No but neither did Madoka. If you want genre defining, then Sailor Moon is the correct answer not Madoka. In 10 years, Madoka will be forgotten and people will still bring up Sailor Moon out of nostalgia.
Sailor Moon brought in people who not only were not fans of magical girl or anime in general, but it also did what no other magical girl series can claim to have done in nearly the same capacity, and that is bring a sizable male demographics to it.
Madoka is the poor man's Sailor moon.
So yea. Squaresoft:Sailormoon::Madoka:Mistwalker.
The last Story was trash
Speaking of Level 5, I'm still bummed they scraped their original idea for Ushiro. My PSP was so ready.
Type 0>Lightning Returns>The Last Story>Dark Dawn>FFXIV>13-2>Dissidia>Lost OdysseyI'm going to have to disagree. Lost Odyssey was the best Final Fantasy game last generation, and The Last Story was a solid action RPG. Mistwalker is a great studio for those who are a fan of PS1 RPGs. I'm not saying they're on a level of PS1 Square, but their games contain many of the same sensibilities - for better or worse. Granted, had they released these games during the Golden Age of JRPGs - they probably wouldn't be remembered as fondly - but in an age where they're pretty much the only ones releasing RPGs of that type? They ain't bad.
13-2 and 13-3 were much better games than Last Odyssey
but alright
The only way I can take this comment somewhat seriously, and not even then, is if you believe 13-2 and 13-3 are horse shit - and LO is somehow worse.
You should play them
LO would have made a great short story collection if they just took the dreams out and made it a book.The only way I can take this comment somewhat seriously, and not even then, is if you believe 13-2 and 13-3 are horse shit - and LO is somehow worse.
You're assuming I haven't
Just to be clear I'm coming from the perspective that Lightning Returns is a better made game.
Not better at trying to be an old PS1 RPG
because it seems a lot of the hate towards those games is based on what they aren't, vs what they actually are trying to be
You must not watch much anime. Or did you fail to see the sudden uptick in girls often magical in oppressively dark and oftentimes fatal settings, fighting eldritch abominations? Cause there was a ton of them that came on the heels of Madoka. It make suspense cool again in anime. Lost Odyssey had no impact whatsoever. Sorry, but you're just wrong on this. You don't have to like Madoka, but saying it had no impact is Juliet false. And the fact that it had less of an impact than Sailor Moon is wholly irrelevant.that are somehow tied to their own fate
13-2 and 13-3 were much better games than Last Odyssey
but alright
Final Fantasy has always been linear. XIII just removed the illusion that it wasn't.People hated what Square was doing with Final Fantasy 13 because they created a corridor JRPG, 13-2 and 13-3 somewhat improved in that area, but it's still a far cry from where it should be.
People hated what Square was doing with Final Fantasy 13 because they created a corridor JRPG, 13-2 and 13-3 somewhat improved in that area, but it's still a far cry from where it should be.
Mods came through like
and ya boy Htown got nicked.
Lightning Returns was ridiculously fun to play. Probably my favourite RPG of the last gen not named Xenoblade.
Yeah well I want another numbered Kingdom Hearts and I've been waiting longer.All this rpg talk.
I just want another mainline traditional Dragon Quest game.![]()
lol at that fucking Zwarte Piet thread. Might as well call this 'The Outrage Culture Thread'
Which one? Xenoblade becomes a fucking chore in the endgame. Should have made Xenosaga 4 instead.Man I got to the ending and had a couple days left to just do side missions and I just had no motivation to do it.
Never ended up beating the game even though I was right at the end.
Not better at trying to be an old PS1 RPG
Final Fantasy has always been linear. XIII just removed the illusion that it wasn't.
Angel, you just admitted that Madoka was impactful.
Bish came through the ZP thread with lots of gifts.
LO would have made a great short story collection if they just took the dreams out and made it a book.
Which one? Xenoblade becomes a fucking chore in the endgame. Should have made Xenosaga 4 instead.
Guess who's birthday is on the 20th of November. :3
Lightning Returns
Coincidentally they started a trend in Japan in which many jRPGs after LO had novels penned and for a while moved away from manga adoptions can we say impact? :3
LR was a horrible RPG. It just had fun combat and if combat is all it takes to be a jRPG then Dragon Dogma is the best jRPG ever made.
LR was a horrible RPG. It just had fun combat and if combat is all it takes to be a jRPG then Dragon Dogma is the best jRPG ever made.
The framerate in that sandplace..
Mods came through like
and ya boy Htown got nicked.
Lightning Returns is straight hot asshole juice. The only good thing about that game (and I use good loosely) is the combat. But the other parts about the game are straight trash. Story is just fucking nonsensical on a level rarely seen by Japanese RPGs. Characters are throwaway as fuck, Setting is wack as shit. It's not about wanting Square to make FFVII again. It's about wanting Square to make a good game...which the entire FF13 line is not at all. Thankfully most people realize this too and is why each entry sold less than the previous. People were tired of that trite otaku shit.
The KKK thread is under a similar process now.
Some of those arguments are why I largely don't bother with discussing race on the internet.
More like I don't watch Magical Girl anime, but that saying something if you think that's all there is to anime. Digressus. The idea of introducing psychological aspects to anime is a bog standard trope from the 80s bruh. Madoka isn't anything new in the grand scheme of anime. The only reason it even gets praise is because it harkens backs to anime that were more than panty shots and loli shit. It's really like saying "Oh man a male rap group! That's super innovative and impactful!" because no one is doing it now, but ignoring the fact it's been done already.
So grats to Madoka for introducing a bunch of fresh faced, clearly have never watched anime earlier than 2011 to the world of anime I guess.
That doesn't make Mistwalker Madoka. Ain't no one crowing for LO2
not like the hype levels of Rebellion, LO didn't make anyone's career
And are you certain that wasn't Microsoft begging for attention in the Japanese market?
.hack did it well before and the trend never really died, so...
Well, Madoka is the wire. ☺️So before I do a search do you want to move the goalposts so we can get that out of the way?
Oh nevermind. And as for the bold it kind of did. After said novel came out, Kiyoshi saw a resurgent in his book sales for a while. Unless that doesn't count. :3
And are you certain that wasn't Microsoft begging for attention in the Japanese market?
Seeing as MS had no involvement with the novel...pretty sure.
So now it's okay to bring up past examples as means of invalidation? Oh okay, so you're saying Sailormoon is relevant.
And the trend most definitely died out, as someone who purchases quite a number of Japanese novels, you'd be hard pressed to find many from jRPGs. Manga adoption isn't the same as novel adoption.
And please let's not compare .Hack's young adult weak writing to a Shigematsu book. That's like comparing Madoka to The Wire.
Tornado warning in my area
Pray for me yall