Face it Tiger..
DC made the villain Gorilla Grodd ruler of the entire African continent.
How did that one get by editorial?
McDuffie never loved us
DC made the villain Gorilla Grodd ruler of the entire African continent.
How did that one get by editorial?
DC stay on bullshit.DC made the villain Gorilla Grodd ruler of the entire African continent.
How did that one get by editorial?
Its a show about despair and how getting what you want isn't always a good thing.
Y'all close minded.
Its coonery isnt it?I can't go along with this Ma Dukes show, brehs
whoa dere
you went beyond ham breh
Its a show about despair and how getting what you want isn't always a good thing.
Y'all close minded.
Little Witch Academia is fantastic. Yoshinari is a very talented director.
Should have been Trigger's first TV series over KLK.
They really need to look into an "Ask a black guy" program for these types of things
"So hey we're planning on making a giant gorilla king of Africa. Yeah, the whole dark continent ruled by a big ape, ya know? That's cool, right?"
If and when he gives yourethink your strategy![]()
Nah you just can't accept that something you like is bad.
"I've gone a level even further beyond ham. I call it Super Ham 3"
Seriously. Hate the show because of what it is not what you think it might possibly be.
I'm still waiting for that second OVA I kickstarted. But yeah I agree with you.
The ape kingdom right? Now black people, pleas don't tell me it's black people
DC oked this remember
You can't be telling people this after recommending that people watch Psycho Pass in here
Some consistency please. They're made by the same guy even.
RIP Panty & Stocking and all the other shows that will never get a sequel.Fuck off Haganai. I never want to see you again.
Yeah but one quotes Descartes and the other is madoka.
Madoka >>> Pyscho Pass by a long shot. I liked PP, but Madoka was incrediblYou can't be telling people this after recommending that people watch Psycho Pass in here
Some consistency please. They're made by the same guy even.
If I thought I could get people to watch Magical Girl anime in general, I would be prepping Heartcatch. Madoka is just a damn fine series and highly regarded with good reason. IMO its one of those series that transcends personal preference. And Rebellion is one of the best conclusions to anything ever.
That show was a trip. "Fuck it why not" the animated series.Panty and Stocking
a show so bad that not even Imaishi stans could prop it up as anime's savior
I skipped a whole season of anime this year. Couldn't be fucked to keep up with every series and review them all again. Okada Mari is the GOAT anime screenwriter.I'm of the opinion that Urobuchi is an overrated hack lol
but I'll be watching season two of Aldonoah Zero anyways so fuck what I think
They really need to look into an "Ask a black guy" program for these types of things
"So hey we're planning on making a giant gorilla king of Africa. Yeah, the whole dark continent ruled by a big ape, ya know? That's cool, right?"
If and when he gives yourethink your strategy![]()
I don't read much DC outside of Batman and Superman. This level of fuckery can't be common anymore though. This was in 2011 for fuck's sake.
Bringing this stuff up randomly here because I have a speech to do this week on female/minority treatment in comics over the years and I'm just searching for some filler content.
Ryuki was pretty barebones storywise. But had some of the best Rider designs.
And Magical girl anime? I am not a 9 year old little girl.
I thought madoka was one of those new-breed Magical Girl shows that's aimed at older male otaku?
I am going to laugh if the Flash show makes Grodd a big black dude
Jerk chicken is so good.
I thought madoka was one of those new-breed Magical Girl shows that's aimed at older male otaku?
No point.Im suprised you arent repping precure in here
Look, we get that you old and can't keep up too well, but liking anime doesn't make you an otaku. Just like liking games doesn't make you a gamer. Fuck otaku and gamers. They are both toxic.The creepy as fuck dudes like G Fex and Dream?
Madoka works a lot better if you're into Magical Girl anime since it deconstructs a lot of the common tropes and themes in those shows. If you just watching it without that frame of reference I don't think it works as well. Which is why I didn't like it.
It's to Magical Girls what Bokurano is to mecha. Except Bokurano is GOAT tier and a manga
Madoka works a lot better if you're into Magical Girl anime since it deconstructs a lot of the common tropes and themes in those shows. If you just watching it without that frame of reference I don't think it works as well. Which is why I didn't like it.
It's to Magical Girls what Bokurano is to mecha. Except Bokurano is GOAT tier and a manga
Happened in power ranger's turbo. The season it was based on was a parody, and they didn't translate taht well.
DC made the villain Gorilla Grodd ruler of the entire African continent.
How did that one get by editorial?[/QUOTE]
someone googled African Gorillas and a bunch of black people came up so they approved it
Yeah, watch the first three episodes then come back.
Do you like Sword Art Online too?
I am fairly certain I made audible change the way their site works after I exploited an oversight for a few hundred dollars worth of audio books.Every time I see an obvious pricing fuckup and people tripping over themselves to take advantage, all I can do is think back to that food stamp thread. Lol!
Also, you forgot Narutaru to Pokemon
Heh.No I didn't
but I wish I did
I always think of Constanza and how scummy he wasEvery time I see an obvious pricing fuckup and people tripping over themselves to take advantage, all I can do is think back to that food stamp thread. Lol!
And carranger single handedly brought sentaI back from the brink if I remember correctly?
I always think of Constanza and how scummy he was
Gaf dating threads are annoying. Too many people throwing out definitive statements for what can be a highly subjective, trial by error thing. Or trying too hard to either be super comforting and nice or giving out "tough love."
it's a bit more complex than that, but long story short japan was going through some shit and needed the goofiness of Carranger
What's your username?
First MMO that actually made crafting fun for me. That's like all I'm doing atm.
ohA friend of mine broke a woman's vagina during sex. It's prolapsed.
SAO is cool if you consider the ending. SAO is dope and is Log Horizon.to be Kirito and his love interest spending the rest of their lives in another town.
A friend of mine broke a woman's vagina during sex. It's prolapsed.
Gaf dating threads are annoying. Too many people throwing out definitive statements for what can be a highly subjective, trial by error thing. Or trying too hard to either be super comforting and nice or giving out "tough love."
Hope the game design hasn't peaked at world 2
A friend of mine broke a woman's vagina during sex. It's prolapsed.
Nah he was banned in 2010The gaffer? He's still around.
No problemSlay, thanks for this. Damn good read.
A friend of mine broke a woman's vagina during sex. It's prolapsed.
A friend of mine broke a woman's vagina during sex. It's prolapsed.