Gordon Shumway
LOL.I was going to say he can suck an ass, but I remembered we have enthusiasts in this thread.
LOL.I was going to say he can suck an ass, but I remembered we have enthusiasts in this thread.
This is a reminder that they tore down a black community to build Central Park.It's fucking true.
It was white terrorists with fertilizer bombs blowing up schools, blowing up federal buildings, blowing up black churches.
But people like to pretend only foreigners can be terrorists when white American terrorists rarely are ever called such. Every mass shooting that hits the news is a white terrorist, but nothing is ever done to stop repeats. Black people show up with legal open carry guns at a protest in California and those rights are clamped down on immediately by Reagan.
Meanwhile, the Tulsa massacre mentioned was actively whitewashed out of history books.
Racists in power will act more upon the idea of one race possibly doing something than do something about actual acts committed
Highways also often went through minority communities. "whoops!"
I remember as a kid seeing a bunch of older movies that had an anti-highway message to them. I was like, why would you be mad at highways? They let you go fast!
And then I got older and started learning how often highways were used to literally wipe out communities that people wanted to get rid of. Brings me back to pointing out that people that think parts of their life aren't politicized don't realize that those parts of life just favor their own politics
That Metal Gear online fam
Immortal your boy Kojima trying to lock in that early GOTY
edit:fuck already posted gif but it's raw so it deserved it again
Looking back to all the 80s shows/movies where the plot was saving the community center makes a hell of a lot more sense now.
Yo, why have I not heard of this until now. Or maybe I have but didn't pay attention, either way I'm checking this out.
And JoJo is hype, next season will have that and kuroko no fuckery coming back, hype.
People still check for Metal Gear? That's what's hot in the streets?
MGS been hot. The story just went full potato some time ago.
4 was eh
True. Metal Gear Rising is most everything I hate about the metal gear franchise turned up to 11. Delicious potato salad.Potato salad is delicious when you make it right.
The gameplay in 4 was great.
The gameplay in 4 was great.
No Man's Sky= GOTY for 2015.
Mark my words...
No Man's Sky= GOTY for 2015.
Mark my words...
No Man's Sky= GOTY for 2015.
Mark my words...
Didn't take long for the "as a black man" posters to show up in that equal race & sex representation thread. Every time.
I'm going to have to agree with others that it'll be that game that everyone goes "I told y'all it'll be shit!"
People still check for Metal Gear? That's what's hot in the streets?
I don't know why, shit peaked with Metal Gear Solid.
Mgs3 was exceptional. Although it also introduced even more absurdity to the franchise. Problem is a lot of the absurdity had really dope aspects as recompense. Mgs3 had some ridiculous boss characters, but the gameplay in those boss fights was the silver lining. Gameplay was so on point that it kinda nullified the stupidity of a man attacking snake with wasps...kinda.I don't know why, shit peaked with Metal Gear Solid.
Ground Zeroes is the greatest demo ever. If 5 is that quality but in a full length game, it is going to be fucking DOPEEEEE.
MGS: Ghost Babel doesn't get enough love.
I guess all Battlefield Hardline critiques are going to be met with, but you play GTA, you're sensitive, and it's just a game. lol
Nevermind. Found it.
Finally, the Syphon Filter reboot we all dreamed of
And when you wrong, you damn wrong.I don't know why, shit peaked with Metal Gear Solid.
PlayStation Experience on TwitchWhat are y'all watching?
still cant believe dumb asses thought this was cg.
Tone-Loc in 2014
and British pop white women
Sony won the console war
Farcry 4 is dope. Farcry 3 was pretty amazing too...as long as you block out the story. That shit was like the textbook definition of the "Mighty Whitey" trope. Like they said fuck nuance and subtlety and went straight textbook. Shit was disgusting as fuck.