Gordon Shumway
Everything about this is teeeeerrible..lol. ThatYou Jandro something you would enjoy.
Everything about this is teeeeerrible..lol. ThatYou Jandro something you would enjoy.
Some of these characters they be adding in Tekken are pure wtf.
Though I shouldn't be surprised anymore with a game that has Ishi and her cousins fighting dinosaurs and kangaroos.
*checks gamingside*
the new character design in this series fell off a cliff after Tekken 4.
Everything about this is teeeeerrible..lol. Thatanimation..horse
*checks gamingside*
the new character design in this series fell off a cliff after Tekken 4.
Good thing I don't like Tekken..is that game free to play now as well?
Whatever, Slayven..lol.
Miguel and Lili are the only post-T4 additions i really fuck with.
*checks gamingside*
the new character design in this series fell off a cliff after Tekken 4.
What bullshit will the arcade/story mode be locked behind?
Lets not talk animation
Some of these characters they be adding in Tekken are pure wtf.
Though I shouldn't be surprised anymore with a game that has Ishi and her cousins fighting dinosaurs and kangaroos.
Steve Fox, King, Lei Wong, Bryan, ninja negro and kickboxing black dude are my go to in Tekken.
Haven't touched the series since Tag Tournament. Glad for it.
I can't agree with it being a rehash of 4. From the small amount of gameplay it looks to be much faster than 4, interactive stages, guard breaks. that new powerup. So just from the little trailer we got it looks to play alot different from 4. Of course the art style is somewhat similar and more refined but how many sequels have such a huge art change?
let's ask our resident anime expert ke0.
ke0, give us the play-by-play.
Steve Fox, King, Lei Wong, Bryan, ninja negro and kickboxing black dude are my go to in Tekken.
Hworang, Jin, Kazuya & Steve for the lulz.
Speaking of Tekken...
I got 15 dollars to spend, brehs. Should I cop Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection for PS3, or cop a month of PS+ for $10, so I can play DDA again?
I don't feel lIke reading last 6 pages so what I missed? Also Lili, Marduk and Bob for the mother fucking win.
I been playing board games all day.
what did you play
did that dude live?
We played Zombies!!! and was gonna play Betrayal at the House on Haunted hill but the Zombies!!! game went 5 fucking hours. We are probably gonna start up Munchkin. These cats I hang with want to start a regular group meet to play some other games so we just delving in.
Did something happen to Japanese character design in general after like 2004 (other than From Software)?
so.... dudes be passing out dick picks like halloween candy on this website now?
is that the new wave in these e-streets??
I hardly post here but does anyone have or had a friend(who is black himself) who couldn't stand other black people? Did y'all just cut them off or what? I ended up getting pretty pissed off and punching my friend the other day for the BS he was spouting all day when I was helping him move as if him and I aren't black too. I would cut him off instantly but I have no lie known this dude since I was 5 years old....I know he has his reasons for hating black and all but jeez..
Bayonetta, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Mass Effect 2, and Red Dead Redemption all came out that year
so nah
GoW2 is the pinnacle of the series, sitting on the throne and laughing down at the lesser entires guitar hero minigames and Hades levels.
so.... dudes be passing out dick picks like halloween candy on this website now?
is that the new wave in these e-streets??
Others are trash. One where you run around spheres and a third rate action game that failed so hard Sega wouldnt fund the sequel. When Nintendo has to step in to fund it for their struggle console, you already lost. GTFO with that noise.
so.... dudes be passing out dick picks like halloween candy on this website now?
is that the new wave in these e-streets??
I'm hoping that's what is it.Treat it like a phase.
considering we've had more than one self-identifying (a handful if you count the confession thread) pedophile on this board I'm sure there is much worse being passed around in PMs.so.... dudes be passing out dick picks like halloween candy on this website now?
is that the new wave in these e-streets??
Lmao, dude's getting his dick pics passed around like the flu. Sooner or later they'll be a thread in OT "So WHO hasn't seen Cyanide's pics?"
Damn, another BCT member getting added to the never listen for opinions list.
considering we've had more than one self-identifying (a handful if you count the confession thread) pedophile on this board I'm sure there is much worse being passed around in PMs.
Do what you need to. Don't think highly of Bayonetta or Vanquish. Or Wolfenstein. Or 3d Marios.
But DMC? Ratchet? Gears? God of War? ME? Borderlands? Cup head? Volgarr? Cloudberry? Bring em on.
In other news, trying real hard to like DA:I multiplayer, but it's not working so far.
considering we've had more than one self-identifying (a handful if you count the confession thread) pedophile on this board I'm sure there is much worse being passed around in PMs.
They just don't grab me like the 2d ones. Most of my fondest platform memories are of games like DKC 2, SMW, sonic, etc. I loved NSMB, but Galaxy, Sunshine, etc just never did it for me. I'd take a true port of Kaizo Mario over pretty much all the 3d ones.