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The Black Culture Thread

DominoKid said:
it's why we have better manners.

I think this is true. Since being up north, some people notice that I act "differently" and will usually ask me where I'm from. I tell them from down south and they usually go that makes sense. It could be that I'm just more laid back than most people here.


Big Baybee said:
I really don't know. I'm pretty liberal myself, and that thread just makes me shake my head. I honestly can't think of anyone I know who hasn't been spanked, White, Black, Vietnamese, or other. Maybe people get the belt more in the south? I don't know.
I got spanked the most out of three girls. But I was hardly bad. I just didn't take everything face value and questioned everything. So that is what got me in trouble. Lol


Big Baybee said:
Gaf is so fucked up when it comes to shit like that. There is no middle ground on this forum. Its always to the extreme. Oh your parents spanked you? They are fucking pieces of shit and you are pathetic for letting them do it.
No reason whatsoever to spank your child when non-violent methods are just as good or better.
There's plenty of research to back this up, but people who think spanking is okay are more interested in anecdotes.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Shanadeus said:
No reason whatsoever to spank your child when non-violent methods are just as good or better.
There's plenty of research to back this up, but people who think spanking is okay are more interested in anecdotes.
Here goes another anecdote for you. I was walking home just this past halloween and happened to notice a hawk flying overhead. Looking up at it I didn't take notice to the crowd of middle school students(at least I assume they were.) Walking towards me. I accidentally bump into one( not knocking him down, but slightly stopping his stride) and before I can even apologize to him, he tells me to go fuck myself, and he and his friends go running off laughing. Now I know kids will be kids, but that level of disrespect is common for kids around here. I'm pretty sure their parents just talking to them isn't really taking effect.
Shanadeus said:
No reason whatsoever to spank your child when non-violent methods are just as good or better.
There's plenty of research to back this up, but people who think spanking is okay are more interested in anecdotes.

Oh boy. I remember you were really adamant about that opinion in that one thread about spanking children. I'm not even going to comment on this any further


Junior Member
Looks like I better chime in on this since both of my parents are from Arkansas. I got a couple beatings with a belt as a kid for repeated infractions (which seems to be the case with the girl here), and there are still marks on my Dad's old belt from my older brother (I should add that my Dad doesn't let my brother beat his own kids, which he doesn't). To me it looked like this was the first time that girl had a spanking at what? 16? I kinda have to agree with magnificent83's post on this one. That said, the dad probably did go too far after leaving the room and then coming back. You can also tell he get's some kind of enjoyment out of it, talking about "beating into submission," which IS sick.
(Today, 01:27 PM)

I may not have agreed with her manner of getting things done or the way she came across sometimes but she was one of us.
spindashing said:
(Today, 01:27 PM)

I may not have agreed with her manner of getting things done or the way she came across sometimes but she was one of us.

Whoa what did I miss? She bit the bullet before me? Damn.
Imm0rt4l said:
So apparently "In living color" is coming back in 2012. I'm going to hope for the best, but I"m not expecting much at all.
Although still funny, it's dated as far as today's culture is. But, it could be decent.
Get Jay Pharaoh in it.
David Alan Grier must be in. Tommy Davidson is probably willing to to it for the cash. Jim Carrey is a stretch, but I'm sure he may guest star or something.
I didnt know when she would go down but I knew Londa would go down arguing.

Speaking of In Living Color does anyone know if its on netflix? It went off the air before I was born,so Ive never seen a full episode.

qcf x2

Parallax said:
yup. the gaf hivemind is a fucking monster. thats why when it rears its ugly head, i stay away

This, Big Baybee's prior post and aktham's reply created probably the most accurate 3-post combination I've ever seen. Well done.
magnificent83 said:
How do you know how long a ban is?
When you get banned, you get a message written up by a mod instead of being able to enter GAF when you log in. At the bottom of the message, it tells you when the ban the ban will be lifted. If you're permabanned, it usually says "Never."
spindashing said:
(Today, 01:27 PM)

I may not have agreed with her manner of getting things done or the way she came across sometimes but she was one of us.

Couldn't stand her at fucking all, but I never wish death on no one because there's no coming back from that


In the mods' defense, Londa was nuts and I'm guessing it's the accumulation of all her craziness that led to the ban.
CrazyDogg77 said:
What did you get banned for last time anyway?

Didn't read an OP, got banned alongside 20+ other people. My first ban in at least a year. Londa should have followed the #1 GAF rule: don't want to get banned? Don't post in the gaming forum.
PhoenixDark said:
Didn't read an OP, got banned alongside 20+ other people. My first ban in at least a year. Londa should have followed the #1 GAF rule: don't want to get banned? Don't post in the gaming forum.

I can't even read the Halo ones in gaming, I just stick to the community one.
PhoenixDark said:
Didn't read an OP, got banned alongside 20+ other people. My first ban in at least a year. Londa should have followed the #1 GAF rule: don't want to get banned? Don't post in the gaming forum.

Yeah I only read gaming side.
PhoenixDark said:
Didn't read an OP, got banned alongside 20+ other people. My first ban in at least a year. Londa should have followed the #1 GAF rule: don't want to get banned? Don't post in the gaming forum.
This is so true. Plus I don't care enough to get into a debate there.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
She was perma'd for that? Really?

Cya, Londa.

Yeah she could be a bit touchy, but that may have been the lowest threshold for a perma I've ever seen.


CrazyDogg77 said:
I don't know why but you seem like someone who's never been banned.
Interestingly enough, I hear the reverse of that all the time. "Only a matter of time" etc. But, I'd like to think that I've mellowed down since last year. Well, maybe just a little.


I never thought Londa was bad. Well to be honest, I don't think any Gaffer is bad. Some can be thick-headed, but you can say that about everyone.

It still surprises me how you can be banned so easily in gaming, though when I think about that, and how people get REALLY passionate about it, I can understand why the mods are harsher on that side of the pond.
spindashing said:
Interestingly enough, I hear the reverse of that all the time. "Only a matter of time" etc. But, I'd like to think that I've mellowed down since last year. Well, maybe just a little.

True I've only known of you since last year.


Junior Member
Air said:
I never thought Londa was bad. Well to be honest, I don't think any Gaffer is bad. Some can be thick-headed, but you can say that about everyone.

Londa's "angry little black girl" persona got a little tiring.

It still surprises me how you can be banned so easily in gaming, though when I think about that, and how people get REALLY passionate about it, I can understand why the mods are harsher on that side of the pond.

People in gaming are touchy. Insult FF in an FF thread at your own risk.
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