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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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I would murd– do things if ir meant I could have Nomura art of my characters.


Play a all you want, but none of y'all would fuck with that Batman.

His cape would bop you .

Weirdly off topic, wonder what bruce wayne thinks of militarized police? I kind of already know what Tony thinks.


the main characters in final fantasy backstreet's back XIII look pretty restrained for nomura though. they all seem fairly normal.
Snow has zippers on his boots and gloves, your statement is invalid.
His cape would bop you .

Weirdly off topic, wonder what bruce wayne thinks of militarized police? I kind of already know what Tony thinks.
He's not down with murder so I'm thinking no love lost with the popo.
Snow has zippers on his boots and gloves, your statement is invalid.

that's not the game i'm talking about


those three look normal, but then noctis fucks it all up with his nomura shit.

edit: oh shit my bad. forgot they named it ff xv now.


That's why I don't fuck with FF junk.

I'll stick with the superior based Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest

Call me ignorant but, why are people so upset that sf5 is exclusive to pc and ps4.

people always get mad about exclusives.

I'm more upset it looks like a goddamn rehash of IV. Capcom sucks.


Call me ignorant but, why are people so upset that sf5 is exclusive to pc and ps4.

some people would like the option of being able to play it on xbox one

some people simply see it as a win for sony even though they have no intention of playing it anyways

fighting game players on xbox one are like "shit, well ps4 it is then"


That's why I don't fuck with FF junk.

I'll stick with the superior based Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest
Naw. SMT is just oppressive and DQ is just long. At the least, even the worst FF is still fun to play. FF has a significantly. Higher batting average than either.
Nomura is like a bizzaro Rob Liefeld

Cant draw feet vs. too much feet?

the main characters in final fantasy backstreet's back XIII look pretty restrained for nomura though. they all seem fairly normal.

Even during the worst of his accesory phase Nomura had some good designs in him.

So you'd have pretty good designs like Yuna coexisting in the same world as terrible stuff like Tidus and Lulu.
That's why I don't fuck with FF junk.

I'll stick with the superior based Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest

people always get mad about exclusives.

I'm more upset it looks like a goddamn rehash of IV. Capcom sucks.

I can't agree with it being a rehash of 4. From the small amount of gameplay it looks to be much faster than 4, interactive stages, guard breaks. that new powerup. So just from the little trailer we got it looks to play alot different from 4. Of course the art style is somewhat similar and more refined but how many sequels have such a huge art change?


Call me ignorant but, why are people so upset that sf5 is exclusive to pc and ps4.

Because people don't like multi-platform games being bought to be exclusive. Same as with Tomb Raider.

Difference with Bayonetta 2 is that game would literally not exist if not for Nintendo funding it in full.
I think Halo 2 separates from Reach in the encounter design. Aside from sniper alley, Bungie put you in some dope scenarios.

I would ask JC to get in on this discussion but that nigga thinks Silent Cartographer and the Two Betrayals are better levels than Assault on the Control Room, so he can't be trusted.

It's funny, despite the linearity Halo 2 really managed to nail the sense of scale, though. Some of the tricks were more obvious in hindsight (like the "pseudo-skybox" they send you through after lowering the shields on Sacred Icon), but man, they really did a good job at establishing you were a small fish in a big pond exploring Delta Halo, Sacred Icon, High Charity, etc. All the vistas felt like they were strung together a lot better than those in say, 4, where you just kinda teleport where you're needed.

One thing I also noticed playing through H2A was how great they handled things going full-circle with Chief and Arbiter's stories: Chief ends up tearing his way through a politically awry High Charity, and Arbiter finally sets foot on a practically pristine Halo.


So even though they said (I'm pretty sure) they funded the game, folks just don't want to believe it? Why is it any different?

Capcom would have had difficulty funding the game, but seeing as Street Fighter is one of their top IPs, they would have got 'er done regardless. Sony probably offered to help get the next iteration off the ground in return for exclusivity, and Capcom said sure.

Super Street Fighter V will release for all platforms.
FFVII: Dirge Of Cerberus

Of course. What did you think the lab coat was for?
Good grief..lol.

Capcom would have had difficulty funding the game, but seeing as Street Fighter is one of their top IPs, they would have got 'er done regardless. Sony probably offered to help get the next iteration off the ground in return for exclusivity, and Capcom said sure.

Super Street Fighter V will release for all platforms.
I dunno, Trey. I wasn't thrilled when DOA suddenly vanished from my PlayStation and became Xbox exclusive..and I'm pretty sure Microsoft didn't fund that. These things happen. I just don't understand the rage.

If folks want it enough, they'll grab the system.
Is the full breath of the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor really that great?

Because so far I've gotten past the first boss and almost everything about the game is just a mediocre version of something from Ass Creed or Arkham.

Is it that much better when you unlock branding?
So...how about that Dragon Age Inquisition?

The PR 180 between DA2 and Inquisition is amazing.
Is the full breath of the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor really that great?

Because so far I've gotten past the first boss and almost everything about the game is just a mediocre version of something from Ass Creed or Arkham.

Is it that much better when you unlock branding?

I loved it. Combat shits on Ass Creed from great heights.

The PR 180 between DA2 and Inquisition is amazing.

According to Origin, I'm sitting on 102hrs.
SFV was getting made one way or the other.

As a free-to-play title maybe. This SFV? You probably weren't going to see anything like it for a while, not with Ultra pulling 500K and Arcade only crossing 1.1 million.

Capcom has been on the struggle and they've obviously thought more about putting their money towards Resident Evil and Monster Hunter over anything else. Deep Down being their outside shot at building on the luck they had with Dragon Dogma.

It's probably not a deep as Bayonetta, but Sony is still ponying up the money to allow us to see SFV anytime soon and as a relatively complete title. (Even though Capcom has already said they'll be pursuing more DLC in the Consumer business.)
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