Ya image is broke dawg.
fixed it
Ya image is broke dawg.
fixed it
I don't know who she is but props to dude.
On the same subject, was listening to old J.Cole and remembered his bar
"Dreaming of the day of a drop 500 and a bad bitch that'll go to popeyes for me".
Randomly decided to call up (facetime actually) an old flame (She got engaged 2 years back then dude flaked, they had a daughter who is 2 now)
Me: "Would you go to popeyes for me?"
Unfortunately those multiple degree holding AKAs pulling bank chicks just can't say yes or no because they're so extra.
Her: "Why am I going to popeyes crazy?"
Me: "I just need to know, if I needed popeyes would you go?"
Her: "Do you need popeyes?"
Me: " would you go?"
Her: "Why are you asking me this?"
Me: "Just answer, it's from a song."
Her: "This sounds dangerous"
Me: "It's a J.Cole song"
Her: "Who?"
Me "Oh my god, I just want to know would you go to popeyes for me?!"
Her: "If you needed me to, yes. I would go to popeyes for you "
Me: :3
Her: "You're crazy"
Me: :3 :3 :3 :3
Her: "Now tell me this song and why you asked me this"
Me: "In the song J.Cole says 'Dreaming of the days of a drop 500 and a bad bitch that'll go to popeyes for me' so I felt it necessary to ask."
Her: " really"
Me: "I had to know"
Her: "Well now you do, and I'm hanging up now. Bye crazy"
Me: :3
nahif that one vine got people getting the sonic rings slapped out of them, this needs something. HP bars with 9999 damage counts, Little Mac's KO meter, "It's a one-hit KO!," anything.
nahOr maybe a WASTED
only needs this.
I need to read those Chris rock interview you guys were talking about awhile back. I have the one on hollywoodreport, but there was another one about black progress on or something like that. Help me out!
I need to read those Chris rock interview you guys were talking about awhile back. I have the one on hollywoodreport, but there was another one about black progress on or something like that. Help me out!
The Zelda U gameplay thread made me contemplate quitting gaming side for a while. I have a hard time believing that most of GAF consist of adults at times.
People are shitting on the Witcher? Pure ignorance.
jWill I rolled my eyes at your verse but I can't lie that was pretty amusing.
AE pls.
Track fourteen
Drunk having in fun at the club named Sam, and the only one harmonizing with Kanye and yasiin bey
He's go a couple actually. He's doing the circuit for his new movie, Top Five. They're all worth a read.
Rolling Stone
Hollywood Reporter
The Breakfast Club (Video)
Track fourteen
Drunk having in fun at the club named Sam, and the only one harmonizing with Kanye and yasiin bey
Hello fellas. Been on neogaf for a couple of years(idk which year tho) and its only just this year I even thought about if there was a black community of some sort. So once I found about this thread, some time around OT8, started lurking and I felt like I missed a lot. But man you guys(and the bear) crack me up. So this is a quick wats up to BCT. Im on mobile so I will make another post with answers to the OPs questions or something like that.
No features on the first album. Got to show my talents off!Bruh, the track that I feature on has to be better than this...
No features on the first album. Got to show my talents off!
I'm going to be triple platinum before the album is out like Slim Thug. Selling upwards of 5,000 copies in this digital age. You can open for me if Lil Flip doesn't accept my offer of 3 bags of CheetosI thought you wanted to go Platinum status, not weed plate status.
Note this is the 2nd delay. The first was easy to call because the xbone wasn't going to be out in their home country of Poland for the original time framegaming-side is wack. if it aint bloodborne then it aint shit apparently.
gotta admit though the witcher 3 delay has me disappointed. but it's pretty cool timing how the two GOTY candidates are releasing in the middle of the summer, a sign of things to come?
Ever played something you really wanna like but it just..... eh?
Word.That Uncharted discussion is silly at best, embarrassing at worse.
And people wonder why folks are quick to dismiss nerds.
Chinner asking the real questionswhy does nobody challenge that pokemon promotes slavery and violence?
The first Mass Effect. Best individual story in the trilogy, but some of the most repetitive gameplay ever...
Ever played something you really wanna like but it just..... eh?
The first Mass Effect. Best individual story in the trilogy, but some of the most repetitive gameplay ever...
Those braids are on point, she must have gone to MHWilliams' hair dude.
wandering the internet
can someone explain this shitas i rarely pay attention to DC
but Kanye told me that's not possibleKyle the greatest lantern ever can use all the rings. When using 2 different rings damn near drove Hal Jordan crazy. Kyle can stunt with will the power.
wandering the internet
can someone explain this shitas i rarely pay attention to DC
but Kanye told me that's not possible
I bet the bootleg man at MHW's shop does his own Film Commentary track.See that, MH? You let that dude take care of you, and you can meet Obama too.
Why are certain black people "ok" with the idea that an issue isn't really important unless it affects white people too and make sure to point that out so things aren't seen as a race issue?? Is Charlemagne really this much of a Tom or is he just in it for the checks?
wtf man Krypton tv show...superman's grandfather...wtf
You'd think Gotham would have shown a) it's a bad idea and b) they have no idea what they're doing without their superheroes anyway.
Gonna have to start bringing jackets up therethe next racial war will be caused by airconditioning, Im at the office and people cant agree about what setting to put the shit on, white dude set it too low and now got erryboy mad
Chinner asking the real questions
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=playstation+tvwhat's up fam been up all night trying to fix the mother in laws laptop. Anywho went to Target after work yesterday for some Christmas shopping they selling them playstation tv bundles for 100 bucks. bought two of em. I didn't see any signs indicating a deal and I'm not sure if it's a pricing error here in NC but I thought I'd share nonetheless.
I hate the Witcher franchise. I have both games and I was super hype because I fucking loved the novels, but I could not with that series. Makes me worry for cyberpunk and that before we get to the misogyny.
Speaking of games that won't ever come out, where the fuck is World of Darkness? It, PSO2, and Black Desert are my triumvirate of based character creation.