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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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You know he is down with Paula Deen right. I can not hate the hustle.

Hustle game. Estranged enemesis into stranger bedfellows. You do what you do to make that loot. Can't hate if he making that money. Paula Deen that pariah is latching onto a "friendly" name so she can get back into graces with the black community. She getting hers while he has a foot hold into making money in a different demographic. Mutually beneficial relationship.


Hustle game. Estranged enemesis into stranger bedfellows. You do what you do to make that loot. Can't hate if he making that money. Paula Deen that pariah is latching onto a "friendly" name so she can get back into graces with the black community. She getting hers while he has a foot hold into making money in a different demographic. Mutually beneficial relationship.

Give me five figures and I will do commercials for Stormfront.


Give me five figures and I will do commercials for Stormfront.

Make it 9 billion tax free in my account before I sign up for one ad and WE GOT A DEAL. The contract states that I will not use my real name and that the organization, its sponsors, relatives, friends, associates, and anyone passively familiar with this agreement speaks on it ever again. It has to be never work again money AFTER TAXES. It has to be buy a symbiote money. I need that good disappear forever on some mob shit money to even take the meeting to be honest.

As a Cleveland native, I'm disappointed in Steve Harvey. I'm all about that KGTC (keep getting them checks) life but THIS IS GOING TOO FUCKING FAR. I wouldn't partner with Paula Deen on anything. I wouldn't shit on her if she was dying of hypothermia.

Does anyone want to sell me some doge? I missed the cryptocurrency bandwagon in '10 and need to get on it seriously this time around. Let this currency blow up and all of us make millions.

What are our thoughts on Tyga possibly leaving YMCMB?

I want to add a question to the BCT poll:

What is your preferred living destination permanently: The hood, a college town, a suburb, or the boonies? To clarify: you have to live there forever and cannot move.


Never saw the reason for paying for something you can have access to easily. Dating Sites....sex..etc..etc..

Even during my best weeks I wasnt pulling ass "easily." It would be way less of an effort to just pay for it, but that's generally not how you build solid companionship. Plus the thrill of the chase, et cetera.

And we pay for all kinds of things we have daily access to. You can cook for yourself easily but many people eat out. If you're close enough you can walk to work but most people would take public transit. You can learn to change your tire but most people would just take it to the shop.

Many people just aren't comfortable "reducing" something that's usually intimate into a service.
Fuck living in the hood.

Not sure where I'll end up, and I don't picture myself leaving SoCal anytime soon, preferably I'll set up in either Santa Monica or Downtown LA.


living in a college town now honestly is cool, because it's a revolving door of everything but I feel it will wear off soon...for me at least almost a year out and I'm over it for the most part

I wouldn't mind it if I was more downtown doe then close to campus


Suburb unless someone's going to front me the cash to buy a little place in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.

The nice thing about having your own house is you can be as freaky as you want to be once the doors are closed.
What is your preferred living destination permanently: The hood, a college town, a suburb, or the boonies? To clarify: you have to live there forever and cannot move.

I don't think anyone would want to live in the hood anywhere.

College town for me though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just got back from a doctor appointment where we were checking a bunch of my levels.

Testosterone through the roof. Over 1k. Estrogen is too high. My blood thickness is out of control. If I don't give blood this week I'm basically a time bomb, will die in my sleep. Not too happy about that. Other than that, the juice is loose. I'm a goddamn tyrannosaurus...that might die suddenly. So I've got my blood appointment tomorrow, gonna let them take as much as they can and hope I don't wreck on the way home.
Just got back from a doctor appointment where we were checking a bunch of my levels.

Testosterone through the roof. Over 1k. Estrogen is too high. My blood thickness is out of control. If I don't give blood this week I'm basically a time bomb, will die in my sleep. Not too happy about that. Other than that, the juice is loose. I'm a goddamn tyrannosaurus...that might die suddenly. So I've got my blood appointment tomorrow, gonna let them take as much as they can and hope I don't wreck on the way home.

Damn man, wasn't the problem last time that you had low testosterone? Hoping for the best buddy


"Is he dead? ...yea? Ok, we'll come pick him up some time tomorrow. peace."
*weeks later*

"oh yea is that thing yall called about still a problem? forgot what it was...anyway your street smells like hot ass juice. Clean it up forget fined, we shouldn't have to make trips out here for no reason."

Just got back from a doctor appointment where we were checking a bunch of my levels.

Testosterone through the roof. Over 1k. Estrogen is too high. My blood thickness is out of control. If I don't give blood this week I'm basically a time bomb, will die in my sleep. Not too happy about that. Other than that, the juice is loose. I'm a goddamn tyrannosaurus...that might die suddenly. So I've got my blood appointment tomorrow, gonna let them take as much as they can and hope I don't wreck on the way home.

Don't know which part of this deserves the name tag the most. You should donate to like 3 hospitals or some shit. For real tho hopefully something comes through for you tho

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damn man, wasn't the problem last time that you had low testosterone? Hoping for the best buddy

Oh yeah, I was on the very very low end.

About a month ago they cut my dosage by 2/3rds - so I was receiving a third of what I used to, saying that they were giving me way way way too much. I'm really happy they did that, I'd probably be dead now if not for it - one of the side effects of testosterone is blood thickening and it's at a lethal level with me. I don't know if I'd be around had they not cut it so severely.

It's pretty worrisome and I feel like a time bomb. As long as I get through tonight I should be good, but I can't try running 3 miles again tonight :/


Suburb unless someone's going to front me the cash to buy a little place in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.

The nice thing about having your own house is you can be as freaky as you want to be once the doors are closed.

"How they get Ebola juices on the ceiling fan?"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As much as I like city life, I need the space too. I need quiet, and I need people to stay the fuck away from me sometimes. Sometimes you can find that in the suburbs, sometimes out in the middle of nowhere. Need space.


I lived in the hood for 18 years and 10 months. I'm now 11 years and 10 months into living in a college town and it's boring. It took me seven years to find a good barber. I was going in salons with fucking haircut tutorials formatted in H264. <--- I'M JOKING. For seriously, give me the suburbs with character/diversity and a job market. I need the strip club in the same town as the cultural museum.

Is Russell Wilson black or Black?

"In that locker room, there were battle lines being drawn," Douglas remembered in an interview. "It was T.O. versus Donovan. People were starting to draw lines in the sand. I was out of line, but I wanted to defend Donovan."

The Eagles would suspend Owens over the fight, and eventually he would be gone.

"If someone is talking bad about your quarterback," Douglas said, "they [have] to go. Period. The quarterback, through thick and thin, has to be the guy."

In Seattle, though many people may deny this, there was a similar dynamic between Wilson and Harvin.

While reports like this one from ESPN's Chris Mortensen suggest Wilson wanted to help Harvin through his anger issues, one Seahawks player said the biggest reason the team traded the wide receiver was his increasing animosity toward Wilson. The player said Harvin was an accelerant in a locker room that was quickly dividing between Wilson and anti-Wilson.

Again, people will deny this, but there's truth to it.

The main issue some players seem to have with Wilson is they think he's too close to the front office, which is the same ridiculous thing some said about McNabb. How anyone could have a problem with Wilson&#8212;one of the best players in the sport and one of its best citizens&#8212;is unfathomable to me, but that's the case.

There is also a strictly football issue here with Wilson. I'm told he doesn't always take the blame with teammates for mistakes he makes. In Wilson's mind, a bad throw isn't always his fault.

Yet there are other quarterbacks in the NFL who do this&#8212;cough, Peyton Manning, cough&#8212;and there's no locker room tumult with them.

There is also an element of race that needs to be discussed. My feeling on this&#8212;and it's backed up by several interviews with Seahawks players&#8212;is that some of the black players think Wilson isn't black enough.

This, again, was similar to the situation with McNabb. And this, again, will be denied by Seattle people. But there is an element of this.

This is an issue that extends outside of football, into African-American society&#8212;though it's gotten better recently. Well-spoken blacks are seen by some other blacks as not completely black. Some of this is at play.

The Seahawks are among the best-run organizations in all of sports. Pete Carroll is the best in the NFL at making a locker room full of different types of personalities blend well. The only coaches I've covered who were better than Carroll at that were Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells.

For the Seahawks organization to get rid of a guy they gave up a first-, third and seventh-rounder to essentially get back a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (conditional draft pick in 2015) means there was something seriously amiss. This was no ordinary personality conflict.

Two things to make clear: First, there were players that liked Harvin. A lot. Marshawn Lynch tweeted his support using a stupid racial slur. According to the New York Daily News' Manish Mehta:

Second, if there is no respect for a quarterback, an offense can wither and die. In many ways, an entire team can. That is the power of the position.

And that might be the biggest lesson taught by the trade of Harvin.


I want to add a question to the BCT poll:

What is your preferred living destination permanently: The hood, a college town, a suburb, or the boonies? To clarify: you have to live there forever and cannot move.

Who wants to live in the hood forever unless they have a rap persona to protect? Give me the suburbs.
What are our thoughts on Tyga possibly leaving YMCMB?

I want to add a question to the BCT poll:

What is your preferred living destination permanently: The hood, a college town, a suburb, or the boonies? To clarify: you have to live there forever and cannot move.

The YMCMB cycle continues.... Sign a contract, post a few pictures of you and Birdman on Instagram, make a few tracks... Don't get a release date, get lost in the Nicki/Drake/Wayne hype, then leave. (Though tyga did put an album out... I think). Young Thug is next to hit the bushes.

And I would choose a suburb.
I want to add a question to the BCT poll:

What is your preferred living destination permanently: The hood, a college town, a suburb, or the boonies? To clarify: you have to live there forever and cannot move.

suburbs because college towns are just hoods with more money. and screw living out in the middle of no where, i like options
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