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The Black Culture Thread


MWS Natural said:
I've read your previous posts and I honestly don't know why you would even want to post here. I'm sure whoever welcomed to this thread probably hadn't seen your post history.
Yeah, his posts are starting to give me a headache. Like a broken record.

And wb, Spin. I knew you find your way back out of the shadow realm.


Neoriceisgood said:
Londa what is your avatar from? It's cool.
Art from Amano. A japanese artist who gets commissioned to do all Final Fantasy logos

Also wb spin I forgot to welcome you back. :D


Lebron said:
Yeah, his posts are starting to give me a headache. Like a broken record.

And wb, Spin. I knew you find your way back out of the shadow realm.
I think everybody is starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to the whole black women subject.

I'm not sure what MWS Natural was getting at however, why does anyone else wanna post in this thread? I feel like I can probably relate to alot of the topics posted here.
Funtruck said:
I think everybody is starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to the whole black women subject.

I'm not sure what MWS Natural was getting at however, why does anyone else wanna post in this thread? I feel like I can probably relate to alot of the topics posted here.
You come off like the guy Fox news brings on their opinion shows to show that 1 black person in America agrees with their nonsense. I'm not calling you an oreo or anything silly like that I just sense a lot of self hatred in your posts; the Clarence Thomas seems strong within you.

This thread really has been a great comfort zone for me on GAF and I really would hate for that to change.


Funtruck said:
I think everybody is starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to the whole black women subject..

Give it a week, we'll forget this ever happen and will be trolling Cleveland fans when Lebron makes it to the Finals.
Funtruck: how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as black? Do you see yourself as white? Are you non-committal, and see yourself as "racially agnostic" or not down with/too cool to "need" to belong to a group? I am curious.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Lebron said:

Give it a week, we'll forget this ever happen and will be trolling Cleveland fans when Lebron makes it to the Finals.

you mean when cleveland manages to burn itself to the ground in spite? that would be tragically hilarious


MWS Natural said:
I've read your previous posts and I honestly don't know why you would even want to post here. I'm sure whoever welcomed to this thread probably hadn't seen your post history.

He is following me into all the other threads. Its not really that he was interested in Black Culture. Notice how he doesn't introduce himself to the people here, he auto responds to one of my posts.
Neoriceisgood said:
I don't really have any questions I think..

I might want to ask something about the importance of representation within a visual medium like a comic or video game, but I'd have to think about how to phrase the question before asking it.

I think the whole ... "token minority" thing is kinda silly when it's played straight because casting someone just to fill a minority spot seems like a choice not based in reality, but I guess it's still better than ..well, just making every single person in your own little world white/asian, right? (or whatever the most popular choice is)

Personally I feel that within an intellectual product it's more important that the world as a whole is diverse and reflects the way society is built up, rather than making sure you have that one important character who is "minority x".

But I don't know, I actually have to go now so can't form a proper question to my liking within the minus five minutes I have left uh;

What I'm asking is, are there portrayals of "black culture" in popular media that really appeal to you, insult you or strike you as hilariously ignorant/out of touch with reality?

I'm really curious about this kind of stuff, so it'd be swell to get some insight.

I hope that's an okay question.

I watched something about this, but it had more to do with videogames and it was about diversity as a whole. I think that it is important to have diversity in a product, but research should be done. Just having a black character in the background, or one that just spits out random stereotypical phrases is worse than just not putting any in the first place.

Some products have characters that are black, but behave in a fashion that doesn't fit into an established stereotype. There's nothing wrong with having a black nerd, chef, engineer, doctor, or artist in a product, but for some reason or another for the most part if a black person is in a product he is an athlete, a grunt, a criminal, basically any sort of occupation where creativity and high order thinking or leadership skills aren't needed. Assuming that black character even gets a decent role in a non-comedic product. But even in a comedic product(like the fresh prince) you get characters that are really deep underneath even if they appear at first to be shallow characters(like Carlton)

Some people have decided to create very well designed characters who happen to be black and pretty well fleshed out characters. Who are a part of the universe that they're in which is diverse and don't just happen to be "the black guy" from comic book characters:

to television

to film

to videogames

And to be honest I'll admit that it was difficult for me to come up with examples of non-comedic media in which the black person plays a central role and isn't consigned to a stereotype. It really hurts black people as a whole if the idea of a black person is(and don't argue with me on this) based on american media portrayals, and to be honest the American media doesn't do a good job(for the most part) of representing us in a desirable way.

Its part of the reason why people who have no experience of interacting with actual black people already have certain ideas in their head and treat us badly. I would love to travel to Asia, but I already know that for the most part I would not be welcomed in many places and I'd be stared at like something that is lost. I'd love to be able to travel to Europe, but again I'm certain that in many places I wouldn't be welcomed based on the fact that they'll already assume that I'm a no-good troublemaker.

I already mentioned earlier in this thread that I already live in a place of very little diversity, but it makes me happy to know that the people who I've interacted with and have made friends with have had their perceptions of what a black person is supposed to be challenged. I'm educated, I work hard, I'm welcoming, and I'm patient, I'm all these things that people don't expect from black people and they're taken aback for a moment. Its a learning experience for them but boy can it get frustrating having to deal with some of the just ignorant shit I hear people saying. That's one of the reasons why I come here to share my experiences as a black man with other black people who have probably had the same experiences.

Azure J

Just noticed, Spin is back? Awesome. :)

*Totally oblivious to everything but hype since it's officially summer break and nothing else matters anymore*


MWS Natural said:
You come off like the guy Fox news brings on their opinion shows to show that 1 black person in America agrees with their nonsense. I'm not calling you an oreo or anything silly like that I just sense a lot of self hatred in your posts; the Clarence Thomas seems strong within you.

This thread really has been a great comfort zone for me on GAF and I really would hate for that to change.
Given my recent posts I can see how someone would sense that but, eh, I'm not really self-loathing at all; at-least not anymore..

I promise I won't bring any bullshit in this thread, I understand that it's a place for people who can relate to one another to chill.

captmcblack said:
Funtruck: how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as black? Do you see yourself as white? Are you non-committal, and see yourself as "racially agnostic" or not down with/too cool to "need" to belong to a group? I am curious.
When I was younger I identified myself as black mainly to fit in with everybody else and because I didn't want to get made fun of/beat up.

However the older I got, the more I realized that I simply couldn't shun the whole other side of my race; it's ridiculous and it wasn't because I just loved Black Culture so much, it was because I just wanted to fit in.

So now I don't identify myself as anything but myself, I'm racially agnostic and I doubt I'll ever go back to shoehorning myself into a particular race.

Londa said:
He is following me into all the other threads. Its not really that he was interested in Black Culture. Notice how he doesn't introduce himself to the people here, he auto responds to one of my posts.
You really need to get over yourself, I introduced myself awhile back.


Funtruck said:
Given my recent posts I can see how someone would sense that but, eh, I'm not really self-loathing at all; at-least not anymore..

I promise I won't bring any bullshit in this thread, I understand that it's a place for people who can relate to one another to chill.

When I was younger I identified myself as black mainly to fit in with everybody else and because I didn't want to get made fun of/beat up.

However the older I got, the more I realized that I simply couldn't shun the whole other side of my race; it's ridiculous and it wasn't because I just loved Black Culture so much, it was because I just wanted to fit in.

So now I don't identify myself as anything but myself, I'm racially agnostic and I doubt I'll ever go back to shoehorning myself into a particular race.

You really need to get over yourself, I introduced myself awhile back.

Maybe not follow me around in three different threads and I won't think that?
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Seriously, does the mod that reads this thread mind telling me how someone gets away with this? Then I'll leave it alone.

....In all truths of truths: I thought gaming side was nuts with fanboyism, fps counting, and etc. This however is well...that's just wrong.

I apologize for bumping the thread with negativity guys, its was where I left off after coming back from work.


Junior Member
captmcblack said:
Funtruck: how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as black? Do you see yourself as white? Are you non-committal, and see yourself as "racially agnostic" or not down with/too cool to "need" to belong to a group? I am curious.

I see myself as a mixed race American with African heritage.
Funtruck said:
Given my recent posts I can see how someone would sense that but, eh, I'm not really self-loathing at all; at-least not anymore..

I promise I won't bring any bullshit in this thread, I understand that it's a place for people who can relate to one another to chill.

When I was younger I identified myself as black mainly to fit in with everybody else and because I didn't want to get made fun of/beat up.

However the older I got, the more I realized that I simply couldn't shun the whole other side of my race; it's ridiculous and it wasn't because I just loved Black Culture so much, it was because I just wanted to fit in.

So now I don't identify myself as anything but myself, I'm racially agnostic and I doubt I'll ever go back to shoehorning myself into a particular race.

Since the other thread was locked yes I have been in the real world. And it seems like your experience of being Bi-racial has affected your views on someone denying part of there heritage. But I have known many bi-racial people who have never denied or been ashamed of it.
I was pretty surprised when I saw that Starhawk has a black main character. I wonder how that process went. Like did they decided from the start to be different from every other game out there.


Urban Scholar said:
Indeed, so I hear Marvel's first Hulk was black. This is pretty cool.

really? wow the things you learn!

soundscream: I understand. I just know that he likes to annoy people with self hate comments. Something isn't right about someone who hates half of who they are.


really sorry about this guys:

soundscream said:
Since the other thread was locked yes I have been in the real world. And it seems like your experience of being Bi-racial has affected your views on someone denying part of there heritage. But I have known many bi-racial people who have never denied or been ashamed of it.
That's great, I'm happy that they embrace their bi-racial heritage; it's what I want afterall.

Thing is not everyone does and I know plenty of people beyond my younger self that pretty much shun half of their cultural heritage.

One of my cousins for example is white as hell, you would never think that her mother is a black woman unless you were told; but she totally shuns the white part of her heritage, identifies herself as black and flips out if someone mistakes her for white.

You can't deny that multiracial people loathing part of themselves is a problem just because you know a few multiracial people that embrace it.

Londa said:
soundscream: I understand. I just know that he likes to annoy people with self hate comments. Something isn't right about someone who hates half of who they are.
Shut up, please.

I think you've made your opinion on me (and I of you) 100% clear, your ignorant and offensive comments aren't needed.
eternaLightness said:
I was pretty surprised when I saw that Starhawk has a black main character. I wonder how that process went. Like did they decided from the start to be different from every other game out there.

I think they probably wanted to be the first to do it (in video games, finally). There is that notion that if a main character doesn't look like Nathan Drake (Both movies, games, graphic novels) they wont grab an audience (An audience of Bieber fever lol). And sadly thats actually true, because majority of people have become accustomed to seeing White lead roles in almost Everything.


Funtruck said:
really sorry about this guys:

That's great, I'm happy that they embrace their bi-racial heritage; it's what I want afterall.

Thing is not everyone does and I know plenty of people beyond my younger self that pretty much shun half of their cultural heritage.

One of my cousins for example is white as hell, you would never think that her mother is a black woman unless you were told; but she totally shuns the white part of her heritage, identifies herself as black and flips out if someone mistakes her for white.

You can't deny that multiracial people loathing part of themselves is a problem just because you know a few multiracial people that embrace it.

Shut up, please.

I think you've made your opinion on me (and I of you) 100% clear, your ignorant and offensive comments aren't needed.

its a mystery why you are still around. smh
Funtruck said:
really sorry about this guys:

Thing is not everyone does and I know plenty of people beyond my younger self that pretty much shun half of their cultural heritage.

One of my cousins for example is white as hell, you would never think that her mother is a black woman unless you were told; but she totally shuns the white part of her heritage, identifies herself as black and flips out if someone mistakes her for white.

You can't deny that multiracial people loathing part of themselves is a problem just because you know a few multiracial people that embrace it.

Honestly I dont know anyone who has done this. Where do you live maybe it has something to do as to where you grew up.

Edit: Also if they are identifying as African American they are not in the wrong.


Londa said:
its a mystery why you are still around. smh
What the hell am I doing besides responding to his post and telling you to stop trolling me?

soundscream said:
Honestly I dont know anyone who has done this. Where do you live maybe it has something to do as to where you grew up.
South Florida

Where do you live?

I'm almost positive that self-loathing multi-racial people isn't exclusive to my area, that would make zero sense; it's like saying that self-loathing black people is exclusive to a particular area.

As long as people are defined by racial groups their are gonna be people in said racial groups that loathe themselves, bi/multi-racial people included.


Dreams-Visions said:
Dear Londa,

I love you. lol



Is spectacular. Her skin, flawless. Where do I sign up.

I have to agree, that is a stunning image. The lipstick works well too.

Funtruck: atm you are testing me. But I thought your expiration date would have been up by now. That is what my comment was about.
Funtruck said:
What the hell am I doing besides responding to his post and telling you to stop trolling me?

South Florida

Where do you live?


And I edited my post to ad the point that if they want to be identified as African American they are within there right to do so since all African Americans are mixed.
soundscream said:
Outside the box thinking.

Can be dangerous also....can lead to this

It took me forever to realize you were talking about sixaxis lol.

GTP_Daverytimes said:
I think they probably wanted to be the first to do it (in video games, finally). There is that notion that if a main character doesn't look like Nathan Drake (Both movies, games, graphic novels) they wont grab an audience (An audience of Bieber fever lol). And sadly thats actually true, because majority of people have become accustomed to seeing White lead roles in almost Everything.

Well they wouldn't necessarily be the first(gta:san andreas is one example), but it's nice to see a black character who just isn't a sidekick and the comic relief dude. I'd love for a game to have a black male and female combo. I really liked the black female character in RE5.
Sooooo, what happened to Veidt?

Londa said:

Oh wow, thanks for trying. I think gaf just likes to laugh at the expense of others especially if they are in the minority. It's funny how they are talking about context when blamespace was the one to quoted my post that said that I think pissing on something is a sign of disrespect, so I'm pretty sure he knew what he was doing. But I'm not even mad. It just reminds me not to expect much of Gaffers.
Dreams-Visions said:
oh man. the horrible memories just sent a chill down my back.
I still LOL at the people who would defend the controls saying they were great. The damn developer couldn't fly it in the video I posted, and guess what there is no sixaxis support in starhawk.


soundscream said:

And I edited my post to ad the point that if they want to be identified as African American they are within there right to do so since all African Americans are mixed.
Well, most races are mixed; and if they feel they can relate with one race more than the other so be it.

However it's not usually 100% their choice, it's because society sees them as that race and so they embrace it and completely ignore the other; which as a multiracial person I find to be incredibly disheartening.

Some even go as far as to shun and loathe part of themselves, which is in my experience a huge problem with mulattoes growing up in African American communities.

Anyways, NY/NJ? Maybe the difference is that those places are much more diverse than where I live (where their are pretty much two majorities, black and hispanic)?
Funtruck said:
Well, most races are mixed; and if they feel they can relate with one race more than the other so be it.

However it's not usually 100% their choice, it's because society sees them as that race and so they embrace it and completely ignore the other; which as a multiracial person I find to be incredibly disheartening.

Some even go as far as to shun and loathe part of themselves, which is in my experience a huge problem with mulattoes growing up in African American communities.

Anyways, NY/NJ? Maybe the difference is that those places are much more diverse than where I live (where their are pretty much two majorities, black and hispanic)?

No offense funtruck but I have been reading your posts and it sounds more and more like self-loathing but you don't realize it yet. I would say maybe some kind of overexposure but you said that you like latinas so I'm going to go with self-loathing. And the more and more you are on the defensive about it means you just aren't ready to realize it yet probably because you still like around these people.

Also you really didn't expect opposition when coming into a black thread and saying you don't get a rise out of black women? Or did you expect others to feel the same way you do?


Sixaxis controls in general have been a joke. Boggles my mind devs still bother trying to make shit work with it. They all end up being terrible.

Also, I would fight anyone for the the girl Dream posted above. And I would fight dirty.
Lebron said:
Sixaxis controls in general have been a joke. Boggles my mind devs still bother trying to make shit work with it. They all end up being terrible.

Also, I would fight anyone for the the girl Dream posted above. And I would fight dirty.

Whatever gets the job done, I support this.


Junior Member
Funtruck said:
Well, most races are mixed; and if they feel they can relate with one race more than the other so be it.

However it's not usually 100% their choice, it's because society sees them as that race and so they embrace it and completely ignore the other; which as a multiracial person I find to be incredibly disheartening.

Some even go as far as to shun and loathe part of themselves, which is in my experience a huge problem with mulattoes growing up in African American communities.

Anyways, NY/NJ? Maybe the difference is that those places are much more diverse than where I live (where their are pretty much two majorities, black and hispanic)?

Frankly, if you're mixed-race, you choose your own identity. This is especially true if you enter what I call "the brown zone". The brown zone is that area of racial ambiguity where Hispancis, mulattos, Hapas, and everything else pretty much looks alike, so you can be whatever you want. I've never experienced a case where I was "forced" to choose an identity, I pretty much chose my own.

I'd also say that if some interracial people wish to choose a "black" identity, its totally their decision.


again, i'm sorry about this and chocolate brought it up

ChocolateCupcakes said:
No offense funtruck but I have been reading your posts and it sounds more and more like self-loathing but you don't realize it yet. I would say maybe some kind of overexposure but you said that you like latinas so I'm going to go with self-loathing. And the more and more you are on the defensive about it means you just aren't ready to realize it yet probably because you still like around these people.
I'm simply not attracted to most African-American women, I don't know what it is, but I highly doubt it's me subconsciously loathing myself.

Also you really didn't expect opposition when coming into a black thread and saying you don't get a rise out of black women? Or did you expect others to feel the same way you do?
Uhhh, I think I made 1 or 2 posts in this thread after that article about black women not being attractive and then moved it into the thread made for that article..

Measley said:
Frankly, if you're mixed-race, you choose your own identity. This is especially true if you enter what I call "the brown zone". The brown zone is that area of racial ambiguity where Hispancis, mulattos, Hapas, and everything else pretty much looks alike, so you can be whatever you want. I've never experienced a case where I was "forced" to choose an identity, I pretty much chose my own.

I'd also say that if some interracial people wish to choose a "black" identity, its totally their decision.
Not true, if you're of mixed race you take whatever identity the people around you give you until you're old enough to realize you don't have to, but by that point you're usually too deep into that racial identity to make a change.


This isn't a black women thread we don't want this it closed. please stfu about how you can't get hard when you see a black women.

wtf... I swear. This is a black culture thread. If you don't like people saying their black when they have other cultures in their veins, make a thread about it. THIS ISNT THE PLACE


Like I said, I'm really sorry and I don't want to bring this shit to this thread; others brought it up and I'm only responding..


Junior Member
Funtruck said:
Not true, if you're of mixed race you take whatever identity the people around you give you until you're old enough to realize you don't have to, but by that point you're usually too deep into that racial identity to make a change.

That wasn't my experience at all. Of course I can only speak for myself.
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