ;__;
I think DY is trying to catch me my fifth ban. 😞Who's londa LOL
When was she a poster? I started lurking GAF around this time last year...
I think DY is trying to catch me my fifth ban. 😞
Do people really not remember Londa?
She and her righteous fury was IconiC to me back when I was lurking GAF. ;__;
I've never got anyone banned.
Especially not in the BCT.
I dare someone to call me a liar.
I think she was permed back in 2011 or something. Admittedly, I wasn't active enough to see infamy in action
You got our lost and troubled brother Crushdance permed
Y'all ignant
prettttty sure dy actually killed crushdance
he perma'd him from life itself
Y'all ignant
For some reason these ignant folks keep calling me a horseIs there any community that doesn't shit on you as a pastime?
For some reason these ignant folks keep calling me a horse
Motherfuckers ain't no horse in my name
its not the name. you know this