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The Black Culture Thread


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The Faceless Master said:

in other news


Bento said:
I wouldn't let it scare you off, she's the sore thumb in a game that otherwise shares its bland characters evenly among the races :p

(and the game is actually very much worth playing)
Its the principal.

To think that hey this was a good idea.
I think people are overreacting to it. If it was a US publisher/dev, she probably wouldn't have even made it in the game. I would not want for them to remove content from the game just because it's not politically correct enough. I don't think the game consciously tries to paint a certain image, there are plenty of diverse characters and dialects.
Big Baybee said:
I've been thinking about ditching my G-Nike's and going with Converse for a while. They are cheap and come in a shit ton of colors.

Do they call them that anywhere else beside N.O? I said it once when I moved up north and they looked at me like I was crazy lol. I'll also be getting my first pair of Chucks that should come in on Monday. Some lo-top black and white ones.

And holy crap at Deus Ex. And why the hell was she digging in the trash? And why does the main character sound like Batman? lol
eternaLightness said:
Do they call them that anywhere else beside N.O? I said it once when I moved up north and they looked at me like I was crazy lol. I'll also be getting my first pair of Chucks that should come in on Monday. Some lo-top black and white ones.
I've only heard them called that here in Louisiana. I have family in Detroit, and they look at me crazy when I say that. Kind of how I look at them whenever they say pop. Down here we call everything Coke, lol.


Another thread reminded me off an alert email that my campus sent to all students:

http://news.ucsc.edu/2011/04/community alert.html
On Sunday, April 24, 2011 at approximately 1:00 A.M, four UCSC students were robbed by a group of men near the corner of Laurent and King streets on westside Santa Cruz. Three male students and one female student were walking to a bus stop on Bay Street when they were approached by four males. One man showed a knife and demanded their money. The robbers took an iPod from one victim and a wallet from another.

The robbers were described as a black male, a Hispanic male and two white males. The black male was approximately 6’ tall with a backward cap, muscular build and a thin mustache. The Hispanic male was about 5’8” tall with a medium build, long hair and a gray hat. The two white males were between 5’10” and 6’ and weighed between 150 and 160 lbs. The suspects fled in a mid-size gray 4-door sedan with a loud exhaust. It is unknown at this time if this robbery is connected with other recent robberies.

If you have any information regarding this incident or the suspect please call investigations Santa Cruz Police Department at (831) 420-5820 or the anonymous tip line at 420-5995.

The discrepancy in description detail is pretty hilarious.


Zoramon089 said:
WTF. You see detailed clothing and feature descriptions of the black and latino dude but the white guy descriptions are basically "two white dudes of average height"

"two white dudes of average height and weight" in freaking Santa Cruz too!


What's up blackGAF! New here kinda. Made an account back in 2008, never really posted but turned into a lurker these past few years and saw this a few months ago and decided to post! So here goes...

- Where you're from: USA

- Where you live: Wilmington, Delaware

- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: African American (Mother), Indian Cherokee (Mother) (found that out by my mom just now. My grandmother's mom was 100% Indian Cherokee), Caucasian (Father).

- Do you know your roots?: I know a lot about my Mother side but not my Father side. She did say something he has Polish some polish and Hispanic going on. My Mom left him when I turned 1. So yeah sad face...

- Your Age: 24 years old

- Favorite musical genre: All genres. Hip Hop and Rock gets me hyped though!

- Your profession/major/career interest: I work at a local trauma hospital as a patient transporter. I'm in school for an Automotive Degree but going back for a Nursing degree.

- Your religious affiliation: Protestant Pentecostal Christian, but studying and might convert to Catholicism. I look to religion for hope and I certainly do not force my beliefs on anyone.

- Hobbies: love listening to music, working on cars, playing video games, reading up on human history, science, studying, exercising, dancing, having a few drinks with friends and fam, sports, love being around people, and chatting...etc

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?

First, being mixed is hard for me. You see I couldn't fit in with the black community around me because pretty much they consisted of drugs, gangs and such. So my mother kept me in practically my whole life. When I tried to fit in with the black community I basically got push aside or made fun of. So I was an outsider growing up. I never had a problem with the white, asian or hispanic community. I connected with them on so many levels. I don't think it was because we I black but because I had a respectful viewpoint about life. When I would go into the black community with this respect, I got shot down and told "oh no this ni**a think he better or greater!". What people or the non respectful black community needs to understand is that it's not about the skin color but your character that people look at nowadays. I show character and respect not because I'm tan or light skin but because I was breed into this character and was taught how to respect. So that "black nerd" sh*t can fall back pretty much. Society labels me as Black because I have color but I know who created me and I know who taught me well. I hope that answered the question...

By the way today at work this white lady who I love to death and she is the same about me. Asked why is it that black people can freely say "ni**a" and white people can't? Is the whole racism still present today? Because when people bring up stereotypical questions or racist jokes or racist questions I clearly don't understand them and some white people think I'm slow or something but honestly I never paid any attention or grew up with my mom or anyone talking about racism. So I wouldn't know. I have so many diverse friends I would be surprised to hear that racism is still alive!

Peace my bros!


Paper or plastic?
I found this interesting and depressing. Had to look at it for my Psych class, it's a variation on the Kenneth and Mamie Clark doll study from the 1940s. There are a few valid explanations but I tend to think that they form these opinions based on what they hear from the adults in their lives.


NOTE: Not sure it this will work outside the U.S.
B1gg_Randall said:
G-Nikes =Air Force 1 ?
Yep. And we pronounce it the same as "like", not the traditional way you say Nike. Two syllables. G-Nikes. Been saying that since the late 90's. Don't know how it started, but it has stuck to this day.


I came across this Tyra show video on youtube. Sometimes Tyra will have race related shows and I think she has some good points in this video. There was no difference between the two women when it comes to clothes or the things they have.. but one was viewed negatively only because of her skin.

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhxsQV8JAmQ&NR=1

Really interesting how people can think so much just off of how a person's skin looks.
Kinda crazy how people can generalize a whole group from a few others they've "seen". He keeps saying "from personal experience" but my guess is that he's seen the "medias view" of black women or people.

Anyways, I finally got my first pair of Chucks today. woot!


eternaLightness said:
Kinda crazy how people can generalize a whole group from a few others they've "seen". He keeps saying "from personal experience" but my guess is that he's seen the "medias view" of black women or people.

Anyways, I finally got my first pair of Chucks today. woot!

Yeah I get the feeling that he rarely sees or talks to many black people where he is from.

Congrats!! what kind did you get?


eternaLightness said:
Kinda crazy how people can generalize a whole group from a few others they've "seen". He keeps saying "from personal experience" but my guess is that he's seen the "medias view" of black women or people.

Anyways, I finally got my first pair of Chucks today. woot!
I got on a pari of chuck n khakis right now.
Big feet gaf, where do you buy your shoes? I wear 15's. Growing up I always had to order shoes out of EastBay because shoe stores never had my size. I was wearing 14's in the 9th grade. Took my body a while to catch up with my feet.

I like to try on shoes, and most place still don't carry large sizes.

Been looking at these though:



Big Baybee said:
Big feet gaf, where do you buy your shoes? I wear 15's. Growing up I always had to order shoes out of EastBay because shoe stores never had my size. I was wearing 14's in the 9th grade. Took my body a while to catch up with my feet.

I like to try on shoes, and most place still don't carry large sizes.

Been looking at these though:


I've been wearing size 13 since 8th grade. I'm glad my body basically stopped growing since then. I was 6' my freshman year in high school with a size 13 shoe, and now I'm 6'1 1/2" with a size 13 shoe (I'm 23). Size 13 is the perfect shoe size. It's readily available in all stores, and not many people wear the size, so I never have issues getting the shoes I want.
I've been wearing a size 12 since I think 10th-11th grade. I would wear black shoes since they would look smaller on my feet. I'm 6'3 now so they don't look weird anymore. I think once you start getting into the much bigger sizes you may have difficult finding a pair. 12 seems to be pretty popular so I usually have to get a 12.5. The biggest I've seen a store carry was 14.


you guys are crazy to worry about how big your feet look. Having big feet actually might get you attention with the ladies. lol
Size 14 as a freshman in high school and a 15 by my 2nd ear of college. Eight years later still a 15. Eastbay still is my primary source. Nike.com and Casual Male every now and then. A while back I was looking for swimming shoes and it took me 2 years to find a pair in my size. I worked at Footlocker from 2002-2006 and it helped a bit (though I still had to order most stuff thru the catalog). Everyone in my family stopped at 13, but my son looks to carry on the tradition his father set.

Dude, yor feet will look long as hell in those chucks so I'd be 127% sure. I picked p some B&W Sweet Leather Classics and they serve me pretty well.


Topher said:
I found this interesting and depressing. Had to look at it for my Psych class, it's a variation on the Kenneth and Mamie Clark doll study from the 1940s. There are a few valid explanations but I tend to think that they form these opinions based on what they hear from the adults in their lives.


NOTE: Not sure it this will work outside the U.S.
Stop the world. I want to get off.


Door2Dawn said:
Stop the world. I want to get off.

It's funny because people who don't face racism continue to swear that there is no racism today and that black people are just over sensitive.


Londa said:
It's funny because people who don't face racism continue to swear that there is no racism today and that black people are just over sensitive.
Does anybody at all really do that? Ever? Online or in real life?

I can't help but think you're wildly exaggerating. Either that, or you know some proper cave-dwellers.


SmokyDave said:
Does anybody at all really do that? Ever? Online or in real life?

I can't help but think you're wildly exaggerating. Either that, or you know some proper cave-dwellers.

Yes they actually do this. Why would I make shit up? I understand you dislike me, but really... was there a need to question me in that way?

Take it as you not having the same experiences as me.

You can always ignore what I say, but it seems all you want is to read what I say. You mostly pop up in here to comment on anything you disagree with me in. I'm fine with a discussion, but the way you go about it is douchie when I'm almost sure you have no real interests in a real discussion.

You even said you planned to fish for my comments in here to see how the thread was before I began posting here. Why are you so focused on me? I'm really curious. Because I rarely pay much attention to you.


Londa said:
Yes they actually do this. Why would I make shit up? I understand you dislike me, but really... was there a need to question me in that way?
Yeah. Don't take it personally. I just can't imagine anybody willfully denying that racism actually exists. I can imagine disagreements over what constitutes racism, I can imagine arguing over how racist something is, I can imagine arguing that the world is less racist in the modern age. I cannot wrap my head around the point blank denial that racism exists anywhere, in any form.

I'm in England where overt racism is deader than it ever has been before, though still kicking, and I haven't heard anybody say 'racism doesn't exist', nor have I ever seen it posted on GAF.

I don't think you make shit up, but I do think you sometimes hear what you want to hear rather than what is actually said.

Edit: Just read your lengthy edit. I don't have a problem with you personally, I don't even know you. I just think you're antithetical to healthy discussion of racial topics, you always seem to go in with guns drawn and lots of pre-conceptions.

SonnyBoy said:
Ummm... LOL Is this a serious question?
Yes, it was a serious question. Scrub 'internet' because you can read literally anything on the 'net. I guess I just meant GAF.

Bear in mind we're talking about some people believing that racism is absolutely, totally and utterly dead. I find that idea on par with holocaust denial and I haven't met any of those people either.


SmokyDave said:
Does anybody at all really do that? Ever? Online or in real life?

Ummm... LOL Is this a serious question? People may not just come out and say that racism is gone. But they attempt to downplay any semblance of it and in a way are denying it.


SmokyDave said:
Yeah. Don't take it personally. I just can't imagine anybody willfully denying that racism actually exists. I can imagine disagreements over what constitutes racism, I can imagine arguing over how racist something is, I can imagine arguing that the world is less racist in the modern age. I cannot wrap my head around the point blank denial that racism exists anywhere, in any form.

I'm in England where overt racism is deader than it ever has been before, though still kicking, and I haven't heard anybody say 'racism doesn't exist', nor have I ever seen it posted on GAF.

I don't think you make shit up, but I do think you sometimes hear what you want to hear rather than what is actually said.

I don't know, maybe you can read my post where I said I'm not making shit up? Or I guess you want to be dense and ignore that?

Like you stated in this comment, where you live it is different than where I live. So just because you "can't imagine" doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

That's all I have to say about it. Now go and continue to stalk what I say here in the OT but next time when you disagree with what I say, don't bother replying. Why? Because I will basically not be responding to anything you say from here on out.

There are a majority here that actually want to have a real discussion and not a bias argument because you don't like his or her's posting style. Go back to your popularity contest.
soundscream said:
They look like clown shoes when you wear a size 14.
I'm 6'1 or so now, but yea, when I was 5'3 wearing 12-13's, shit looked like ski's.

Naked Prime said:
Dude, yor feet will look long as hell in those chucks so I'd be 127% sure. I picked p some B&W Sweet Leather Classics and they serve me pretty well.

I have that version and the all white version of these shoes. Half of my students have that exact same pair of shoes as well.


Londa said:
I don't know, maybe you can read my post where I said I'm not making shit up? Or I guess you want to be dense and ignore that?

Like you stated in this comment, where you live it is different than where I live. So just because you "can't imagine" doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Sounds like there's some pretty dense people 'round your way. I honestly suspect that the people who are saying racism is dead are only saying it to light your fuse.

That's all I have to say about it. Now go and continue to stalk what I say here in the OT but next time when you disagree with what I say, don't bother replying. Why? Because I will basically not be responding to anything you say from here on out.
Admit it, you've got a taboo crush on me haven't you?

I'm sending you a valentines card next year. A hot, sexy valentines card.


SmokyDave said:
Does anybody at all really do that? Ever? Online or in real life?

I can't help but think you're wildly exaggerating. Either that, or you know some proper cave-dwellers.

From my experiences, people are willing to admit that in theory, racism exists albeit in a continuously lesser manner, but when push comes to shove and a supposedly racist happening occurs, these same people will do anything in their power to label it not racist.

I don't think I've been in an ethnicity thread where at least a handful of people insisted that the subject in question was not racist, and as you know, I've been in a lot of those types of threads.


harSon said:
From my experiences, people are willing to admit that in theory, racism exists albeit in a continuously lesser manner, but when push comes to shove and a supposedly racist happening occurs, these same people will do anything in their power to label it not racist.
Now that, I agree with. Marginalising the existence of racism isn't the same as denying it exists however.

I don't think I've been in an ethnicity thread where at least a handful of people insisted that the subject in question was not racist, and as you know, I've been in a lot of those types of threads.
And those people might well have good reason for feeling the way they do. It doesn't necessarily translate into them denying the existence of racism, full stop. It just means they don't percieve that particular thing as racist. To me, there seems to be a vast difference in racial politics inside of the US and outside of the US and as many websites straddle that line, you can often have people with entirely different cultural touchstones and sensitivities looking at things from very different angles. What might be scathingly racist in one country might be perfectly normal in another (ie; the word 'Paki' to describe someone from Pakistan). I think that's how I got my reputation on here, I just couldn't see the racism in a lot of things posted until I better understood the racial politics of the US and the legacy of slavery and segregation.

Maybe it's a US thing, brought on by the election of a black president but outside of empty accusations on GAF, I've never seen or heard the suggestion that racism is dead. Hell, the KKK still has active chapters doesn't it? Europe has a fair sprinkling of Neo-Nazis etc.. it's not hard to see that whilst racism is being assailed from all sides, it's far from dead.



I really like those black and white nikes. hmmmmm maybe they would look even better in navy blue.. I try to stay with a blue (any shade)/red/black/white/grey wardrobe.

Pink and purple?... urrmmm never Pink but I sometimes wear the purple shades.
have to weigh on that Anderson Cooper vid. Did anyone else notice there was no mentioning of anything called black bias. It seemed as if the producers never thought to show that black kids could think less of other races than their own. And as far as the topics about being dumb,in my experience at school black kids have unfortunately been at the low end of class. Finally as the kids get older they start to form their own ideas. Most of the older kids showed very little bias. So it definitely seems to me the problem is more with parents than it is with children.
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