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The Black Culture Thread


CrazyDogg77 said:
have to weigh on that Anderson Cooper vid. Did anyone else notice there was no mentioning of anything called black bias. It seemed as if the producers never thought to show that black kids could think less of other races than their own. And as far as the topics about being dumb,in my experience at school black kids have unfortunately been at the low end of class. Finally as the kids get older they start to form their own ideas. Most of the older kids showed very little bias. So it definitely seems to me the problem is more with parents than it is with children.

Are you black?

How did you know that the black kids were dumb or "low end of class"? Did you get to see every black kids report card while in school?
Londa said:
Are you black?

How did you know that the black kids were dumb or "low end of class"? Did you get to see every black kids report card while in school?

Yes I am black. And as far as low end of the class we would all compare grades and most black students had low grades. I didnt mean it as dumb. Not trying to offend.
Topher said:
I found this interesting and depressing. Had to look at it for my Psych class, it's a variation on the Kenneth and Mamie Clark doll study from the 1940s. There are a few valid explanations but I tend to think that they form these opinions based on what they hear from the adults in their lives.


NOTE: Not sure it this will work outside the U.S.

The thing about this study is...I think it's more that the color BLACK, not necessarily black people, is given negative connotations white the color WHITE is given positive. I don't think it has to do with race or anything like that. Kids just see dark, they think night, darkness, scary things, etc. And then there's simply identifying more with things that are familiar to you. Little kids without a fully developed sense of the world probably tend to gravitate to things that are similar, which is why the white kids picked lighter shades for good traits, darker shades for bad and the black kids did the opposite.

Of course there's also the possibility of crappy parents instilling their biased views on their children from an early impressionable age...


CrazyDogg77 said:
Yes I am black. And as far as low end of the class we would all compare grades and most black students had low grades. I didnt mean it as dumb. Not trying to offend.

were you in a majority black school?

my niece and nephew have very good grades and my two sisters stayed on the honor roll and were in tag. My experience is very different than yours.

I'm not offended
I actually was not in a majority black school. I like your family have good grades. It just seems black students like us are the exception rather than the rule.
I've avoided this thread for far too long. Glad to see that it's still going, and hey people have joined Team Converse.

I'm listening to more black rock bands. I've just picked up 24-7 Spyz's first album and now I'm looking to listen to more King's X, whom has a black member that plays the bass guitar and is a co-vocalist. I love it.

I hope all of you are doing well.


spindashing said:
Avoided was the wrong word. More like I ignored it. I didn't want to constantly head into a foolish argument.

I figured this would happen sometime.

all you have to do is ignore the arguments and talk about something else.
Londa said:
all you have to do is ignore the arguments and talk about something else.
I don't care. It's annoying and due to its past frequency I've chosen to not view the thread as much as I did. It definitely kills the family-like vibe that exists here, that's for sure.

At any rate, in an attempt to open up conversation: I know a few of you are in HBC's, but for the people that aren't attending those types of institutions, have you noticed a lack of black people in your colleges? It somehow didn't bother me before, but for some reason I've finally taken a notice to it.

I live in Queens, NY which happens to also be the most ethnically and linguistically diverse area in the world. My elementary private school was predominantly filled with minorities; blacks and hispanics were the school, and I can only remember two white people other than the teachers in the whole school and they were siblings. My highschool was predominantly filled with Italian-Americans, but still maintained diversity. My college on the other hand is a nice mix of everything (Asians are the most predominant), but for some reason in my college experience I'm usually the only black male in class or there's one or two other black kids in a small class room setting.

Maybe it's my Economics major related classes, but I take other classes geared towards Philosophy and English/Comparative Literature too. Even in the gym class I took, even in other subjects I've taken, there's barely black people there. It's a bit saddening in my opinion that there are not that much blacks in college. Hell, my best friend, whom is also black, dropped out of college and has no intentions of going back. Why? It's not that hard there and actually I've met more people and learned about myself more in college than I have in my other school settings.


I think I might be the only black dude in my major at UC Santa Cruz. I've yet to see another black person in any of my major (Film) since attending here last Fall, and I'm only half black at that :p

My school is composed of a bunch of different colleges, all of which have stereotypes. Oakes College is the designated Minority college. It was created when the Black Liberation Front demanded an all black college on campus, and a compromise was made to have Oakes transformed into a college that focused on Ethnic studies. Angela Davis is associated with the college till this day, and Huey Newton was too when he attended UCSC. It's not predominantly black either, it's composed of a significant number of blacks, hispanics, asians and white students. Pretty awesome IMO.
Out of my 5 classes only 1 of them has another black person in there and thats Spanish. The other classes I'm taking is Philosophy, Computer Science 2, Physics 1, and Calculus 2 so yeah I've noticed but I've gotten used to it. I will say that there is a fair amount of black people in my college but they just don't have the same major as me.


Satchwar said:
college is expensive

I think it's actually more burdensome for lower middle-class to middle-class families to afford to send their children to college. At least in California, Federal Aid seems to fuck over those whose families earn alright incomes. They assume that because you're not starving for money, that your parents can afford to send you to a college that costs $10 thousand in tuition per year.
Satchwar said:
college is expensive
I can't argue against that at all. Colleges are pretty pricey even with state aid.

Even in lecture hall classes, there's usually only a handful amount of blacks in attendance here. t doesn't bother me too much, but it would be nice to see more brothers and sisters around.


harSon said:
I think it's actually more burdensome for lower middle-class to middle-class families to afford to send their children to college. At least in California, Federal Aid seems to fuck over those whose families earn alright incomes. They assume that because you're not starving for money, that your parents can afford to send you to a college that costs $10 thousand in tuition per year.

Yep, that is one reason why I had to work and save up for school before I could attend.

spindashing said:
I don't care. It's annoying and due to its past frequency I've chosen to not view the thread as much as I did. It definitely kills the family-like vibe that exists here, that's for sure.

I notice that certain posters lurk this thread only to reply to start an argument. So I get what you mean.


harSon said:
I think I might be the only black dude in my major at UC Santa Cruz. I've yet to see another black person in any of my major (Film) since attending here last Fall, and I'm only half black at that :p
I'm the only one for mine here at Purdue at Indianapolis(IUPUI), Forensic Chemistry and Chemistry . Fun stuff.

Well, black male that is.
Plenty of black students were in my school when I was doing undergrad (CUNY Brooklyn College)...plenty of every minority group, actually.

It probably depends on the major, though...there were a lot of black kids doing social sciences and liberal arts and business stuff and programming and communications, but once we went into Engineering and Economics and maths/sciences the numbers dropped quite a bit.


I see black people........all the time! Or at least I will when my wife finishes grad school and I can finally go back and complete my education. Econ and finance.


@ eternaLightness

Her name is Ji-in Cho

@ Big Baybee

Ah Southern. My pops went there. Grambling is a banned word in our household.

Seems there are more black females in the harder fields here, at least from what I've seen. I know quite a few in the sciences/engineering or pre-med, but not many males.
spindashing said:
I don't care. It's annoying and due to its past frequency I've chosen to not view the thread as much as I did. It definitely kills the family-like vibe that exists here, that's for sure.

At any rate, in an attempt to open up conversation: I know a few of you are in HBC's, but for the people that aren't attending those types of institutions, have you noticed a lack of black people in your colleges? It somehow didn't bother me before, but for some reason I've finally taken a notice to it.

I live in Queens, NY which happens to also be the most ethnically and linguistically diverse area in the world. My elementary private school was predominantly filled with minorities; blacks and hispanics were the school, and I can only remember two white people other than the teachers in the whole school and they were siblings. My highschool was predominantly filled with Italian-Americans, but still maintained diversity. My college on the other hand is a nice mix of everything (Asians are the most predominant), but for some reason in my college experience I'm usually the only black male in class or there's one or two other black kids in a small class room setting.

Maybe it's my Economics major related classes, but I take other classes geared towards Philosophy and English/Comparative Literature too. Even in the gym class I took, even in other subjects I've taken, there's barely black people there. It's a bit saddening in my opinion that there are not that much blacks in college. Hell, my best friend, whom is also black, dropped out of college and has no intentions of going back. Why? It's not that hard there and actually I've met more people and learned about myself more in college than I have in my other school settings.

I live in South Fla and in my experience here there are alot of blacks attending college an important little tidbit though is that there seemed to be more islanders than black americans attending these schools.

But I have only an insight to a few colleges and never did any proper research but that is what it seemed like to me. Mock my observation if you must.


I really need to come into this thread more often!

I go to School in Ga and it's not too bad, but since making my major Information Technology from Computer Science (classic change) I will be a bit behind and have to take out a few more loans. The woes of a college student...


My city has 3 black neurosurgeons, me included (I'm still a resident though). I've met several black doctors, and there were 3 black folks in my med school class. I have 2 brothers also in medicine. It's not that rare, but I wish it was more common. Oh well, doing my part at least...
There are a good number of black people at my school (at least I thought so) but I seem to be all my friend's token black friend. I guess they just don't know any of the others? I don't know how I feel about it...


I know it's going to be weird if I ever move to the States. I'm an Afro-Carribean and I don't think I have ever felt racism (apart from the "you come from Africa" jokes or things like that, people). Today I was reading on reddit the iama from the black guy who married a white woman, and it dawned on me how different Americans are. Maybe it's because I'm product of an interracial marriage and my dad is also a product of one. I spend some time on Wisconsin and everyone was kind and nice and I never felt like people were treating me differently on any level. The stuff I read on the internet, well, it makes me feel kind of scarred but it mostly feels surreal.
99hertz said:
I know it's going to be weird if I ever move to the States. I'm an Afro-Carribean and I don't think I have ever felt racism (apart from the "you come from Africa" jokes or things like that, people). Today I was reading on reddit the iama from the black guy who married a white woman, and it dawned on me how different Americans are. Maybe it's because I'm product of an interracial marriage and my dad is also a product of one. I spend some time on Wisconsin and everyone was kind and nice and I never felt like people were treating me differently on any level. The stuff I read on the internet, well, it makes me feel kind of scarred but it mostly feels surreal.
well, for one, i'd like to point out that a lot of people treat american blacks differently (better) than people from the caribbean or elsewhere, so that could be a factor in your experience too.


there aren't too many black people in the college I go to. In high school there were plenty of different kinds of people, so its disappointing to me that there's less variety now. Even more so in animation, but I can't complain, I live in NYC so that's not much of a problem.

Also I missed out on the converse conversation. They're great. I just bought a pair of waterproof ones for the winter.


Hi Black Gaf

- Where you're from MD
- Where do you live MD
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy 100% Nigerian, American born though.
- Do you know your roots? Yep. Currently studying a lot about my family tree.
- Your Age 22
- Favorite musical genre None really, I listen to everything
- Your profession/major/career interest Illustration
- Your religious affiliation Protestant
- Hobbies Drawing, Gaming, etc

- Do you feel ostracized as a black nerd/dork? Charles Barkley once said that "there's nothing sadder than a black nerd". What do you think about those words, and while we're on the issue, what is gaf's opinion on the whole "act white" thing?

Hell no. I think Barkley is stupid. And acting white doesn't exist.
While we are on the subject of school and representation. My uni has a large black student population which is to be expected given that's its a public university. With that said, I think in 2/3 classes I'm taking this fall I'm the token(only) black guy it seems.
spindashing said:
I don't care. It's annoying and due to its past frequency I've chosen to not view the thread as much as I did. It definitely kills the family-like vibe that exists here, that's for sure.

At any rate, in an attempt to open up conversation: I know a few of you are in HBC's, but for the people that aren't attending those types of institutions, have you noticed a lack of black people in your colleges? It somehow didn't bother me before, but for some reason I've finally taken a notice to it.

I live in Queens, NY which happens to also be the most ethnically and linguistically diverse area in the world. My elementary private school was predominantly filled with minorities; blacks and hispanics were the school, and I can only remember two white people other than the teachers in the whole school and they were siblings. My highschool was predominantly filled with Italian-Americans, but still maintained diversity. My college on the other hand is a nice mix of everything (Asians are the most predominant), but for some reason in my college experience I'm usually the only black male in class or there's one or two other black kids in a small class room setting.

Maybe it's my Economics major related classes, but I take other classes geared towards Philosophy and English/Comparative Literature too. Even in the gym class I took, even in other subjects I've taken, there's barely black people there. It's a bit saddening in my opinion that there are not that much blacks in college. Hell, my best friend, whom is also black, dropped out of college and has no intentions of going back. Why? It's not that hard there and actually I've met more people and learned about myself more in college than I have in my other school settings.

I went to UCF and I had a ton of fellow blacks in my major (Computer Science). Then again it's central Florida, in the words of Donald Glover; black nerds became cool in 2004.


At the UofA here in Alberta, Canada, I've seen more blacks here than anywhere else in the city. Keep in mind that there are NO BLACKS HERE, and from my experience many of the black students at my school were actually international students from Africa. It's nice to see them nonetheless, though, as I was one of the only black kids in my high school (of 2700 students). I find they are mostly in business, sciences, and if they're in arts it's often poli sci.
For both my undergrad and grad in New Jersey, there was a lack of minorities. I remember entering my first class after leaving Ghana and quickly realizing I was the only black person in all my honors program classes. In my Mechanical Engineering class, there were maybe 5 blacks (3 were international including me). I do remember a couple of kids who transferred out because the engineering program was too hard or the school wasn't right for them (definitely would have transferred out too if not for the scholarship, I loathe technical schools now)

For my Systems Engineering grad program, it was just me, granted the group as a whole numbered 30. But by this time, I had stopped noticing the problem, its just not an issue for me because technically I am also not representative of that minority.
For me, the number of black people in my classes at Michigan was no different an experience than the number of black people in my High School AP classes. That is to say, very few.

But because Michigan is such a big school, it is never difficult to surround yourself fully with black folk outside of courses. I was President of 2 of the more major student orgs on campus, one of which was 99% black and over 150 members.

<3 Michigan. Tough but rewarding experience. And a lot of black folk who lived and breathed excellence.
spindashing said:
At any rate, in an attempt to open up conversation: I know a few of you are in HBC's, but for the people that aren't attending those types of institutions, have you noticed a lack of black people in your colleges? It somehow didn't bother me before, but for some reason I've finally taken a notice to it.
Yeah, I only see a few black folks around.

Then again, I'm in Hawaii. Not a strong presence of black people as, say, Georgia.
Hey family hope your doing well.

This month's Men Health mag has an article/cover piece on Idris Elba and how he broke into acting. It's a great read. I'll post it here when I'm done at school later today(many hours from now : /)
Can't hate on Perry, he's filling a niche that's being underserved. Mind you, the movies are all kinds of bad, but no one else seems to care enough to cater to the audience he is serving and so he keeps getting paid


They're not horrid, you probably could even relate to it. I have a few family members just like some of his characters. His stuff is just bad. Typical plots and a bunch of overacting. But at least he giving minorities work, so I can't hate.
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