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The Black Culture Thread

Yeah, I just read how Funtruck went out.

I'm not surprised in the slightest. Although I may not agree with anything he said in here, it's always good to have an opposing view to what you believe. It may be aggravating to see, but in my opinion it reminds me that not everyone sees things the way I see it.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
perfectnight said:
Wow that console vs pc thread is just awful. Gaming side is fucking ridiculous with those uber serious gaming threads.

i dont mess with the gaming side often. mainly because i know it would be a lot easier for me to get banned over there than here. that and the topics of discussion dont really do much for me anymore.


perfectnight said:
Wow that console vs pc thread is just awful. Gaming side is fucking ridiculous with those uber serious gaming threads.
Yeah, It's not as entertaining like it was back during the Troll Wars('05-09). Now it's just hurt feelings from the Troll Wars coming out.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Lebron said:
Yeah, It's not as entertaining like it was back during the Troll Wars('05-09). Now it's just hurt feelings from the Troll Wars coming out.

the next era of the troll wars will begin again in the next 2 years. new consoles always bring out the ugly and stupid in people. and the moment a console is caught slipping, or a exclusive goes multiplatform, you can bet on bannings.


Parallax said:
the next era of the troll wars will begin again in the next 2 years. new consoles always bring out the ugly and stupid in people. and the moment a console is caught slipping, or a exclusive goes multiplatform, you can bet on bannings.
I knew this gen would be something when I saw meltdowns and bannings when VF5 with multi and then again when they added online. Yeah, VF5. Next one should indeed be interesting. I rarely post over in the Gaming side anymore either. It's just ugly over there.

As for the Funtrunk dude, yeah, I'd figure he wouldn't last long. He amped up his trolling recently, but forgot he was a Jr. and he didn't learn how to troll smart.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Just read Funtruck's demise. I guess it was a perma because he is a junior?

I knew that thread was a trap though.

trap threads are used to weed out the weak. especially if they escape a ban in a previous thread and are feeling cocky

Lebron said:
I knew this gen would be something when I saw meltdowns and bannings when VF5 with multi and then again when they added online. Yeah, VF5. Next one should indeed be interesting. I rarely post over in the Gaming side anymore either. It's just ugly over there.

As for the Funtrunk dude, yeah, I'd figure he wouldn't last long. He amped up his trolling recently, but forgot he was a Jr. and he didn't learn how to troll smart.

that vf5 thread still makes me wonder why. most of those banned couldnt possibly care about the series that much to risk an account, no matter how much you want to to laugh at/defend it. were there more bannings in that than the dmc4 thread? if so, that was a whole mess of stupid.

as for funtruck, predatory trolling always gets you busted. its like clockwork. and then to fess up to it? he wanted to be banned
Parallax said:
i dont mess with the gaming side often. mainly because i know it would be a lot easier for me to get banned over there than here. that and the topics of discussion dont really do much for me anymore.

I still remember a few years ago when I made a blatantly sarcastic on the Gaming side and everyone that posted thought I was being serious. I learned then that you had to be known for sarcasm over there to pull it off no matter how clear it would be.


fun, though it was cool to troll people over in the open topic threads. He has never been in the gaming side. Well he had to learn some day..
I did post in the PC/Console thread a couple of times, but I gave up on it after a certain point, and I don't really have any urge to post in it further.

The things I can say about that... but yeah I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. I will say that I had no idea how much I haven't been paying attention to graphics much overall.
That's the first time I've actually seen a PC thread in my whole GAF tenure.

I've always see jokes of the PC being the "master race" here and there on several GAF threads, but I had no idea things were taken that seriously in some parts in GAF. I'm not knocking them at all, but it is quite surprising.

I've learned, not to joke in Gaming threads or at least keep my joking to a minimum. If I see any familiar faces/names, I'll let loose a little bit. GAF's moderation is ass backwards sometimes, but they do manage to run a gaming well quite nicely overall.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Parallax said:
so... she lives under a rock? how could you not have heard of haiti?

There's a fair number of Americans couldn't point to Haiti on a map, let alone Italians. I know a lot of college educated people who're baffled when they find out Haiti and D.R. aren't separate islands.
I mean, she was a pretty ditzy high schooler. Hopefully she matured, but it was really surprising to hear someone say that they haven't heard of Haiti.

High school was the worst 4 years of my life anyway. Glad I got out: college life is so much better.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
OuterWorldVoice said:
There's a fair number of Americans couldn't point to Haiti on a map, let alone Italians. I know a lot of college educated people who're baffled when they find out Haiti and D.R. aren't separate islands.

italians arent good at locating land masses?

spindashing said:
I mean, she was a pretty ditzy high schooler. Hopefully she matured, but it was really surprising to hear someone say that they haven't heard of Haiti.

High school was the worst 4 years of my life anyway. Glad I got out: college life is so much better.

while high school does make more sense, it still seems quite wierd. i figured that most high school students should recognize north and south america, if nothing else


Parallax said:
italians arent good at locating land masses?

while high school does make more sense, it still seems quite wierd. i figured that most high school students should recognize north and south america, if nothing else
You'd be amazed. I remember when our professor gave us a pop quiz in my college World Geo class at the beginning and most of the class couldn't locate and name all 50 states, let alone the other countries in North America. Some thought Mexico was Central America. Yup, all of it. South America and the Caribbean Islands might as well of been, "Dragons be here" for a lot. Hah.
i dont mess with the gaming side often. mainly because i know it would be a lot easier for me to get banned over there than here. that and the topics of discussion dont really do much for me anymore.
Don't post stupid shit and you won't get banned?

Wow that console vs pc thread is just awful. Gaming side is fucking ridiculous with those uber serious gaming threads.
This is NeoGAF.
Hate when people post dumb shit regarding the PC. Not even valid opinions. Just straight up dumb shit.


Lebron said:
You'd be amazed. I remember when our professor gave us a pop quiz in my college World Geo class at the beginning and most of the class couldn't locate and name all 50 states, let alone the other countries in North America. Some thought Mexico was Central America. Yup, all of it. South America and the Caribbean Islands might as well of been, "Dragons be here" for a lot. Hah.
Sadly I can top this, I met a girl 2 semesters ago who could not point north America on a map with no names on it. Strangely enough she was able to point out her state when me and some friends explained to her where North America was. This girls is a college student. She thought south America was Africa for a moment. I was amazed. Just minutes prior she said she only found out a month ago that they had houses and cars in Africa. Jesus H. Christ.
BloodySinner said:
Don't post stupid shit and you won't get banned?

It's actually easier said than done.

More or less, try to make your posts pertain to the subject matter of the thread's topic in a well, thought-out way and you'll be fine as far as Gaming goes.

Off topic moderation is more lenient, of course.

Heh, look at me talk about post requirements...


Imm0rt4l said:
Sadly I can top this, I met a girl 2 semesters ago who could not point north America on a map with no names on it. Strangely enough she was able to point out her state when me and some friends explained to her where North America was. This girls is a college student. She thought south America was Africa for a moment. I was amazed. Just minutes prior she said she only found out a month ago that they had houses and cars in Africa. Jesus H. Christ.
Ah yes, drive by on Zebras shooting blow guns.

How are you guys spending your Saturday night. Myself, I turned my cell off, got some Chinese food and waiting for the game to start. Boss!
Just got back from a Cajun restaurant. Now I'm going to master 2k11. I can't let Jason Terry get away with hitting 10 3's on me when I was using the '95 Bulls. That shit just isn't going to fly.


Imm0rt4l said:
Sadly I can top this, I met a girl 2 semesters ago who could not point north America on a map with no names on it. Strangely enough she was able to point out her state when me and some friends explained to her where North America was. This girls is a college student. She thought south America was Africa for a moment. I was amazed. Just minutes prior she said she only found out a month ago that they had houses and cars in Africa. Jesus H. Christ.

hope she was joking lol
eternaLightness said:
How are you guys spending your Saturday night. Myself, I turned my cell off, got some Chinese food and waiting for the game to start. Boss!
I should be studying for my finals. Procrastination is a bitch. I'm going to play some Mahvel maybe...


Londa said:
hope she was joking lol
Nah she was serious as a heart attack. I can tell she felt pretty bad as she started arguing in her defense that knowing geography will never help her in life. She's a sweet girl, she's just not very smart at all.
How are you guys spending your Saturday night. Myself, I turned my cell off, got some Chinese food and waiting for the game to start. Boss!
My day is done. I had to land my plane ASAP because I felt like I was ready to puke all over the cockpit.

Off topic moderation is more lenient, of course.

Users on GAF just have to pretend to be offended, Bishop enters the thread and a ban will follow suit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Parallax said:
italians arent good at locating land masses?

The guy I had responded to, quoted this:

Unrelated, but I remember a conversation that I had with a girl in high school. I am of Haitian descent, so my last name sounds French. This girl, Italian I assume, said, "Oh, you're French? That's pretty cool."
eternaLightness said:
How are you guys spending your Saturday night. Myself, I turned my cell off, got some Chinese food and waiting for the game to start. Boss!

Was planning on going out but suddenly got a killer headache (which is now gone) and didn't feel like it anymore.

And you just gave me an idea what to order for food right now :)

So it looks like internet/video games and chinese food for me. How stereotypical.

Imm0rt4l said:
Sadly I can top this, I met a girl 2 semesters ago who could not point north America on a map with no names on it. Strangely enough she was able to point out her state when me and some friends explained to her where North America was. This girls is a college student. She thought south America was Africa for a moment. I was amazed. Just minutes prior she said she only found out a month ago that they had houses and cars in Africa. Jesus H. Christ.

Damn man that is just sad. We are living in the information age.. how can you be so ignorant as to think they don't have houses and cars in Africa? It takes like 10 seconds to google Africa and that's including your browser's start up time. There is just no excuse for being that ignorant about the world.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
eternaLightness said:
How are you guys spending your Saturday night. Myself, I turned my cell off, got some Chinese food and waiting for the game to start. Boss!

mass procrastination. i should be getting ready so i can go hang out with moms, but instead, im sitting here, playing cosmic break and listening to what a fool believes...
anyone ever found it odd that Harry Osborn from spiderman had waves in his hair?

I think it would've been great if they re-casted him as a black dude in a future live-action spider man film. It would make a lot of sense too.

perfectnight said:
Damn man that is just sad. We are living in the information age.. how can you be so ignorant as to think they don't have houses and cars in Africa? It takes like 10 seconds to google Africa and that's including your browser's start up time. There is just no excuse for being that ignorant about the world.
Most people don't know shit about Africa besides the fact that we have animals jungles and deserts in there.

also reminds me of an amusing article i read


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
anyone ever found it odd that Harry Osborn from spiderman had waves in his hair?

I think it would've been great if they re-casted him as a black dude in a future live-action spider man film. It would make a lot of sense too.

people boycotted thor due to a shape shifting god who took the form of a black man, they got up in arms with the idea of spider man being black, so far as to talk about casting a white mlk and white shaft. even with the obvious tight waves that he and norman both have, people would lose their shit. even though the majority doesnt give a shit about the osborn clan
Parallax said:
people boycotted thor due to a shape shifting god who took the form of a black man, they got up in arms with the idea of spider man being black, so far as to talk about casting a white mlk and white shaft. even with the obvious tight waves that he and norman both have, people would lose their shit. even though the majority doesnt give a shit about the osborn clan
I still can't believe that White Martin Luther King bit, as if Spider-Man was a white civil rights leader.
I always thought it was weird he had red lines in his head. Never knew it was suppose to be waves.

Not to keep changing topics, but I watched the first episode of Luther today. I really enjoyed it a lot. It seems to have a big following on Gaf.
spindashing said:
I still can't believe that White Martin Luther King bit, as if Spider-Man was a white civil rights leader.

Hahaha please tell me this didn't actually happen

Seems like I missed out on an interesting thread!
perfectnight said:
Hahaha please tell me this didn't actually happen

Seems like I missed out on an interesting thread!
I just searched, it was PhoenixDark of all people who started the white Martin Luther King Jr nonsense, LOL.
spindashing said:
I still can't believe that White Martin Luther King bit, as if Spider-Man was a white civil rights leader.

Yeah its pretty crazy. I don't understand how anyone could make such a comparison.

I think the reason that the osborns haven't been recasted is that I don't think people would take kindly to a black person being the villain in a product.

but can you imagine if one of peter parker's love interests was black? I'll admit, I'd find the backlash to be hilarious.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
lightless_shado said:
Yeah its pretty crazy. I don't understand how anyone could make such a comparison.

I think the reason that the osborns haven't been recasted is that I don't think people would take kindly to a black person being the villain in a product.

but can you imagine if one of peter parker's love interests was black? I'll admit, I'd find the backlash to be hilarious.

you mean blacklash, right? the closest we came to that was the black assassin chick from the cgi spider man series. but that was like only an episode
Parallax said:
you mean blacklash, right? the closest we came to that was the black assassin chick from the cgi spider man series. but that was like only an episode

speaking of interracial relationships, is it me or is it far more common to see them in British TV shows? I live in Canada and I watch mostly Japanese, American and British products. Even in Canadian TV shows you don't usually see much interracial relationships.

Someone already said that they just started watching Luther in this thread. When I first started I was surprised to see that the woman he is
married to is a different race and the girl that's obsessed with him is white. They didn't seem to make anything out of the fact, but when I watch an american program for example there's usually a big deal made over the fact that a woman is with a white guy or something. Just found it odd, but refreshing how casually its handled in British TV. For reference these are some of the shows I watch: Doctor who, Luther, Law and order UK, and misfits


eternaLightness said:
I always thought it was weird he had red lines in his head. Never knew it was suppose to be waves.

Not to keep changing topics, but I watched the first episode of Luther today. I really enjoyed it a lot. It seems to have a big following on Gaf.

The last two episodes (5 & 6) are the best, although any scene with Alice in it is great.
lightless_shado said:
speaking of interracial relationships, is it me or is it far more common to see them in British TV shows? I live in Canada and I watch mostly Japanese, American and British products. Even in Canadian TV shows you don't usually see much interracial relationships.

Someone already said that they just started watching Luther in this thread. When I first started I was surprised to see that the woman he is
married to is a different race and the girl that's obsessed with him is white. They didn't seem to make anything out of the fact, but when I watch an american program for example there's usually a big deal made over the fact that a woman is with a white guy or something. Just found it odd, but refreshing how casually its handled in British TV. For reference these are some of the shows I watch: Doctor who, Luther, Law and order UK, and misfits
I've heard that said about British shows before. I think it has to do with the history. In America, the history between blacks and whites is full of nothing but hatred and contempt. Even today, we're still dealing with the slave foundations this country was built upon. I don't think Britain has a history of hatred for blacks like that, so for them it's a nonissue.
Master Milk said:
I've heard that said about British shows before. I think it has to do with the history. In America, the history between blacks and whites is full of nothing but hatred and contempt. Even today, we're still dealing with the slave foundations this country was built upon. I don't think Britain has a history of hatred for blacks like that, so for them it's a nonissue.
Britain was not only a colonial power, and slavery was legal there for a while. So if anything, chances are black people would be more upset
this man:


was instrumental in the abolitionist movement, and sadly he got very little credit. I think it also has a lot to do with the large population of Africans and asians(specifically south east Asia) living in Britain.


Master Milk said:
I've heard that said about British shows before. I think it has to do with the history. In America, the history between blacks and whites is full of nothing but hatred and contempt. Even today, we're still dealing with the slave foundations this country was built upon. I don't think Britain has a history of hatred for blacks like that, so for them it's a nonissue.
Pretty much. I'm 31, lived in England all my life and inter-racial relationships have never been 'taboo'. I remember the stigma surrounding single parents being pretty present when I was a kid, but never interracial dating. I think the ska / 2-tone movement helped a lot.

Hendrix said we Brits were cool when he came over. I'll take his word for it.


SmokyDave said:
Pretty much. I'm 31, lived in England all my life and inter-racial relationships have never been 'taboo'. I remember the stigma surrounding single parents being pretty present when I was a kid, but never interracial dating. I think the ska / 2-tone movement helped a lot.

Hendrix said we Brits were cool when he came over. I'll take his word for it.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a complete non issue. Although i have never gotten looks personally when with a girl of another race my friends have said they've gotten looks.


Bleepey said:
I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a complete non issue. Although i have never gotten looks personally when with a girl of another race my friends have said they've gotten looks.
Oh, I don't mean to imply that everyone's cool with it, obviously there are people on all sides that don't approve of race-mixing for whatever reason, just like there are people that still don't agree with single parents. What I meant is it's generally accepted by the status-quo, there is no general 'taboo' surrounding inter-racial relationships.

I'd love to hear more black british perspectives on all aspects of racism in the UK.
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