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The Black Culture Thread |OT9| More Priest, Less Hudlin

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Imma pray for y'all

Like so?


EDIT: Just noticed I'm now a member. I HAVE ASCENDED!


Junior Member
Shit, I live in fear of being juniored. I'd like to think I make good threads. The Booty-Eating Renaissance should give me at least one Get Out Of Jail Free card.

It's not that bad once you get used to it.

i can't..


Ahh! You think you have slow internet. You merely got a bad connection. I ordered it. Paid for it! I didn't even know there was high speed internet until I was a man, but by then the speed was BLAZING:


Slow internet is not for you, because it belongs to me!

God damn. And I was just whining a few pages ago about how I'm stuck with 15Mbps because of shit wi-fi (my connection is supposed to get me 50). Bout to try out this powerline shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Jandro you gotta pay someone to destroy Slayven's horse picture folder

I mean the man had two horses Tebowing locked and loaded

You can't win so long as it exists


Hyper your paying $3.50 a month for that speed right?

Also has anyone ever gone from member > junior > member

Yes. Don't post a thread comparing Kanye to Nintendo.

I just got cornered by the head of my department to have my photo taken for "diversity" and to let my black coworker/officemate "K" know when she got back so my manager could take the photo with my dSLR. We talk it over and agree this is some bullshit being forced on us since we're being singled out and want no part of it. I have less experience dealing with this, but she mentioned going to private school and always being asked to do this sort of nonsense.

She steps out again, my immediate manager (not the dept head), nice guy, is tasked with taking the photo. He comes back all happy-like: "Where's K? Doesn't she wanna take the photo!" I shake my head, tell him neither of us are okay with this. I explain we're both on the same page in terms of being singled out and cornered. In gentle terms, it was hokey and silly. He was kinda red-faced and suddenly agreed that it was a sudden weird/uncharacteristic request. He left to go explain to the dept head over the phone and she later emailed me to apologize for her odd, demanding request.

I would've been okay with this if it included varied groups and others in our fairly large dept (including some from other ethnic backgrounds), and not just the two obvious brown people in the vicinity.


this is why we can't have nice things

edit: oh and she's a crackhead? this your speed, fam?

hang on hang on...

I just prayed for you

Listen, she witnessed her friend just drop dead on the soccer field as a youth, she went through a rough spot. And amphetamine has numerous medical purposes.


I'm thoroughly convinced that people who worry about feminism effecting things negatively don't actually understand feminism. How could you not think Carol Danvers is a feminist character?


I wouldn't hang my hate on Carol being a feminist icon, her history is too shitty for that. But whatever floats some boat. Now Monica Rombeau there is a feminist icon for you. Kick ass cop, kick ass superhero that went on to leading to the avengers.
I wouldn't hang my hate on Carol being a feminist icon, her history is too shitty for that. But whatever floats some boat. Now Monica Rombeau there is a feminist icon for you. Kick ass cop, kick ass superhero that went on to leading to the avengers.

Correct me if I'm wrong Slayven, but isn't Carol a recovering alcoholic who got her soul snatched by Rogue? And wasn't there some weird pregnancy thing as well? Woman's got some crazy history.

And one can argue that all superheroines are feminist icons (super powered women saving the world because reasons, owing their agency) and that none of them are (skimpy costumes, male gaze, fridges, occasional fuckery). Wonder Woman is the only one that was expressly created with the goal of uplifting women and girls.


Correct me if I'm wrong Slayven, but isn't Carol a recovering alcoholic who got her soul snatched by Rogue? And wasn't there some weird pregnancy thing as well? Woman's got some crazy history.

And one can argue that all superheroines are feminist icons (super powered women saving the world because reasons, owing their agency) and that none of them are (skimpy costumes, male gaze, fridges, occasional fuckery). Wonder Woman is the only one that was expressly created with the goal of uplifting women and girls.

2 time recovering alcoholic, she once got drunk and tried to fight the kree on the moon. That was during her Warbird days.

Thats true, but if I had to make a example I would use Power Girl. Folks love to shit her for her costume, despite her not only be a genius electrical engineer nut also creating a fortune 500 company. But "Boob windows", she can deadlift an island let her dress how she wants.


Correct me if I'm wrong Slayven, but isn't Carol a recovering alcoholic who got her soul snatched by Rogue? And wasn't there some weird pregnancy thing as well? Woman's got some crazy history.

And one can argue that all superheroines are feminist icons (super powered women saving the world because reasons, owing their agency) and that none of them are (skimpy costumes, male gaze, fridges, occasional fuckery). Wonder Woman is the only one that was expressly created with the goal of uplifting women and girls.
One could also argue that the costumes are part of owning their agency (sexy and I know it), but that's a can of worms about creator intent.
One could also argue that the costumes are part of owning their agency (sexy and I know it), but that's a can of worms about creator intent.

Yeah good point. Third Wave feminism allows heroines to own their agency with the sexy. I'd say that Power Girl is an excellent example of that since many women love her, particularly the Connor/Palmiotti version. How a comic book character is /written/ may overcome perceived visual concerns.



*Calls Subway to deliver three footlong sandwiches, three bags of chips, and two cokes*

No offense, but I am suddenly hungry after seeing that photo.

I see hope in that photo. She has that adventurous look that seems curious about ways to broaden interracial collaboration between genders.

When and for what reason did I get a tag? I need to thank somebody FOR RECOGNIZING MY GREATNESS. It's about time someone let me be great.


Did anyone else peep Star on the Combat Jack Show? 'The fuck happened to Star? Bring back the hater and get his evil twin off the radio.
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