If there isn't a ultimate edition of a game, a lot of the times its cheaper to get that season pass than to buy all the DLC separately
I think it can't be a blanket thing. Dark Souls 2 and Mario Kart season passes, for example, I had no problem with.
Again, she is 23. That's not remotely a child. Come the fuck on. That has nothing to do with me.The term is used on GAF EVERY SINGLE TIME a thread comes up about an adult banging a teenager, because those people get really offended that they'd dare be lumped in with pedophiles.
Where the white women atWhere teh women at fam?
I don't think of MK as a season pass. And TBH, Nintendo is different. They fail less often than other companies.
A Season Pass is a bundle of DLC being ordered early at a cheaper price in comparison to it being bought seperately as it's released.
The Mario Kart 8 DLC is a season pass.
I don't think of MK as a season pass. And TBH, Nintendo is different. They fail less often than other companies.
Where the white women at
What is BCT's general consensus on FFXII?
Key phrase emphasized. Never said it wasn't.
Where the white women at
Shouldn't be where the white mares at?
One of the finest FF titles, and personally of my top five. (which consists of IX, XII, XI, VIII, and VI.)
:3Talking to this Chinese girl and she really seems to like me. She stated she's a little intimidated by me though because, "Most black guys like thick girls, not small Asian chicks like me." Fortunately for her, I don't discriminate. Give me a skinny chick with a heart of gold over a thick, titty monster with attitude any day.
Talking to this Chinese girl and she really seems to like me. She stated she's a little intimidated by me though because, "Most black guys like thick girls, not small Asian chicks like me." Fortunately for her, I don't discriminate. Give me a skinny chick with a heart of gold over a thick, titty monster with attitude any day.
This is closer to my type.Talking to this Chinese girl and she really seems to like me. She stated she's a little intimidated by me though because, "Most black guys like thick girls, not small Asian chicks like me." Fortunately for her, I don't discriminate. Give me a skinny chick with a heart of gold over a thick, titty monster with attitude any day.
This is closer to my type.
FFS. Bayonetta 2 is on sale for half off on the eshop.
That just makes me sad. That game should have been day 1 for everybody.
Replace IX with X, XI with XIVRR, and reverse the order.
Thinking ARR is better than XI....
Also I'd put X-2 over X. While X was a good game, I enjoyed more timedressing girls up in cute outfitsin X-2
Where teh women at fam?
Not sorry I like fun.Thinking ARR is better than XI....
Also I'd put X-2 over X. While X was a good game, I enjoyed more timedressing girls up in cute outfitsin X-2
When your anime-property based fighting game has the baddest motherfucker in it, but he's bottom tier.
I don't exactly play fighting games based on tiers, but...goddamn, really?
I think the Spider man talk scared them off. Except Ishi but bears don't scare easy.
What game?You people are too damn opaque.
The term is hebephile.
Christ whats wrong with Gwen?Nonsense.
When your anime-property based fighting game has the baddest motherfucker in it, but he's bottom tier.
I don't exactly play fighting games based on tiers, but...goddamn, really?
actually it's ephebephile. or greek for someone who finds girls aged 16-19, late teenaged years, to be attractive.
hebephile is someone who likes 11-14 year olds. or young adolescents.
Are bad bitches the only thing Spider Man likes though?
Are bad bitches the only thing Spider Man likes though?
Does becoming Cap mean your hairline goes a few inches back?
Also, he flies. Flying is his thing. What the fuck is he going to do with that shield? Surely it just makes flying harder?
He throws the shield. Then forgets he threw the shield.
But how does he throw the shield AND fly at the same time? That makes no sense...
Where Silver Sable at? She wants the Spider dick so bad it hurts
Unity doesn't look like a game I'm willing to play. #OnlyEvenNumbers
I don't think of MK as a season pass. And TBH, Nintendo is different. They fail less often than other companies.
Again, she is 23. That's not remotely a child. Come the fuck on. That has nothing to do with me.
Filed under "I'm not okay with this":
The bottom of the ocean?
I do, but there could have be an implication that the one I was attracted to was 16 year old Elle. Don't even want the shadow of a rumor started about me, bruh.I don't think you understand who and what I'm making fun of.