People go to great lengths to rationalize any excuse that won't disturb their safe and sound worldview so they make the most illogical excuses to combat any criticism aimed at the current status quo. I'm reminded of
this beautiful quote in a letter from a father to his nephew in the 60's USA:
What you are experiencing is a minor version or instance of this defense mechanism. The usual arguments to defend the status quo take various forms, such as:
- "This Youtube video or article is censorship!"
- "The free market is fair and just"
- "If non-White people want more representation, why don't they just make games themselves?"
- "I am not a racist for liking this game that is being criticized!"
- "The developer's artistic vision should never be criticized!"
- "But white men have it tough too!"
- "But what about world hunger?"
- "Games aren't appealing to non-White people because they don't play video games as much as White people"
- "If you don't like it, (shut up) don't buy it!"
- "White men can't relate to other people different from themselves so they don't buy such games"
- "You're the real racist for pointing out that the majority of characters in video games are White"