Unconfirmed Member
Did I? All I said was Madoka was wack as fuck. He caught feelings and we went from there.
Here's how this started. Dreamdrop shit on Mistwalker and you responded with this
Mistwalker is the Madoka of jRPG developers. :3
An innocent enough joke. Dreamdrop did catch feelings like you said, and if you just left it at that you'd have won.
but you didn't. lol
and now we're here. Two pages and at least 10 paragraphs of you hating on something you clearly don't know or care about in the least.
I just don't understand why you've labored away at this point for so long when it all started from a joke.
As for wathcing it, I watched 2 episodes on the suggestion of anime GAF and never looked back. I'm not down for that "you gotta watch the full thing before you hate it" crowd.
That's a cop out argument. That's like saying "You need to be really good at X game before you can dismiss it".
I'm not saying you have to watch it all to hate it. but it'd be nice to know a bit about it when you hate on it so hard. Like you've posted things that are flat out wrong(about it's popularity and influence on the medium) and still haven't stopped. You still pulling reasons to hate out of thin air to the point of just name calling. "TRITE OTAKU SHIT" lol
You the one catching feelings now bro. and I don't understand why
Is Mistwalker worth it??