Yeesh. It's 25 at BB on black friday. Is that a good price at least?it's pretty much the tomb raider reboot but for 'survival horror'
Yeesh. It's 25 at BB on black friday. Is that a good price at least?it's pretty much the tomb raider reboot but for 'survival horror'
What the fuck. How about looking at him and seeing The Operative.
you should actually play it
the jokes are actually funny, and super smart and it gets charming as time goes on. the jokes also get smarter as time goes on.
What the fuck. How about looking at him and seeing The Operative.
TEW doing well is funny tbh. It's not even survival horror, it's a watered down RE4 without the fun. But it's whatever. All the ones wanting that type of game have gotten it, maybe now they will stop crying about the genre being 'dead'.
But tomb raider reboot was actually good by most people's standards. TEW is a clunky mess trying to leech off what made both REmake and 4 good but failing miserably. Despite the brilliant ideas here and there, it still has the same faults and disorganization of RE6 campaigns but much to manys disappointment, without that games beautiful controls.
Actually, it's a lot like Revelations. And not surprising, both are heralded as survival horror where they are not.
I'm glad this happened though. Now people can see that even the creator of the genre has lost touch. Maybe now they will stop nagging at Capcom and Konami for RE and SH's faults. Somewhere down the line, the genre lost it's essence. Sucks, but what can you do?
But that would imply RE4 was fun to begin with.
you slide down slides, you have to cut yourself from being tied up upside down somewhere.
man all 3rd person singleplayer games use the same gimmicks lol.
Eh not sure about that Ishi, I'm sure the folks in the TEW thread still worship TEW as the second coming. It's like arguing about GotG to the chriss pratt avatars, it gets nowhere.
lol X-Treme.
I dunno, I can't hate on Sunset Overdrive's humor. Guess I'm still a 16 year old at heart.
You sound really mad about this.
Let it out.
I do? Sorry guys haha
I don't know how I feel about this tbh. I'm not mad but I'm not pleased either. A lot about TEW doesn't appeal to me but it's good to see a horror game do well.
Yeah I accept that it could just be me being old and bitter
But then I remember I play games like guilty gear and god hand and enjoy aesthetics like team fortress 2 and Overwatch.
There's a way to be fun without being so in your face and obnoxious about it.
Clearly you never attempted KOTOR on Windows 7.I had to use Windows XP in a virtual machine.
Has anyone in here played Five Nights at Freddy's? lol
I like in your face! I wish every game was like those 90s busta rhymes Mountain Dew commercials
I hate shit that tries to go too serious. I don't play games for that.
Jump scares, trash lore, gateway into furry pornography.
I do? Sorry guys haha
I don't know how I feel about this tbh. I'm not mad but I'm not pleased either. A lot about TEW doesn't appeal to me but it's good to see a horror game do well.
There's a middle ground!!
It just takes more effort than being completely over the top and self referential. (Rip platinum games story modes)
Jandro the game?
Ishi, you good fam? The bear stuff getting to you? Between TEW slander and your mortal beef with the slap threads, you've been real animated as of late.
I'm still coping with what happened recently. I know that's why I'm really short patient and fickle. Sorry guys.
Cam quailty gif for a film that been out for like 12 years? really?
aren't all horror games walking simulators now?
I probably missed something, what happened? Either way, you don't owe anyone an apology, you do you. We gotcha.I'm still coping with what happened recently. I know that's why I'm really short patient and fickle. Sorry guys.
lmaoJump scares, trash lore, gateway into furry pornography.
Survival Horror has the opposite problem of action games
Where action games require more time, money and effort than they're worth to get right, I think Survival Horror is a genre that just doesn't work in the modern big budget space.
It's a genre where less is more. They need those broken controls and experimental mechanics. You can't make a scary game that plays like every other gamen coming out these days
Jump scares, trash lore, gateway into furry pornography.
Only reason it blew up in popularity would have to be because of LPers hyping it as scary. Like Outlast.
Clock Tower could be considered that and I wouldn't care cause that game is good.
Walking Simulator seems more like an insult than a label. Hate how that phrase got coined by Gone Home
aren't all horror games walking simulators now?
G fex said he hates RE4. I can't take anyone serious after they say that.
Fuck no. lol. No, they don't. They just need the dedication and treatment that action games get, to go get them to be good. Good writing, atmosphere, and mechanics.
I'm good. The marketing turned me off and I'm not really open to paying for a chance to change my mind
G fex said he hates RE4. I can't take anyone serious after they say that.
and not when he was flexing Yugioh?
Sunset Overdrive looked like a bunch of 40 something white dudes sat down at a table, turn their baseball caps backwards, and google searched memes and stereotypes about video games to be hip with the kids.
it is a insult, cause I hate amnesia/outlast trends.
fucking based clock tower SNES though. That's a great game.
You say that but
You're not ever going to scare me in a game where I have a loaded gun as an effective weapon
You say that but
You're not ever going to scare me in a game where I have a loaded gun as an effective weapon
Not completely directly directed at you, but i find that a lot of the time the people making these statements apply to that description more than the group they are accusing.
So deep. much thought.
So deep. much thought.
don't you got a k-pop thread to lurk?