Completely valid and reasonable points about naruto .
While I would Naruto aint the type of homie to ever give up on a dude, you right about sakura. He has been trying to make her relevant the entire time, it got so bad over time he made her into just a horrible character, a horrible person he had to basically apologize for in the manga. I kind of feel the same way sasuke, like " oh sasuke is best friend " no shikimaru is, sasuke is someone he feels sorry for and cares about.
I kinda agree naruto cares a bit too much, and sakura is ... still a nothing. However to give credit where its due a lot of the crazy mofo's epically sasuke , sasuke is like one of the most well explained justified crazy mofo's in naruto... and kind of in a lot of manga. This dude, is... justified in his nuts-ness, a lot of times naruto tries to address larger issues, and sometimes those things get walked over but sasuke... is the posterboy for that sort of thing.
Like if you want a detailed, " why sasuke is justified in being a wack-job " I can hit you up with it. Like you sitting here like " man I'm sasuke is such a asshole, why is he such an ass hole "I can give you the explanation, not now though. I have to sleep, the explanation involves skeleton witnesses though so have fun with that.