Hmm. There's a thought.This is one of those things I can't deal with hearing.
"Yo! Something we have no defense for is headed towards your area!"
Hmm. There's a thought.This is one of those things I can't deal with hearing.
"Yo! Something we have no defense for is headed towards your area!"
That "I ruined a PUA attempt" thread is bringing the lols:
Tuxedo mask was an homage to a real og
Naw, it's pretty decent home slice. Awful boss battle music aside.
No one gonna bite on that? Oh well 😅Well, Madoka is the wire. ☺️
Yes, even more so as an entry to the franchise. Your love of Zelda directly correlates to your potential enjoyment of this game.Hyrule Warriors worth picking up at some point? Next game I get will be Smash so it would be down the road a bit. Also, I've never really played one of those types of games.
No one gonna bite on that? Oh well 😅
I think I want to make a legit trap thread. Like, write a realistic analogy for racism and get people all riled up with righteous indignation for me, then point out how it correlates to racial politics. That might be fun.
Yes, even more so as an entry to the franchise. Your love of Zelda directly correlates to your potential enjoyment of this game.
I think I want to make a legit trap thread. Like, write a realistic analogy for racism and get people all riled up with righteous indignation for me, then point out how it correlates to racial politics. That might be fun.
13-2 was the best of the 13 line.
LR, while having pretty above average combat, sucks almost everywhere else on the chart. And I'll defend 13 to the death as a good game, but to say it is as linear as other FFs is just wrong. There's more freedom in the first 2 hours of 8 than there is in the first 14 of 13. Not only that, but there are probably more wasted assets and opportunities in 13 than in any other RPG since Xenogears Disc 2. Massive festival? run in straight line to dungeon area. Debris field outside of city that no one knew existed? dungeon. run straight for plot. city under siege? not even worth talking to anyone. continue down one way road for ending.
13 is a hallway. One of the most beautiful hallways I've ever seen but its a hallway no matter how you look at it.
Hyrule Warriors worth picking up at some point? Next game I get will be Smash so it would be down the road a bit. Also, I've never really played one of those types of games.
Well, Madoka is the wire. ☺️
Sailor Moon is irrelevant to the point of dark and serious storytelling in anime. Magical Girks never fell off. Precise has been on the air for a decade. Light Novels based on JRPGs has always been a thing. LO didn't inspire a return to that because it was still happening. Fucking Kingdom Hearts has light novels. They even got an English release. Your point is absolutely not valid. Unless you are implying that jrpg light novels in his specific style suddenly picked up.
Grits vs oatmeal.
Ain't much of a trap if you're advertising it. lol
So am I the only one in BCT that's playing VC1?
So am I the only one in BCT that's playing VC1?
Thank you, I was beginning to wonder if some cats ever played any other FF besides FFXIII. Saying FFXIII is as linear as the rest is a telltale sign of never playing the other ones. I mean FFXIII is basically in tutorial mode for the first 20hrs ffs.
Do you like Musou games? If not, then as a Zelda fan I'd say pass. If you're a fan of Musou games then go for it. If you're a fan of Zelda and Musou games, run to your nearest store and cop.
So you're saying Magical Girls never fell off and as such Madoka really hasn't ushered in anything new? Because we've been seeing dark and serious storytelling in anime since forever and at no point has it "fell off" unless by falling off you mean "no longer the most popular genre?" In which case the same thing can be said for novel adoptions. During the 90s and early 2000s, novel adoptions of Japanese games was a much bigger thing, it clearly fell by the wayward being replaced by manga adoption at a rapid pace. Because the younger generation didn't consume novels at nearly the same rate as the older generation. Having a few come out doesn't invalidate this, because you can apply that to anime as well. While most anime is otaku filled nonsense there are still dark and serious anime coming out. Otaku filled nonsense is simply more popular with the dominating generation, while the more serious stuff still gets consumed by the older (late 20s, 30s crowd).
And yes, if you've read Lost Odyssey it is very much different than a .hack novel in the same way you argue that Madoka is different than most anime. After LO came out, Namco made a few Tales novels that were noticeably a bit more serious in tone than their earlier works. Graces being a good example, Takeshi Tanaka (author) himself even admitted of wanting to go for a more serious book after reading Lost Odyssey saying it's a welcome change in Japan and might get more youth reading. Also not forgetting LO was actually a best seller in Japan and was nominated for an award. I can gladly admit it's like Blood all over again in which it didn't do nearly as well as all parties wanted it to be. But to say it just came and went, when it ended up being one of the highest selling jRPGs of 2008-2009 beating out the brand recognition of Vesperia on the same platform....yea.
I'm sure Madoka is a decent anime obviously because it has a following. But the argument that LO has no following is ridiculous as fuck bruh. The game has a huge cult following and for good reason, and you can keep redefining "impact" but it will change little. There are people clamouring for a sequel, much like there were people clamoring for a sequel to say Phantom Dust (finally).
The asset thing just kills me. Millions of dollars at their disposal, so many manhours thrown in a furnace to fuel The Line, years and years in development for something so contained13-2 was the best of the 13 line.
LR, while having pretty above average combat, sucks almost everywhere else on the chart. And I'll defend 13 to the death as a good game, but to say it is as linear as other FFs is just wrong. There's more freedom in the first 2 hours of 8 than there is in the first 14 of 13. Not only that, but there are probably more wasted assets and opportunities in 13 than in any other RPG since Xenogears Disc 2. Massive festival? run in straight line to dungeon area. Debris field outside of city that no one knew existed? dungeon. run straight for plot. city under siege? not even worth talking to anyone. continue down one way road for ending.
13 is a hallway. One of the most beautiful hallways I've ever seen but its a hallway no matter how you look at it.
Have you watched Madoka? Because my point is watch Madoka and Mistwalker ain't shit.
The asset thing just kills me. Millions of dollars at their disposal, so many manhours thrown in a furnace to fuel The Line, years and years in development for something so contained
Caught the wrong bus. :l
Caught the wrong bus. :l
The asset thing just kills me. Millions of dollars at their disposal, so many manhours thrown in a furnace to fuel The Line, years and years in development for something so contained
Which is why I think your point is garbage. :3
Watch Madoka and get back with me.
So am I the only one in BCT that's playing VC1?
Played every single one. Some in languages I don't even understand. You can't name a PS2 JRPG I didn't play, bruh.Play the other FF games and get back to me.
Played every single one. Some in languages I don't even understand.
just play tales games
they're ALWAYS more entertaining than FF games these days
even the bad ones - and they're flatout better when it comes to combat all around
Angelus making gaming side blush right now with the amount of words he's typed hating on something he's never even seen
Like yo, you the one that brought madoka up as a dig at DreamDrop in the first place lol
just play tales games
they're ALWAYS more entertaining than FF games these days
even the bad ones - and they're flatout better when it comes to combat all around
I play Ys
Played every single one. Some in languages I don't even understand. You can't name a PS2 JRPG I didn't play, bruh.
Do you like Musou games? If not, then as a Zelda fan I'd say pass. If you're a fan of Musou games then go for it. If you're a fan of Zelda and Musou games, run to your nearest store and cop.
Agito isn't a Chinese knockoff. And I'm not saying that they are linear as 13; I'm saying that save 11 and 14, and arguably 12 (but not really), you are going from place to place in the exact order that Square intended you to. It's a linear series with an illusion of choice. It's not like Skyrim where you can go do whatever the fuck you want from drop.Yet you think they're all as linear as FFXIII. Stop playing chinese knockoffs breh.
Gigantic Zelda fan, but I've never played a Musou game. It should be discounted by the time I actually get around to picking it up, so I guess it would be a good intro to the genre.
I don't get this, the framerate only dropped noticeably for me when fighting the final boss.
I play Ys
Agito isn't a Chinese knockoff. And I'm not saying that they are linear as 13; I'm saying that save 11 and 14, and arguably 12 (but not really), you are going from place to place in the exact order that Square intended you to. It's a linear series with an illusion of choice. It's not like Skyrim where you can go do whatever the fuck you want from drop.
Speaking of Musuo games... I like Samurai Warriors 4 but holy fuck they made it too easy. I get it. Yeah. But this is wrong.
Agito isn't a Chinese knockoff. And I'm not saying that they are linear as 13; I'm saying that save 11 and 14, and arguably 12 (but not really), you are going from place to place in the exact order that Square intended you to. It's a linear series with an illusion of choice. It's not like Skyrim where you can go do whatever the fuck you want from drop.
Man what?
First off - you did say that. But its okay.
Second. You can have plot progression and some freedom of movement without going in a consistently straight line. The story won't advance until you go to a certain spot - but you can usually still dick around doing whatever in between until you feel like going somewhere. You know. Enjoying the game and shit. FF13 doesn't allow that at all outside of running up and down the same hallway before you reach points of no return.
There aren't branching paths in the majority of JRPGs so bringing an elder scrolls game into all that is rofls.
Final Fantasy has always been linear. XIII just removed the illusion that it wasn't.
Were you playing on PS3 or 360?
My framerate went to complete garbage during any fights with Sahagins.
I'm not one to complain about FPS in games tbh because it really doesn't matter to me that often, but the frame rate during those regular enemy fights made it really hard to even beat them lol.