Nintendo back to clowning on Luigi again:

Nintendo back to clowning on Luigi again:
I'm real curious as to the correlation between "that's a little much" and didn't watch the whole video.
What is the obsession with bacon?
You should watch it.Wait a damn minute. That's what happened? I didn't watch it cause I knew the fuckery would be over 9000. A grown person did that to a child?
Nintendo back to clowning on Luigi again:
Not a god damned chance. I'm too sober to deal with that shit even though I know it can clean up the forums a bit.And I'm starting to think this is thread worthy, DD... Get on your job!!!
Nintendo back to clowning on Luigi again:
Probably should ask a white dude like I did. He broke it down culturally to me and its roots trace back to Europe, but in recent years it seems like it's gotten more popular with their community. I'm also curious about white people's fascination with beards and mustaches.
Nintendo back to clowning on Luigi again:
The Pikachu/Shiek matchup starting around the 46:35 mark of this tourney stream archive link was super hype:
Gotta love fighting game commentators.
Pizza hut new menu ain't shit. The spicy crush is barely there.
How is pizza express and little chief?I'm not even sure we still have Pizza Hut over here...
It always throws me when people don't have something I thought was ubiquitous. Like, I only found out a few years ago that chanellos was a VA thing.I'm not even sure we still have Pizza Hut over here...
It always throws me when people don't have something I thought was ubiquitous. Like, I only found out a few years ago that chanellos was a VA thing.
Animals are delicious.
8 Player Smash is every bit the nightmare I thought it'd be. I can't even follow that shit, especially with items on.
The Pikachu/Shiek matchup starting around the 46:35 mark of this tourney stream archive link was super hype:
Gotta love fighting game commentators.
ice climbers died for this.
Only good thing to come from 8 player smash is Palutena's Temple.
Pikachu is definitely good. Not top tier, but he's up there.Pikachu is legit in this?
damnit dd
8 Player Smash is every bit the nightmare I thought it'd be. I can't even follow that shit, especially with items on.
Seriously though? Name your player. The name is always on screen and it helps with tracking.
Just watched Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Had the same problems for me as the first film with one massive improvement.
Eva Green.Should have spread her story across the film because as soon as she died I stopped giving a single fuck about the film.
Welp. Get gud so you the last man standing.Tried that. Did not work. When there's explosions and shit happening all over and your character fades in with the background, the name doesn't do much. Especially with my shitty eyesight.
Non stripping strippers. I mean, honestly what does Alba bring other than a pretty face?Yes, but also Alba on the pole in no fucks given mode.
Welp. Get gud so you the last man standing.
I actually won my first match. I couldn't tell you how; everything up to me hitting that fuckboy Duck Hunt with a tennis racket is a blur. lol
I'm real curious as to the correlation between "that's a little much" and didn't watch the whole video.
I maxed link yesterday, so I used toys r us's 3 for 30 to preorder Zelda and get Marth and Samus. Prolly should have gotten Fox over Samus, but I'm really hoping that Zamus gets in a MK8 DLC pack with her ship as a Kart and that we will get a new Wii U Metroid. I'll still cop Fox at some point, for Star Fox Wii U or 3DS. I'm sure Marth and Lucina will be used for Fire Emblem x SMT.Y'all got those Amiibos?
peach main too? my nigga.
yo, fuck duckhunt, by the way.
I don't do toy collecting at all, but I kinda want to get one. Helps that they're cheap.Y'all got those Amiibos?
Y'all got those Amiibos?
Ima be straight. Not in the situation, never have been, (thank god), but I legitimately think I would have executed that fat fuck. There are a few things that set me off (ironically violence against women is one) but IMO she has forfeited her right to be treated as anything other than an animal and like an animal, I would put her down.Wheel chair and feeding tubes sounds like the father almost killed the baby sitter before justice could be served. She had a serious beat down coming for slamming, kicking/punting, stomping, beating, and then carrying the baby by the hand and beating her more in the back room where the cameras couldn't be seen, so I don't blame the father regardless. But no need for the father to catch a case too.
I've never really seen the appeal of figurines or whatever you want to call them. My Noble Team statue that came with the Reach Legendary Edition is still sitting in the box:
She full on stood on the child. Could have broke a rob and popped a lung or ruptured the kids spleen.Ima be straight. Not in the situation, never have been, (thank god), but I legitimately think I would have executed that fat fuck. There are a few things that set me off (ironically violence against women is one) but IMO she has forfeited her right to be treated as anything other than an animal and like an animal, I would put her down.
I got a four year old niece and a six year old nephew. This outrages me. Like, I know people say that, but this upset me to the point that I had to fucking check offline and calm myself down.
Also, no damn jury on the planet would convict him. We ain't that far gone.
This was probably the best piece of swag I got in my time at LucasArts:
That fucker is heavy.
Sony or Microsoft should get Bandai to do some SIC figures for a high end colelctible market. Man can you imagine a S.I.C remixed Ratchet and Clank? Or Arbiter?
SIC is my jam. I would kill people for a SIC Master Chief.
Oh wait: girl kissed me on the lips. What do I do, GAF?
Just go home and play video games
This level 9 peach is giving me and my amiibo the business. I'd be ashamed if I weren't so impressed. Might have to train one up all proper. See where it takes me.
I don't get this place sometimes. I'm not the most socially inclined person by any stretch, but folks miss out on clear signs of attraction that it boggles the mind.Oh wait: girl kissed me on the lips. What do I do, GAF?
Just go home and play video games