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The Black Culture Thread


Dreams-Visions said:
Not sure, but all things considered my first guess would be that it's something you drew/painted. The figure's demeanor and disposition being reflective of your own. Or, just a drawing you are particularly proud of for some set of reasons.

It just means that I like Yoshitaka Amano's art.


love his lines. I am actually obsessed with lines and drawing only line drawings in pen.

I also like Egon Schiele's style of drawing (but what he drew the most was less to be desired-teen girls).

Imm0rt4l said:
Fraggle rock was the shit.

You're a final fantasy fan?

my avatar isn't a final fantasy concept drawing.


Londa said:
It just means that I like Yoshitaka Amano's art.


love his lines. I am actually obsessed with lines and drawing only line drawings in pen.

I also like Egon Schiele's style of drawing (but what he drew the most was less to be desired-teen girls).

my avatar isn't a final fantasy concept drawing.
Oh I was just guessing, looked like work from Amano.

edit: I need to learn to read


spindashing said:
Fuuuuuuuuckkkk. Nostalgia rush all over.

They play it on the HUB too.

Dreams-Visions said:
every morning before 1st grade, baby.

I got the first season on DVD for Christmas as a joke from my sister (she thought it was a joke, I was generally happy to get it). I was watching it the last couple days, and I kinda felt like the characterization of Junior Gorg was pretty racist. Is this just me being a stereotypically racially hypersensitive white guy?
Cyrillus said:
I got the first season on DVD for Christmas as a joke from my sister (she thought it was a joke, I was generally happy to get it). I was watching it the last couple days, and I kinda felt like the characterization of Junior Gorg was pretty racist. Is this just me being a stereotypically racially hypersensitive white guy?
Oh, I haven't seen it since I was little. I'd have to watch some episodes now.
Satchwar said:
Get the HELL off my stage!

*throws chair*
My mother loves the guy and I find him completely ridiculous, lol. Shame on me for watching the morning programs on TV today like Maury and Springer.
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?

Black athletes like their trophies....


Meus Renaissance said:
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?

I think Iman was married to a baller before she married Bowie, but other than that I can't think of anyone else. Not that I'm an expert on athlete marriages or anything, so yeah, you bring up an interesting question.


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
But this even occurs when they cheat - pretty much all white girls they like to keep hush about.

The standard of beauty in western society is the white woman. So if you become rich, you're more than likely going to bang white women. Honestly though, men in general are more likely to have sex with, or marry a white woman than any other woman in this country. There's just so damn many of them.
Meus Renaissance said:
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?

No offense but you must be oblivious to



Measley said:
The standard of beauty in western society is the white woman. So if you become rich, you're more than likely going to bang white women. Honestly though, men in general are more likely to have sex with, or marry a white woman than any other woman in this country. There's just so damn many of them.
Thank you for saying this so I wouldn't have to.


Meus Renaissance said:
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?
When I was a kid, we couldn't afford bacon very often. I developed a hardcore love for the stuff based on it's perceived scarcity. Now I'm older and successful (relatively), I eat a fucking ton of bacon.


Please help me with my bad english
Meus Renaissance said:
Something that I've noticed: why is there hardly any black sportsman dating or married to a black woman? I'm all for interracial relationships but this is disproportionately so when it comes to sportsmen. Even when they cheat and sleep with a dozen women, they are always white. Anyone else notice this?
I saw somewhere that there's quite a bunch of black sportsman married to black women, you just don't see them in the press as often as the black/white couples.


SmokyDave said:
When I was a kid, we couldn't afford bacon very often. I developed a hardcore love for the stuff based on it's perceived scarcity. Now I'm older and successful (relatively), I eat a fucking ton of bacon.

Ahahaha, brilliant.

Baby Milo

Vic said:
I saw somewhere that there's quite a bunch of black sportsman married to black women, you just don't see them in the press as often as the black/white couples.
he prob looked at mediatakeout and saw them talking about a certain couple

there are plenty of athletes married or dating black women.and why are you worried about who the next dude is fucking anyway?


Junior Member
Vic said:
I saw somewhere that there's quite a bunch of black sportsman married to black women, you just don't see them in the press as often as the black/white couples.

Please contact Essence magazine and tell them to relax.


to be honest, I would love to date a black man. But the black men I usually incounter that aren't already taken, have nothing going for them. No job, no education, no goals, got a baby mama, no car, no place of their own, and or bat shit insane lol. I guess have have to move to find a decent guy for myself.

Baby Milo

Londa said:
to be honest, I would love to date a black man. But the black men I usually incounter that aren't already taken, have nothing going for them. No job, no education, no goals, got a baby mama, no car, no places, and or bat shit insane lol. I guess have have to move to find a decent guy for myself. Or I could resoeet
yes im sure they all have that problem
Measley said:
The standard of beauty in western society is the white woman. So if you become rich, you're more than likely going to bang white women. Honestly though, men in general are more likely to have sex with, or marry a white woman than any other woman in this country. There's just so damn many of them.

But these black women are still getting knocked up - undermining the suggestion that one of the reasons [of which there are many put out there] for why there are so many single black women is that the men are not up to their standards. Well, clearly they're good enough to sleep with and often do so unprotected and clearly the men deem the woman good enough to have sex with.

It's very confusing. Not one explanation holds water.


Its not about if black women are attractive. Its about what a black man feels is marrage material one they get rich. Todays standards are, once you get rich marry a white woman. She doesn't even need to be more attractive than the last black woman they dated. All she needs to be is white. Usually a lot of football groupies are white women.


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
But these black women are still getting knocked up - undermining the suggestion that one of the reasons [of which there are many put out there] for why there are so many single black women is that the men are not up to their standards. Well, clearly they're good enough to sleep with and often do so unprotected and clearly the men deem the woman good enough to have sex with.

It's very confusing. Not one explanation holds water.

You'd be surprised how much men lower their standards for easy sex.

Londa said:
Its not about if black women are attractive. Its about what a black man feels is marrage material one they get rich. Todays standards are, once you get rich marry a white woman. She doesn't even need to be more attractive than the last black woman they dated. All she needs to be is white. Usually a lot of football groupies are white women.

I don't think its even when they get rich. In my case, I dated black women, but I married a white woman. However, that's partly because I work in an industry (comics) where there aren't a lot of black women around.
Londa said:
Its not about if black women are attractive. Its about what a black man feels is marrage material one they get rich. Todays standards are, once you get rich marry a white woman. She doesn't even need to be more attractive than the last black woman they dated. All she needs to be is white. Usually a lot of football groupies are white women.

The whole premise of a trophy wife is that you married her for status, one based beauty hence why 'young and attractive' wives for much older men are put into this category. If you recognise that there is status involved, then what is it based on if not beauty? I'm not sure if this purely an issue of beauty, as I said before black people have no problem having sex with each other. I agree it's more about persona: if a black women cannot marry a black man because he is on welfare from his mother or the state, then what flaw is there within the female populace for black men to look elsewhere?


Your example is bad. And far from what I mean or said. You have never seen a white groupie looking like the first image. Come on, man.
Londa said:
Your example is bad. And far from what I mean or said. You have never seen a white groupie looking like the first image. Come on, man.

Updated my post. Ignore the pictures. If you recognise a trophy wife is based on status, then what if not beauty is the status based on? Skin colour? That's absolutely ridiculous


Londa said:
Your example is bad. And far from what I mean or said. You have never seen a white groupie looking like the first image. Come on, man.

No but alot of average blackmen date the first image...I've seen this at malls, Wal-mart...the list goes on...I think a good number of posts in this thread have good points on the situation.

It can very much come down to what the "idea" of beauty is and something that has been programmed into the sub-conscious minds dating centuries back.

On some Willy Lynch ish....break the spirit teaching blacks to hate themselves.


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
Updated my post. Ignore the pictures. If you recognise a trophy wife is based on status, then what if not beauty is the status based on? Skin colour? That's absolutely ridiculous

I'm still going with the belief that there's just too many white women. That's backed by black people being unconsciously conditioned towards the white standard of female beauty and attractiveness. Thus you could think black women are attractive, but if there's 20 white women and 5 black women in your dating pool, you're more likely to end up marrying a white woman.
Measley said:
I'm still going with the belief that there's just too many white women. That's backed by black people being unconsciously conditioned towards the white standard of female beauty and attractiveness.

My opinion in this debate of the 'perception' of beauty is simple. It's not about the colour of the skin or what shade it is, but rather the facial features. This obviously includes hair. The hair product industry is dominated by black female consumers despite making up a small portion of the population. See the documentary Good Hair for more on this. The facial features that are deemed attractive in regards to women, I personally feel, is almost universal the same way the waist-to-hip ratio/breast cup size factor is. If you look at photographs of beautiful women, most of them share similar facial traits.

On a related note, this isn't the first time a gender of an ethnicity has caused a similar debate. I've read East-Asian men complain at the lack of attention they get from non East-Asian women.
Meus Renaissance said:
Updated my post. Ignore the pictures. If you recognise a trophy wife is based on status, then what if not beauty is the status based on? Skin colour? That's absolutely ridiculous
it's not ridiculous. Skin color and wanting their kids to "have good hair" are pretty big reasons.
it is ridiculous, but that's what people do anyway.


The Faceless Master said:
it's not ridiculous. Skin color and wanting their kids to "have good hair" are pretty big reasons.
it is ridiculous, but that's what people do anyway.

Exactly....hating on yourself, felling your own image isn't good enough. I am generally speaking on that type of mentality.

I remember an article stating a fan's run in with Lil Wayne backstage....saying he felt a certain way towards dark skinned women...saying things backstage like "She fine but I bet that b**** looks better red"....and "My daughter is the last dark skinned child I'm going to have"....I can see Wayne talking like this....but the sad thing is its reality....a true mental state being carried around.


Meus Renaissance said:
My opinion in this debate of the 'perception' of beauty is simple. It's not about the colour of the skin or what shade it is, but rather the facial features. This obviously includes hair. The hair product industry is dominated by black female consumers despite making up a small portion of the population. See the documentary Good Hair for more on this. The facial features that are deemed attractive in regards to women, I personally feel, is almost universal the same way the waist-to-hip ratio/breast cup size factor is. If you look at photographs of beautiful women, most of them share similar facial traits.

On a related note, this isn't the first time a gender of an ethnicity has caused a similar debate. I've read East-Asian men complain at the lack of attention they get from non East-Asian women.

I disagree, because black women do not have all big noses and nappy hair. My sister has straighter hair than me and she is darker than me. If we were going by your opinion she would have nappy hair and a big nose. lol

There are both ugly white women and ugly black women. There is no ratio saying that on a adverage there are more pretty white women then pretty ugly women. Going by the ration of black women as a whole. Not the actual number of black women. Since we know for a fact that there are less black women than white women because African American's are minorities.


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
My opinion in this debate of the 'perception' of beauty is simple. It's not about the colour of the skin or what shade it is, but rather the facial features. This obviously includes hair. The hair product industry is dominated by black female consumers despite making up a small portion of the population. See the documentary Good Hair for more on this. The facial features that are deemed attractive in regards to women, I personally feel, is almost universal the same way the waist-to-hip ratio/breast cup size factor is. If you look at photographs of beautiful women, most of them share similar facial traits.

On a related note, this isn't the first time a gender of an ethnicity has caused a similar debate. I've read East-Asian men complain at the lack of attention they get from non East-Asian women.

I'm not going to lie, I do love the fact that I can run my fingers through my wife's hair, pull it, smell it, etc. Her hair is beautiful, and its stupidly easy to manage. Black women's hair is a sticking point on a lot of levels, and again, its an example of the white standard of beauty at work. Every time I see a black woman go "natural" I smile a bit, because that's the way it should be. The owners of the black hair industry are exploitative as hell.

As for East Asian men... LoL!
The Faceless Master said:
it's not ridiculous. Skin color and wanting their kids to "have good hair" are pretty big reasons.
it is ridiculous, but that's what people do anyway.

The hair point is a complaint black mothers have. Interestingly, it seems more common to see a black man with a white wife than a white man with a black wife. But black men don't care what hairstyle their kids are going to have. If you have an equally attractive black women (compared to a white girl), then how rational is it to say that they'll choose the white girl simply because she has white skin? You're indirectly accusing these black men of some hardcore racism. Shit, even racists have their views because they class behaviour with skin colour but in this case you're suggesting black men don't like black women simply because their skin colour is X and not Y. That makes -20 sense.


Well I loves me some black woman. The only problem is since I'm always in the gramercy area in nyc, I almost never see any.


Londa said:
I disagree, because black women do not have all big noses and nappy hair. My sister has straighter hair than me and she is darker than me[/U]

Somewhere down the line in the gene pool her "straight hair" comes from somewhere other than African ancestry.


Meus Renaissance said:
The hair point is a complaint black mothers have. Interestingly, it seems more common to see a black man with a white wife than a white man with a black wife. But black men don't care what hairstyle their kids are going to have. If you have an equally attractive black women (compared to a white girl), then how rational is it to say that they'll choose the white girl simply because she has white skin? You're indirectly accusing these black men of some hardcore racism. Shit, even racists have their views because they class behaviour with skin colour but in this case you're suggesting black men don't like black women simply because their skin colour is X and not Y. That makes -20 sense.

Its called self hate sweetheart. Being told you are ugly for decades does that to you. Why do they call black women bitches but not white women bitches? come on, now..


Junior Member
Black women hate their hair, let's just be honest folks. If someone created a product that made black women's hair like that of white or East Asian women, that guy would be richer than Bill Gates.
Londa said:
I disagree, because black women do not have all big noses and nappy hair. My sister has straighter hair than me and she is darker than me. If we were going by your opinion she would have nappy hair and a big nose. lol

There are both ugly white women and ugly black women. There is no ratio saying that on a adverage there are more pretty white women then pretty ugly women. Going by the ration of black women as a whole. Not the actual number of black women. Since we know for a fact that there are less black women than white women because African American's are minorities.

This is why I said it has no relevance to skin colour. The colour of your skin doesn't automatically define your facial features. Google image search beautiful black women, they'll all have the same facial features and most of them will have real/fake straight hair.

Of course there are unattractive white women. This supports my point that the shade of your skin doesn't play a part. This complaint about the nose or the hair is more prevalent in some East African cultures. I'm originally from Somali and go to any Somali community and they'll be brutally frank with you about this point - and so would the Eritreans in my experience.


kodecraft said:
Somewhere down the line in the gene pool her "straight hair" comes from somewhere other than African ancestry.

all black americans are mixed with something. This isn't news. lol

Google image search beautiful black women, they'll all have the same facial features and most of them will have real/fake straight hair.

What is funny is, a white celebrity also has fake hair in her head. But no one will question it because their white. I don't know any celebrity that doesn't put fake extentions in their hair. But it's such a big deal when a black woman does it. However, I believe I rather see their natural hair, than a weave or wig. But it isn't true that all beautiful black women have straight noses and are wearing fake hair.
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