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The Black Culture Thread


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
mr jones said:
What's weird about that is that picture of my ma and sisters is them at their lightest. We get dark during the summer.

yeah, i get that too. its kinda funny when i see someone i hadnt seen in a while and i see them during the seasons.


mr jones said:
Are your parents your complexion? What's their ethnicity?

She grew up in a small town that was mostly white, then went to a mostly white college, so when she moved to Minneapolis, it was sort of a shock to her system. Can you imagine liking black men, but being intimidated by them at the same time? Its almost comical. She also gets hated on by other black girls because her hair is real, not extensions.

Yes both parents are my complexion. My ethnicity is African American. My sister is now married to a African so her kids will be African American and African.

Yeah, my hair use to get pulled a lot in school as a little kid and I'm always asked why I don't wear my hair in a certain way.

I get darker in the summer paler in the winter and when I'm sick I also get paler than normal.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Londa said:
Yes both parents are my complexion. My ethnicity is African American. My sister is now married to a African so her kids will be African American and African.

Yeah, my hair use to get pulled a lot in school as a little kid and I'm always asked why I don't wear my hair in a certain way.

I get darker in the summer paler in the winter and when I'm sick I also get paler than normal.

Sucks. That's what happened with my sisters. One would wear the semi-short colored afro like this:


The other would do the braids with the afro puff, like this:


However black girls were all getting weaves and extensions, and lots of their white and puerto rican friends had long straight hair, so that was the beginning of the end.
DominoKid said:


Kanye must be devastated.

Some [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcHOq8i5Pyk&feature=related"]Gil Scott...[/URL]

[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWitRABYVBk&feature=related"]My favorite Gil Scott Heron track.[/URL]
*shrug* I didn't find either video very funny. I did find MisterOmega's posts hilarious though. Dude just comes in the thread firing off questions and randomly attacking people in order to help "lost" black people lol. Becuase I choose to date outside of my race I am lost?? I have no physical preference with women, as long as they are attractive and we get along that's all I care about.
MWS Natural said:
I have no physical preference with women, as long as they are attractive and we get along that's all I care about.
Yeah. I feel just about the same.

But if a nerdy (not too nerdy) black chick with a fro were to come by, I don't think I could stop myself.
mr jones said:
Show me that statistic. Because I'm pretty sure that it will show white men having more multiracial relationships than any others.

Most of my early life was spent around black women. I don't hate black women. However I have dealt with a lot of stereotypes regarding black women, both from women of color, and black men. I've seen the effects of folks downing black girls because of how dark their skin is, how large or skinny they are, how they talk, how they walk, etc. My mother and sisters are beautiful, but my sisters were definitely scarred from being teased and picked on when they were younger.


I'll also say that I'm one of those black guys who rarely finds black women with really dark skin attractive. My ex is the only one that I can think of - I thought she was gorgeous. Her parents were from Ghana. But she seems to be the exception. I didn't find any of her sisters cute at all, and in that [URL="http://thisblksistaspage.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/preview-of-bill-dukes-dark-girls-a-documentary-about-dark-skin-prejudice-and-how-it-affects-dark-skinned-black-women/"]Bill Duke documentary trailer[/URL], I only found the one at 1:41 attractive.

My current girlfriend is mixed.


[B]So does this mean I hate myself and black women?[/B][/QUOTE]
Yes actually, I think it does. You have become a victim of living in a European society.

If you diss black skin = Your a self hating black man.

[QUOTE=spindashing][URL="http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdf/10.1257/jep.21.2.71"]I don't know. I think the White + Asian relationship is more common than Blacks dating outside their race. Plus not a big percentage of blacks date outside their race in comparison to dating amongst their own race.[/URL] It's not as big of a beast as you claim. Maybe in your little town there's a prevalence of the sort of "I hate black girls/myself so let me get a white hoodrat" but don't equate your section of the world to the whole US.

So then:

1 - Why are interracial relationships a problem amongst "us African-Americans"?

2 - How do interracial relationships equate to self-hatred?[/QUOTE]
brb typing up a response to this , you've done it now mr :P
MisterOmegaOne said:
Yes actually, I think it does. You have become a victim of living in a European society.

If you diss black skin = Your a self hating black man.

brb typing up a response to this , you've done it now mr :p
But he did not "diss" black skin. All he said is that he rarely finds women with dark skin attractive, BUT he has dated one. Everyone is allowed to have preferences. There's ugly light skinned people and there's ugly dark skinned people -- though beauty is pretty subjective.

I can't wait for your scatter-brained response. This is not real life.
spindashing said:
But he did not "diss" black skin. All he said is that he rarely finds women with dark skin attractive, BUT he has dated one. Everyone is allowed to have preferences. There's ugly light skinned people and there's ugly dark skinned people -- though beauty is pretty subjective.

I can't wait for your scatter-brained response. This is not real life.
Even though I think Omega is a nut I agree with him in this case. If you dislike black skin, light dark whatever and are black yourself you are self hating. If you favor a certain type of female (geeky, ghetto, prissy ) ok but if skin alone is the reason then that's sad.
MWS Natural said:
Even though I think Omega is a nut I agree with him in this case. If you dislike black skin, light dark whatever and are black yourself you are self hating. If you favor a certain type of female (geeky, ghetto, prissy ) ok but if skin alone is the reason then that's sad.

It's never just "skin alone" though, it's physical features that people dislike. Hair, nose, overall facial structure....

Edit : This is why you see certain Somalian/Ethiopian ethnic groups getting so much love from people who say they "don't usually like black women but..."
Black Republican said:
i wonder when a game developer is gonna have a decent black MAIN character for one of their games these days?

Hey just thought of a few.

Afro Samurai.

Coach from L4D2.

Brink let's you create your own characters and the black ones look pretty cool imo (if you like that kind of art style).

Oh yeah, Rochelle from L4D2 as well who's voiced by Rochelle Aytes:



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Half-and-half said:
Hey just thought of a few.

Afro Samurai.

Coach from L4D2.

Brink let's you create your own characters and the black ones look pretty cool imo (if you like that kind of art style).

Oh yeah, Rochelle from L4D2 as well who's voiced by Rochelle Aytes:


theres louis from l4d1. white collar black man who knows his way around a shotgun.
Kitschkraft said:
It's never just "skin alone" though, it's physical features that people dislike. Hair, nose, overall facial structure....

Edit : This is why you see certain Somalian/Ethiopian ethnic groups getting so much love from people who say they "don't usually like black women but..."
I've seen light skinned girls with "traditional African features" and dark skinned girls with more European features if that is what you are getting at. Either way hating dark skin or "African features" is still hating a part of yourself. I won't go as far to judge or attack peoples views but it is what it is.

It's like a Jewish person saying they hate larger noses, an italian saying they hate olive skin or a Irish individual saying they hate red hair and fair skin. You are free to like or dislike whatever preferences you choose but you have look deeper to see why many African's hate features prevalent within their own race.
Parallax said:
theres louis from l4d1. white collar black man who knows his way around a shotgun.

Ah right yes. I feel like Valve does a good job with blacks in their games. Eli and Alyx Vance were well done and likable imo.

Another black main character is Roland from Borderlands.


heh, he looks like a beefed up version of my dad.


As far as Black characters not mentioned,

Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, though she's not "black" in the sense of having African roots.

Carl Johnson from GTA:SA, obviously everyone knows that one. Also, Luis Fernando Lopez from GTA4:BOGT.

Men of Valor(Vietnam War FPS), the leader of the squad, and protagonist, is black. Dean Shepard.
I think Zasalamel was a well done black man in a video game (Soul Calibur).

One of his alternate outfits have him rocking shoes that look like Adidas though.


spindashing said:
I think Zasalamel was a well done black man in a video game (Soul Calibur).

One of his alternate outfits have him rocking shoes that look like Adidas though.
Too bad his move set sucked.
- Where you're from - N/A
- Where you live - Maryland
- Do you know your roots? What?
- Your Age - 25
- Favorite musical genre - The good shit
- Your profession/major/career interest - Linguist (BS in Marketing from SIUC ((Go Salukis!)))
- Your religious affiliation - Kumina
- Hobbies - Ok, I think I'm done.

Hmm, I hadn't posted in this thread yet so I figured I'd remedy that real quick.

As for the interracial dating thing, I think that interracial dating is a beautiful thing. People should be able to be with who they want and click with obviously. My only issue is with people that say they don't date their own race at all. Right or wrong, I look at these people a little differently. I just try to remember that they are just victims themselves of (usually) Eurocentric social conditioning.

Me personally I love black women. Dark, light, doesn't matter. I've also dated a Korean from Pusan, a Middle-Eastern woman and a hispanic.

Oh wait the black nerd question. For some reason I don't give off the 'nerd/geeky' vibe which is cool in certain situations, but the 'nerdy groups' don't let me in so easy (I'm not joking here). It takes a few, "over 9000" jokes or telling them where I work till they're like "oh, he's one of us!".
First up:

spindashing said:

Hahaha man me and my friend have been referencing this scene for years and years haha. Infact I sent him this pictue not long ago:


I've been quoting that films for years!


soundscream said:
All that our skin color or heritage gives us is a link to a common heritage but it doesn't change the fact that your human.
NotebookJ2 said:
Personally, I believe there are others way to help out your race besides helping continuing your legacy by having children.
spindashing said:
Fall in love and marry who you want to regardless of color. Don't let it hold you back for you may miss out on the one for you.

Thank you! I know it was a (very) silly thing to be worrying about and I already knew what the answer was, though your words have reassured me fully, so thanks again :)

The Faceless Master said:
you seem to be focused on just that one ancestor, what about the others?!?
you have 4 grandparents!

Uh yeah that may have read a bit odd. My grandmother on my mum's side died when I was very young and I have nothing to do with my father or his side of the family whatsoever, to the extent that I don't even consider them family and even legally changed my name so I wouldn't have to carry his surname but I'll save going down that path for a future thread I guess...
So although it does seem odd that I focus on one grandparent, he truly was all that I considered I had. He's dead now too which elevated the feelings I had over this issue.
bobbychalkers said:
The only black main character that I can think of that wasn't mentioned already is Garcian Smith from Killer 7

?! I have this game and have yet to play it. Now I have reason! Are you guys staying safe out there this memorial weekend?

Remember black gaf don't fight at the club or beach ok =p
spindashing said:

Memorial Day today, anyone out in a barbecue or something? My mother's whipping something up, but she always does that on mondays, hah.

Just had my family over at mine for a barbecue, since they came over from Ghana for my graduation, i thought why not take advantage of the hot-ass weather and just get something going as well as show off my cooking skills.

Had Jollof, grilled chicken, roast chicken, roast lamb, some salad and to top it off, watermelon for dessert.
Food, on a whole, seemed to be a hit.
magnificent83 said:
Just had my family over at mine for a barbecue, since they came over from Ghana for my graduation, i thought why not take advantage of the hot-ass weather and just get something going as well as show off my cooking skills.

Had Jollof, grilled chicken, roast chicken, roast lamb, some salad and to top it off, watermelon for dessert.
Food, on a whole, seemed to be a hit.
Oh wow, congrats on the graduation, man! It's always nice to hear of a brotha/sista graduating.

And this weather is killing me. Every time I complain about it, my mother reminds me that it's even hotter in Haiti saying that we have it easy here.


grilled some steak, then some chicken. mom handled all the side dishes.

had some of my HS friends come over and some of mom's coworkers.

i had to cause the grillmaster controls the music and i wanted to hear the new OJ mixtape lol.

some of the neighbors have come over signifying cause they didnt think we got down like that. we live in a neighborhood with a bunch of friendly, calm white people.
spindashing said:
Oh wow, congrats on the graduation, man! It's always nice to hear of a brotha/sista graduating.

And this weather is killing me. Every time I complain about it, my mother reminds me that it's even hotter in Haiti saying that we have it easy here.

I like to think we have a higher heat tolerance but at times it is a bit much.

Azure J

The worst thing about heat in NYC is that it's never just hot. It's always some combination of hot & humid and that's what fucks me up. I remember the 2 times I spent time in Jamaica during the summer I fucking loved being out in the sun, but on days when it was humid I was KO'd on the veranda for hours.

TL;DR - It's definitely not heat tolerance that kills my mood during summer anywhere.

Also, all you guys talking about the grilled/bbq food you got this past weekend are making me jealous (and hungry) as a motherfucker here. :lol
Alright, this just happened. I was talking to a friend about making the switch from my original wheels of steel Tech 1215's to Pioneer CDJ's because the costs of importing vinyl is getting t be too much for my wallet.

Another person asked what music I spin and I told her, and she give me some crazy look like "I didn't know YOUR into stuff other then Hip hop". WHA??!!? So I asked what she acutally ment and her reply was "Well you're black so..." and I ended it with so? And my friend and I gave her a awkward stare till she left.
Mattlikewhoa said:
Alright, this just happened. I was talking to a friend about making the switch from my original wheels of steel Tech 1215's to Pioneer CDJ's because the costs of importing vinyl is getting t be too much for my wallet.

Another person asked what music I spin and I told her, and she give me some crazy look like "I didn't know YOUR into stuff other then Hip hop". WHA??!!? So I asked what she acutally ment and her reply was "Well you're black so..." and I ended it with so? And my friend and I gave her a awkward stare till she left.

This is the thing we try to make sense of or just out right ignore. People give me looks when I'm at the light and they here me bumping to some electronica or guitar heavy songs.
AzureJericho said:
The worst thing about heat in NYC is that it's never just hot. It's always some combination of hot & humid and that's what fucks me up. I remember the 2 times I spent time in Jamaica during the summer I fucking loved being out in the sun, but on days when it was humid I was KO'd on the veranda for hours.

TL;DR - It's definitely not heat tolerance that kills my mood during summer anywhere.

Also, all you guys talking about the grilled/bbq food you got this past weekend are making me jealous (and hungry) as a motherfucker here. :lol

No kidding about the heat...it was extra hot for me, because my apartment is right on top of a pizza restaurant - so the heat from down there rises up and makes me extra miserable. :x

I got out of there and went to cook out w/my folks - grilled up some dogs, sausages, ribs, burgers, chicken, steak and shiskabobs w/my family, and then headed into Manhattan to post up at a bar with my friends.

Still way too hot, though - I actually have a change of clothes with me at work so I can get into shorts and sneakers the SECOND end of business comes around.
AzureJericho said:
The worst thing about heat in NYC is that it's never just hot. It's always some combination of hot & humid and that's what fucks me up. I remember the 2 times I spent time in Jamaica during the summer I fucking loved being out in the sun, but on days when it was humid I was KO'd on the veranda for hours.

TL;DR - It's definitely not heat tolerance that kills my mood during summer anywhere.

Also, all you guys talking about the grilled/bbq food you got this past weekend are making me jealous (and hungry) as a motherfucker here. :lol

Humidity is the killer. I remember being in Sacramento in 2001 and the news said it was going to be 105, and I was worried. Turns out it wasn't so bad, their wasn't any humidity. But here an 87 with humidity and im dying. My apt is always hot in the summer, got both AC's going. Ready for my $150 PSEG :(


Londa said:
I'm doing nothing fun or interesting this summer. I haven't done anything fun during the summer for years.
Well why not make a change? Last summer I went to Costa Rica on a school trip and had an amazing time. Of course a lazy summer can be fun as well, really just depends on your mood.
Londa said:
I'm doing nothing fun or interesting this summer. I haven't done anything fun during the summer for years.

If you lived in New York, I'd fix that for you.

Seriously though, there's no reason to *not* do new/fun/interesting stuff, especially if you have the time to do it.

Take advantage of the Summer - ride your bike, exercise, play around, go out with your friends, do whatever. Even something simple like just changing the venue where you do your regular stuff - like doing your art out in the park or at the beach or something - is fun.

Go to your local Slurpee proprietor, buy a Slurpee, spike it with rum/vodka/whiskey/whatever you like, and just walk around. Go gather your friends for an impromptu picnic.

Just go.
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