I can give you the white perspective from a dude who works in an office with 14 other white folks.
Nobody has said a word about it, and media is doing a "great" job of keeping it suppressed. There is nothing in my day to day that is affected at all. I'd say for white America, the oblivious white America in Oklahoma at least, it's going to take a hell of a lot more straws. And that's a shame, because these are unbelievably horrific injustices and just a drop in the bucket. It's upsetting to me that I DON'T hear any talk about it, on any opinion either way. It's just indifference, and it bothers me. I'm the only one who brought it up, and the only person who gave a shit was one of the women here who feels the government is poisoning us regularly, trying to inject nanomachines in our blood, and more.
You may not really have been asking about what white America feels in the midwest, but right now, almost nothing, and it's a fucking shame. It's that old "not my problem" thing where people don't give a shit unless it's affecting them, and it's upsetting.
The reaction when I mentioned Ferguson was "people are still doing that?" and genuine surprise.