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The Black Culture Thread


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
spindashing said:
Hi, brothers (and sisters).

That other thread sure rose my blood pressure.

welcome back spin

and that other thread... so many people tried to say that the women posted werent truly black. i mean what the fuck?
Posted this in the wrong thread lol.

Man, all this time I just found out Leni Kravitz has a beautiful daughter. I saw her in the new X-Men trailer and got on IMDB quick to find out who that was. Dem lips! And yes, that's her in my avy. :)
Dreams-Visions said:
who are you tellin'.

This "...but they're XX% white" is some new shit that I'm just not equipped to handle. Fuck mang, I'm about half 70/30, and that 30 is white from one side and Cherokee from the other. I didn't know that meant I was no longer entitled to my Black Card.

The notion that a person who isn't black would make a concerted effort to separate me or my people is hella stressful to me. I wonder what % of 'black' would they deem "enough black" to be considered "black". lol (but not really laughing at all)

That notion strikes me as odd. I think its just when it comes to beauty that people dislike those who are lighter and appear more caucasian. I guess people feel that light skinned black people are not representative of most black people in the world and they get upset seeing them in every fashion ad or brought up whenever someone wants to post an example of a good looking black person.

Personally I've got absolutely nothing against light people or half-black people. Hell one of the coolest politician alive is half-black.
Ken Masters said:
The fact she is a "light skinned" black women has little to do with her attractiveness, the symmetry in her face is damn near perfect, again, not your average black women
lol. Thread is ridiculous.
BloodySinner said:
What got you banned in the first place? I've been noticing a lot of banned GAF members lately...
Without going into great detail, I said something foolish in a PSN thread. Out of all the crazy things I've done/said on GAF, it's pretty tame in comparison. I can't lie; me getting banned was going to happen some time, lol.

Glad to be back, though. Thanks for the welcome back, guys. Hopefully this thread lives on in 2011. Himuro would like that.


Junior Member
lightless_shado said:
That notion strikes me as odd. I think its just when it comes to beauty that people dislike those who are lighter and appear more caucasian. I guess people feel that light skinned black people are not representative of most black people in the world and they get upset seeing them in every fashion ad or brought up whenever someone wants to post an example of a good looking black person.

Pretty much.


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The Faceless Master said:
i read the first dozen posts in that thread and bailed.
Tbh, it was a lot more civil thani expected. Guess I don't know GAF as well as I thought.


i wish you guys wouldve actually discussed the topic (even if it is borderline racist and a worthless study) rather than dumping pics of hot black women in the thread


I went to an Indian student's birthday party at UofI and I was buzzing and I called a black guy who was on campus the N word. Then he came up to the party and we started talking about rappers.
DrFunk said:
Tbh, it was a lot more civil thani expected. Guess I don't know GAF as well as I thought.
it took Opiate swinging a Louisville Slugger to get transition it into what it is now, though.

Sadaiyappan said:
I went to an Indian student's birthday party at UofI and I was buzzing and I called a black guy who was on campus the N word. Then he came up to the party and we started talking about rappers.
how nice of him.
I'm rather concerned about some opinions shared in that thread. I know its not indicative of the majority. It still bothers me when I read comments about some users saying they never found a black women attractive? Then again its probably just internet trolling for the sake of trolling.
Urban Scholar said:
I'm rather concerned about some opinions shared in that thread. I know its not indicative of the majority. It still bothers me when I read comments about some users saying they never found a black women attractive? Then again its probably just internet trolling for the sake of trolling.

One thing I learned: There are lots of white guys out there that find black girls attractive, but assume they're more likely to reject them than a white chick.

I wonder what whoomp's thoughts are on this.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Urban Scholar said:
I'm rather concerned about some opinions shared in that thread. I know its not indicative of the majority. It still bothers me when I read comments about some users saying they never found a black women attractive? Then again its probably just internet trolling for the sake of trolling.
No. I believe them, and I don't think it's an issue of trolling. You have to remember that the only point of reference most people in the west have for black people, are what they see in television, and the kind of black skinned people that they are surrounded with. When an American says "I don't think I'm attracted to black women" He is effectively saying that he isn't attracted to the kind of black women he has been in contact with. which is a VERY tiny fragment of people around the globe with pigmentation. Because Brazillians can be as dark or even darker than the African americans he's been in contact with. So his rationale of what constitutes a black person, is flawed. The only sad part here, is that most people don't realise it.

I don't mind it when some people find a certain look of a person unattractive, but there needs to be a reasoning behind it.
Funtruck said:
i wish you guys wouldve actually discussed the topic (even if it is borderline racist and a worthless study) rather than dumping pics of hot black women in the thread
In all seriousness, I'm glad it dissolved into that. Considering the garbage thrown around in threads of that nature, I am wary of taking part unless it is heavily moderated.

Some of the things said in threads like the Kobe thread for example were borderline, if not fully, racist and not everyone received a ban for what they said.
spindashing said:
In all seriousness, I'm glad it dissolved into that. Considering the garbage thrown around in threads of that nature, I am wary of taking part unless it is heavily moderated.

Some of the things said in threads like the Kobe thread for example were borderline, if not fully, racist and not everyone received a ban for what they said.

Welcome back brother


Urban Scholar said:
I'm rather concerned about some opinions shared in that thread. I know its not indicative of the majority. It still bothers me when I read comments about some users saying they never found a black women attractive? Then again its probably just internet trolling for the sake of trolling.

well when you think about it. Some of the users in this forum have said they are only attracted to asians. I'm 100% sure these ones have never talked to a girl in their life. Sheltered nerds say the darnest things.
Urban Scholar said:
Welcome back brother
Thanks. Also thanks to the others who said similar things.

But, in all honesty, people are allowed not to find a black girl attractive and that kind of an opinion isn't new. I'd say it is a close-minded view of the world, but it's not impossible. I cringe when seeing/hearing that sort of thing but there's not much anyone can do. More sisters for me, I guess (If they even want my "ignant" ass, lol).
Londa said:
well when you think about it. Some of the users in this forum have said they are only attracted to asians. I'm 100% sure these ones have never talked to a girl in their life. Sheltered nerds say the darnest things.
I can't shake my opinion that in 2011 that's far too wrong on so many levels. Insert baskin robins reference.
Equus Bellator Apex said:
I got banned in the psn thread too and you guys didn't notice I was gone.


Whatever, I'm already over it.
Who are you, (insert n-word variation here)?
Kidding! Welcome back, man. We're missing a few people due to PSN threads, and I hope they find their way back

Neoriceisgood said:
This thread is more interesting than the one about attractive black females, that one has a lot of weird opinions that don't make sense to me.
You're in the right place.
Neoriceisgood said:
That's pretty cool.

So what is this thread about? I only ever go in Mangagaf and want to broaden my horizon.
(and arts&farts once in a blue moon)
We do a lot in here, and I'm glad we're still running strong.

Some topics include:
What is Black Culture? Is there even a Black Culture? What are some of your experiences as a black person in the US/around the world? As a non-black, what are your experiences/views on the black community or a significant event in said community. Do we have differences between each other? What are our similarities?

We also speak of current events pertaining to the Black community.
As an outsider looking in, you could start a topic about something you were wondering about the black community (be civil, Shanadeus was not). Thoughts, comments, etc are welcomed. We do not discriminate unless stupidity is thrown at us.

Speaking of Shanadeus, we do have to thank him, ever since his little outburst this thread has been more active. I recall weeks of inactivity in here prior to it.


Urban Scholar said:
I can't shake my opinion that in 2011 that's far too wrong on so many levels. Insert baskin robins reference.

Yeah, it seems like a ton of gaf is borderline racist after the Kobe and this Black woman thread.

Neoriceisgood said:
I don't think I've really had any experiences
with the black community I think,
though I'm not sure what would qualify.

There are times when something on the news relates to blacks and how they are treated. Like Rodney King. If a situation covered by the news that deals with black people peaks your interests, you can come here and discuss it.
Urban Scholar said:
I'm rather concerned about some opinions shared in that thread. I know its not indicative of the majority. It still bothers me when I read comments about some users saying they never found a black women attractive? Then again its probably just internet trolling for the sake of trolling.

I think its more of a social thing where the majority of said opinions are from people who just haven't had enough contact with black women to begin with. I think there might be a correlation to upbringing and the amount of experience you have with certain races creating a sort of tier as it relates to preference.

I think there's a difference between being able to understand that a person is attractive and actually being attracted.
I don't really have any questions I think..

I might want to ask something about the importance of representation within a visual medium like a comic or video game, but I'd have to think about how to phrase the question before asking it.

I think the whole ... "token minority" thing is kinda silly when it's played straight because casting someone just to fill a minority spot seems like a choice not based in reality, but I guess it's still better than ..well, just making every single person in your own little world white/asian, right? (or whatever the most popular choice is)

Personally I feel that within an intellectual product it's more important that the world as a whole is diverse and reflects the way society is built up, rather than making sure you have that one important character who is "minority x".

But I don't know, I actually have to go now so can't form a proper question to my liking within the minus five minutes I have left uh;

What I'm asking is, are there portrayals of "black culture" in popular media that really appeal to you, insult you or strike you as hilariously ignorant/out of touch with reality?

I'm really curious about this kind of stuff, so it'd be swell to get some insight.

I hope that's an okay question.
Urban Scholar said:
Oh hey before I forget heading off to work, Happy Haitian flag day guys.

Speaking of Haitians, whats up with a lot of them? They took over my city & a lot of them stay acting funny & giving looks like I & other people I know don't belong wherever they are.

It's kinda funny.


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Neoriceisgood said:
I don't really have any questions I think..

I might want to ask something about the importance of representation within a visual medium like a comic or video game, but I'd have to think about how to phrase the question before asking it.

I think the whole ... "token minority" thing is kinda silly when it's played straight because casting someone just to fill a minority spot seems like a choice not based in reality, but I guess it's still better than ..well, just making every single person in your own little world white/asian, right? (or whatever the most popular choice is)

Personally I feel that within an intellectual product it's more important that the world as a whole is diverse and reflects the way society is built up, rather than making sure you have that one important character who is "minority x".

But I don't know, I actually have to go now so can't form a proper question to my liking within the minus five minutes I have left uh;

What I'm asking is, are there portrayals of "black culture" in popular media that really appeal to you, insult you or strike you as hilariously ignorant/out of touch with reality?

I'm really curious about this kind of stuff, so it'd be swell to get some insight.

I hope that's an okay question.

In my opinion..it strikes me as both. Hilariously out of touch with reality? I dunno, it tickles me to see how the media portrays us (amazing at basketball, gold teeth, etc.) when in reality, I'm a 6'2 Librarian with a SCUBA certification...don't get me wrong, it's frustrating because the media can shape minds as well as one's interpretation of another., which leads to conclusions that aren't based in reality.

Pollynannish thinking, but I wish we all could, you know, talk to one another, and perhaps learn a bit about each other instead of listening to movies, television, etc.


captmcblack said:

I'm waving flag like K'naan today. :)

K'naan <3

Sistas of gaf, how do you feel about dating Asian men? I've always been attracted to black women but due to a number of things, nothing ever really popped off. I have women now telling me that they had crushes on me in high school but didn't think I was interested. Back then, I also felt like they weren't interested either. So what I'm getting at is why is it that we have this preconceived notion for one another. For some reason, is more prevalent between us two races from my experiences.


desa said:
K'naan <3

Sistas of gaf, how do you feel about dating Asian men? I've always been attracted to black women but due to a number of things, nothing ever really popped off. I have women now telling me that they had crushes on me in high school but didn't think I was interested. Back then, I also felt like they weren't interested either. So what I'm getting at is why is it that we have this preconceived notion for one another. For some reason, is more prevalent between us two races from my experiences.

When I was a teen, I dreamed of dating a asian man that looks closer to something like Donnie&#65279; Yen. Yes, that sounds very geeky indeed.

However I have always liked a tall intelligent black man with a good head on his shoulders. I actually would date any type of race, as long as they get me and I get them. Know what I mean. So yeah, I have found asians to be hot, (the ones in asian films like Donnie&#65279; Yen ;D). I say, if you feel attracted to a black woman, don't shy away. They just might let you know they have been crushing on you too.
DrFunk said:
In my opinion..it strikes me as both. Hilariously out of touch with reality? I dunno, it tickles me to see how the media portrays us (amazing at basketball, gold teeth, etc.) when in reality, I'm a 6'2 Librarian with a SCUBA certification...don't get me wrong, it's frustrating because the media can shape minds as well as one's interpretation of another., which leads to conclusions that aren't based in reality.

Pollynannish thinking, but I wish we all could, you know, talk to one another, and perhaps learn a bit about each other instead of listening to movies, television, etc.

A bit of both, I have experience in both (can ball, tall, but also smart and can write).

I find it sad that some of the more culturally relevant content I've wanted to add to past games I've worked on simply never made it in.

Edit: And I read 1 page of the Black Women attractive thread and bailed. Some good posters, but some dumb as shit ones in there. One day I should post pics of my wife.
Vic said:

it's today?
My mother told me Haitian flag day would be today. I forgot. I remember in Highschool, Haitian kids wore the flags on their arms each year on Haitian flag day.

suprabrett said:
Speaking of Haitians, whats up with a lot of them? They took over my city & a lot of them stay acting funny & giving looks like I & other people I know don't belong wherever they are.

It's kinda funny.
Where do you live?
spindashing said:
Hi, brothers (and sisters).

That other thread sure rose my blood pressure.
Thank God you're back. I got tired of seeing your ugly mug spamming the GAF Facebook page =P
Londa said:
Yeah, it seems like a ton of gaf is borderline racist after the Kobe and this Black woman thread.
I wouldn't say racist just the average ignorant American white male.
desa said:
K'naan <3

Sistas of gaf, how do you feel about dating Asian men? I've always been attracted to black women but due to a number of things, nothing ever really popped off. I have women now telling me that they had crushes on me in high school but didn't think I was interested. Back then, I also felt like they weren't interested either. So what I'm getting at is why is it that we have this preconceived notion for one another. For some reason, is more prevalent between us two races from my experiences.

The only Asian that was in my school was a douchebag that hated me for some reason so no, not really. Asians are cool though just never really met a nice one for some reason.

What, there is a Haitian flag day?


MWS Natural said:
Thank God you're back. I got tired of seeing your ugly mug spamming the GAF Facebook page =P

I wouldn't say racist just the average ignorant American white male.
I say this because when I try to explain the truth from a black persons perspective I am either trolled, told I'm wrong, or responded to with a stupid poll or study that does disprove my point. You can find a study on anything on the internet.

The whole, if you aren't pure african you aren't african american n the black woman thread pissed me off so much. Lol
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