Gordon Shumway
Why am I now finding out about this chick Tiara Harris
Booties in dresses>>>>booties in tights.
GOOD MORNING, BCT! Good lawd..
Why am I now finding out about this chick Tiara Harris
Booties in dresses>>>>booties in tights.
I can't be taking a cold shower this early...
EDIT: Street Fighter V, exlusive for PS4 & PC.
That is one fucked up moneyhat...
I can't be taking a cold shower this early...
EDIT: Street Fighter V, exlusive for PS4 & PC.
That is one fucked up moneyhat...
The meltdowns already happening over SF5
That moment when you get your paycheck, expecting to be able to cover rent, but you get much less than expected, only to realize there is a WHOLE FUCKING WEEK'S WORTH OF PAY MISSING FROM YOUR CHECK.
You is not white breh breh. I was correct in my light skin assumption, though u more like "light skin dude that saves woman from dark skin dude in Tyler Perry movies " type light skin.
SF5 .. PS4 only tho
welp. guess I know which next gen console I'm getting
They better patch in my SSFIV stick..I ain't buying a new one!Please, don't force me to buy a new one..
Y'all are like gremlins, y'all get buck wild after midnight.
Moneyhatting Street Fighter makes more sense than Tomb Raider. The list that will buy a console just for SF is a lot longer that the one for people that will boy a console for Tomb Raider.
The five extra people really make a dent.
Neither are system sellers in and of themselves. The real coup is the community that builds around games like Street Fighter. PS4, if it wasn't before, is now most assuredly the console of choice for the fighting game fan. That's the value of this exclusive grab, because sooner rather than later, SF will release on everything under the sun. Sony has a running start.
killer instinct tho
I can't be taking a cold shower this early...
EDIT: Street Fighter V, exlusive for PS4 & PC.
That is one fucked up moneyhat...
Killer Instinct is already a contender for soundtrack of the generation.
The five extra people really make a dent.
Neither are system sellers in and of themselves. The real coup is the community that builds around games like Street Fighter. PS4, if it wasn't before, is now most assuredly the console of choice for the fighting game fan. That's the value of this exclusive grab, because sooner rather than later, SF will release on everything under the sun. Sony has a running start.
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
...I thought we left the days of this sort of "exclusivity" for major franchises behind with Tekken back in the PS2 days.
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
Real console wars coming back, folks.
You got a better game from the team behind the Shinobi seriesfucking liars. im glad i didnt expect arcade moonwalker when playing the genesis one
You got a better game from the team behind the Shinobi series
Same thing for ESWAT
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
So it looks like every SF game after Turbo? SOunds about right.
You got a better game from the team behind the Shinobi series
Same thing for ESWAT
fucking liars. im glad i didnt expect arcade moonwalker when playing the genesis one
I keep telling y'all SF3 was the pinnacle of the series
I can't wait for e3 now
This generation has been nothing but bullshit from Sony and Microsoft to me. Luckily, most of the games I want are releasing for PC.
so am I the only one looking at Street Fighter 5 and thinking it just looks like another expansion to Street Fighter 4?
NOOOOO how they gonna do the Wii U like that?! #DEAD
That SFV thread is gold..lol.
My condolences. Unfriend/Block that dude.This muhfucka on facebook had the audacity to tag me in his post on facebook. A video of Glenn beck reading off black peoples names that die, and that #blacklivesmatter is dumb because all lives matter...."hur hur black people kill more black people than white people". this dude got me fucked up and I was in a good mood off this sfv shit.