The fuck is this nonsense?
You quoted that but not the sex thing?
The fuck is this nonsense?
The average American eats 18 lbs of bacon a year. 43% of people polled would rather have bacon than sex. 23% of men list bacon as their favorite fragrance. 23% of people worry their partner loves bacon more than them.
Suddenly this makes sense.
Nsfw ish.
The fuck is this nonsense?
The fuck is this nonsense?
Counterpoint: America.I doubt it.
This bacon meme has gone too far.
You quoted that but not the sex thing?
I already know people are crazy about eating bacon but just smelling it? That's a new nadir.
I already know people are crazy about eating bacon but just smelling it? That's a new nadir.
For some folks it's their only option.
He was like "melanin sensors activated...insufficient levels."
I like Lupe Fiasco's "superstar"
They played the audio from when the cop shot that kid in Ohio. Cop said that he thought the kid was about 20. Also, the 911 caller said three times the gun was probably fake.
Wrong album, if someone hasn't pointed it out yet. It is indeed one of the worst tracks on the album (The Cool), not that it's terrible -- just kinda blah after a few listens. Meant to be very radio friendly for the time.
Best track on the album is Streets on Fire, tied with The Die.
No shit tho', like a terminator.
Or a Sentinel...
I wanna be Cyclops
Cyclops was right.
How can you ignore 20 years of quality stories for Magneot and Mystqiue?It takes a lot of effort from Singer to ruin Cyclops.
Singer sucks.
No Sabra love?For some folks it's their only option.
put you on game is a timeless classic
kendrick cries everytime
How can you ignore 20 years of quality stories for Magneot and Mystqiue?
I don't know what happened that Mystique of all people is a big central character in x-men.
And the fate of mutant kind rests on her.
Cyclops was right.
THing about it, comic Mystqiue knows and freely admits she ain't shit.hey remember when she used to wear you know..'clothes'
I've had an article rolling around in my head about Cyclops and the real world idea that people should submit to authority, be perfect and nice, and if things still go bad "oh well."
Cyclops is the one who thought that was the way to go until the world opened his eyes.
How can you ignore 20 years of quality stories for Magneot and Mystqiue?
No Sabra love?
Yeah, his evolution is so damn interesting. I like that he kept Xavier around just to tell him to shut the hell up.
Had to deal with them hood ass carpet cleaning companies before so I know what's up. But you fucked by waiting. Should had them come Monday or Tuesday cause it take few days to dry on average.Had the biggest asshole come by the crib to clean the carpet before Thanksgiving. Told us they'll be here between 11 and 3...showed up at 6:30 and told us this shit might not be dry in the morning and they didn't have my down for all this shit and just rude all fuck. Told him to get the fuck out my house, I'll clean my own damn carpet.
And the thing is, the central concert of any literary universe - dramatic tension - means that Cyclops' current ideals are usually right. This is a world that consistently kills mutants. Even Wolverine and the X-Men, while rather fun, was a big "Cyclops is right, those kids need to know how to defend themselves" argument from beginning to end.
If you are a mutant, you are an X-Man, because eventually someone will write a story where you are hurt, maimed, or killed. And keeping Avengers and X-Men worlds apart means that the Avengers have cast a blind eye to these issues for years.
Genosha (Morrison's run), Decimation, the Reavers, the Purifers, numerous Hellfire Clubs, the actions of Osborn during Dark Reign, any number of Sentinels. Pick one.
Like when I was younger I thought it was weird that no one else came to help with the Police state government issue giant death robots sent out to kill them.
I was kid.
Captain America couldn't have not known about that.
He's BCT's own BIll Bellamy.
Speaking of X-men, did AXIS go anywhere after the stupidity that was "killing super-Nazis makes you just as bad"?
Do I need to get back into X-books?
how much do you like Bendis?
I just saw the video of the 12 year old getting shot. That's fucking murder. They rolled up and shot him.
Whoah what, what is this? Is the thing with the bb gun and the cop?
Whoah what, what is this? Is the thing with the bb gun and the cop?