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The Black Culture Thread

Pleased to have you aboard, Firewarrior. Due to your untimely arrival, however, you have been appointed the new Londa. Someone must fill the void in our hearts.


PhoenixDark said:
The only time gaming forum trolling was acceptable was when Amir0x was trolling. If he was going HAM on Nintendo fans you could use him as your blocker and run all over them kids. Nobody would care what you said as long as you didn't name call. Now that Ami is just as mortal as anyone else...yea, not a good idea brehs.

I remember this.


Master Milk said:
It wasn't really her opinion about the game that got her banned, it was the way she handled everyone's reaction to her opinion about the game. And the fact that she always handles everyone's reaction to her the same way. Still, I'm personally not feeling that perma.

This. i have had "run-ins" with Londa and her attitude and tit for tat reactions towards "issues" is relevant to the high percentage of AA women not ever getting married and/or having lasting relationships based off of statistics. (Sister 2 Sister magazine) (Tyler perry mentioned this too)


Urban Scholar said:
I still think we can raise the bar and have more intelligent discussions. Hell, I think we(I mean everyone) can be better at being tongue and cheek too

The problem isn't so much that there can't be any intelligent discussions, but like another poster said, some topics just get people angry/excited or what have you. So intelligence goes out the window and jokes, trolling, or being dismissive goes into its place. If you want people to be better at having intelligent discussions, you just have to show them that it is actually worth it to have a discussion.

I guess the other problem is that some people really just don't want to have an intellectual conversation.
Air said:
The problem isn't so much that there can't be any intelligent discussions, but like another poster said, some topics just get people angry/excited or what have you. So intelligence goes out the window and jokes, trolling, or being dismissive goes into its place. If you want people to be better at having intelligent discussions, you just have to show them that it is actually worth it to have a discussion.

I guess the other problem is that some people really just don't want to have an intellectual conversation.

Eh the big issue is you have to tackle base ignorance with anything related to gender, sex and race, so it's nigh impossible to have higher discussions tackling a range of issues when you're stuck explaining 101 type shit every time. Posters always want to come in and revel in their willful ignorance, makes for shit discussions.


Devolution said:
Eh the big issue is you have to tackle base ignorance with anything related to gender, sex and race, so it's nigh impossible to have higher discussions tackling a range of issues when you're stuck explaining 101 type shit every time. Posters always want to come in and revel in their willful ignorance, makes for shit discussions.

Yes, that's a very good point. I have noticed that too.

Yeah, I'd definitely agree with that!

It sucks, because there could be so many great discussions, but the average topic devolves (pun not intended) into puns and trolling. That's all good once in a while, but it just makes me want to come here less.
Devolution said:
Eh the big issue is you have to tackle base ignorance with anything related to gender, sex and race, so it's nigh impossible to have higher discussions tackling a range of issues when you're stuck explaining 101 type shit every time. Posters always want to come in and revel in their willful ignorance, makes for shit discussions.

Yeah like you said everyone comes in with their idea of how things are. And no one really is going to change their mind when they see what the other side has to offer.


Shanadeus said:
Not necessarily though.
She had a genuine mini-meltdown directed at atheism in that thread about the number of Americans who believe in angels, so I'd say it's a pretty safe bet.


kodecraft said:
This. i have had "run-ins" with Londa and her attitude and tit for tat reactions towards "issues" is relevant to the high percentage of AA women not ever getting married and/or having lasting relationships based off of statistics. (Sister 2 Sister magazine) (Tyler perry mentioned this too)
How is that relevant exactly? Are you extrapolating the behavior of a NeoGAF member onto a group? Seems like a fairly shallow way of approaching something that is probably a tad more complex :p


Neo Member
CrazyDogg77 said:
Welcome fire warrior. Looks like I'm still the youngest black gaf member.
Thanks, I'm sure a young one will pop-up sometime.

Bay Maximus said:
Pleased to have you aboard, Firewarrior. Due to your untimely arrival, however, you have been appointed the new Londa. Someone must fill the void in our hearts.

Thanks, I see, hope this Londa isn't a crazy person.

The Faceless Master said:

it's never too late!

True, but I was kinda shocked by no-one introducing themselves for couple of pages.
So just recently listened to the Camp (Childish Gambino) and it brought me to the topic of black guys and asian girls. Because this isn't the first time I've heard of it. Is it a thing? As a black guy, I like asian girls. I don't think I necessarily prefer them over other races though but...maybe it's not a black thing, but a black "nerd" thing.
Zoramon089 said:
So just recently listened to the Camp (Childish Gambino) and it brought me to the topic of black guys and asian girls. Because this isn't the first time I've heard of it. Is it a thing? As a black guy, I like asian girls. I don't think I necessarily prefer them over other races though but...maybe it's not a black thing, but a black "nerd" thing.
I remember going through my Asian girl phase too. It doesn't help that I go to school in a predominantly Asian neighborhood.

I've come across Black + Asian couples. Well, I should say that I've usually seen Black + girls of Philippines descent. But, anything is possible, I guess.


Zoramon089 said:
So just recently listened to the Camp (Childish Gambino) and it brought me to the topic of black guys and asian girls. Because this isn't the first time I've heard of it. Is it a thing? As a black guy, I like asian girls. I don't think I necessarily prefer them over other races though but...maybe it's not a black thing, but a black "nerd" thing.
I don't think it's a black "nerd" stereotype.
In most hollywood movies, you have black people hanging around with asians and latin americans in the ghettos (Fast and the furious for an example).
All the Asian girls I've seen either hang out exclusively with Asians or white people. I never see them talking to black people, much less dating. But then again I'm in Michigan, I've heard things are very different in Cali.

Dunno if I'd date an Asian chick, seems like the family would be too much of a hassle. My parents wouldn't mind, and my grandparents/uncles/aunts etc wouldn't whereas they'd probably never let me get away with dating a white chick. But I can't imagine an Asian dad/grandparents accept me


Which brings up another big issue:

Parents not being okay with you dating outside of your race, or only being okay with you dating specific races.
PhoenixDark said:
All the Asian girls I've seen either hang out exclusively with Asians or white people. I never see them talking to black people, much less dating. But then again I'm in Michigan, I've heard things are very different in Cali.

Dunno if I'd date an Asian chick, seems like the family would be too much of a hassle. My parents wouldn't mind, and my grandparents/uncles/aunts etc wouldn't whereas they'd probably never let me get away with dating a white chick. But I can't imagine an Asian dad/grandparents accept me

Yeah I find a lot of asian friends I have saying "My parent's would want me to date an *insert type of asian*. They wouldn't mind me dating a white guy too much but they definitely wouldn't want me dating a black guy"


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Shanadeus said:
Which brings up another big issue:

Parents not being okay with you dating outside of your race, or only being okay with you dating specific races.

not an issue for myself. my mom doesnt care who i date as long as im happy. other family members though, im not really sure.


PhoenixDark said:
All the Asian girls I've seen either hang out exclusively with Asians or white people. I never see them talking to black people, much less dating. But then again I'm in Michigan, I've heard things are very different in Cali.
Completely different story in Houston. You had to be some pretty ugly to not to be able to pull one.

But the parents are some straight haters, though. My Ex's hated me with a passion back in the day. Though they came around eventually. They still contact me since the breakup too, which is kind of weird lol. All the past ones were generally the same with me having to prove I wasn't a walking stereotype. Fun times
Shanadeus said:
Which brings up another big issue:

Parents not being okay with you dating outside of your race, or only being okay with you dating specific races.

I've never had this problem thankfully. My whole family seems to be pretty open minded by who anyone is with.


Junior Member
Heard somewhere (I think a teacher in college) that out of all races African Americans are the most accepting of other races joining their family, while Asians are the least accepting. Not sure how that really pans out though. My brother is the only person I can think of in the entire family who married a non-black person, but we were raised in a military family which tends to give people a less racially-isolated outlook.
eternaLightness said:
I've never had this problem thankfully. My whole family seems to be pretty open minded by who anyone is with.
Same as my family. Both my older male cousins in Canada are happily married to white women, too.


eternaLightness said:
I've never had this problem thankfully. My whole family seems to be pretty open minded by who anyone is with.
Mine seem fine with it too, outside of dropping the, "but it would be nice if you ended up with a black girl" line.

Hit and miss with other family members. It would depend on the race really. Darker ones would probably be fine, but the lighter ones would bring some haters.
PhoenixDark said:
All the Asian girls I've seen either hang out exclusively with Asians or white people. I never see them talking to black people, much less dating. But then again I'm in Michigan, I've heard things are very different in Cali.

Dunno if I'd date an Asian chick, seems like the family would be too much of a hassle. My parents wouldn't mind, and my grandparents/uncles/aunts etc wouldn't whereas they'd probably never let me get away with dating a white chick. But I can't imagine an Asian dad/grandparents accept me

It's different in Cali but some asian girls/women who date black guys are either trying to piss their father off or ghetto. Now there are some cool ones with more hip parents but a lot of the ones I know have parents who are extremely racist. I remember when my filipino and black pals would come over to a pal's house and her little sister called them "hak gwai", which is the Chinese word for nigger, I think it literally means "black demon."

It was kind of brushed off but imagine if you went to a pal's house and his/her younger sibling's first words at you were "nigger."
My parents would be fine; if anything they'd just be concerned about religion. My grandma and aunts though...nah. Nearly every Thanksgiving they ask why I haven't brought a nice black girl to dinner, then when I laugh it off my aunt is like "you aren't dating a white girl are you...? Not that it matters of course......"

I wouldn't want to put a white girl in that situation, being stared at and even glared at, depending on if one of my aunts was drunk or not. Normally my argument on most things is that I don't care what other people think/say, but even if I really liked a white chick I'd have a hard time going forward for fear of that.


Junior Member
Heard a story once: A young woman (Arab I think) confesses to her parents that she's gay. Her parents freak out and for a few minutes act as if she's dead. Then she tells them she's getting married to a black guy and the parents are ecstatic.

Anybody ever heard anything even close to this?


If a child comes out to you, then you've succeeded as a parent.
Any parent exhibiting negative emotions in that moment is a bad parent, unfortunately.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
PhoenixDark said:
My parents would be fine; if anything they'd just be concerned about religion. My grandma and aunts though...nah. Nearly every Thanksgiving they ask why I haven't brought a nice black girl to dinner, then when I laugh it off my aunt is like "you aren't dating a white girl are you...? Not that it matters of course......"

I wouldn't want to put a white girl in that situation, being stared at and even glared at, depending on if one of my aunts was drunk or not. Normally my argument on most things is that I don't care what other people think/say, but even if I really liked a white chick I'd have a hard time going forward for fear of that.

being in similar shoes, i understand that. and the funny thing was we were just friends. i could only imagine the reaction had we been dating.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm at the point where I really don't care what my family thinks about the women I bring home now.

Like... not a single fuck.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Devolution said:
That bad? Stories. We need stories.
As co-founder of this thread and its predecessor, I thought all my shit had been well documented lol

But I used to really try and force a relationship with both sides of my family. My dad's side looked at me as the worst of under achievers while never taking responsibility for my situation, my moms side needed help in more ways than one so in their eyes I can do no wrong whilst they keep building a massive guilt mountain for watching me take care of them.

So when I bring a girl home, which is rare because I've always separated family and friends, I just don't have the patience to put up with any extra bullshit. Their approval at this point doesn't mean a thing, especially when they want to question a girls background less than five minutes after she leaves. Right now, both sides would rather me GET ENGAGED to crazy stalker single mother that they met on accident than -meet- a girl thats another race.

So, they can all swallow me.
DY_nasty said:
As co-founder of this thread and its predecessor, I thought all my shit had been well documented lol

I didn't start reading it till months ago. Sorry if I'm making you rehash. =o

But I used to really try and force a relationship with both sides of my family. My dad's side looked at me as the worst of under achievers while never taking responsibility for my situation, my moms side needed help in more ways than one so in their eyes I can do no wrong whilst they keep building a massive guilt mountain for watching me take care of them.

So when I bring a girl home, which is rare because I've always separated family and friends, I just don't have the patience to put up with any extra bullshit. Their approval at this point doesn't mean a thing, especially when they want to question a girls background less than five minutes after she leaves. Right now, both sides would rather me GET ENGAGED to crazy stalker single mother that they met on accident than -meet- a girl thats another race.

So, they can all swallow me.

That's terrible =/.


DY_nasty said:
As co-founder of this thread and its predecessor, I thought all my shit had been well documented lol

But I used to really try and force a relationship with both sides of my family. My dad's side looked at me as the worst of under achievers while never taking responsibility for my situation, my moms side needed help in more ways than one so in their eyes I can do no wrong whilst they keep building a massive guilt mountain for watching me take care of them.

So when I bring a girl home, which is rare because I've always separated family and friends, I just don't have the patience to put up with any extra bullshit. Their approval at this point doesn't mean a thing, especially when they want to question a girls background less than five minutes after she leaves. Right now, both sides would rather me GET ENGAGED to crazy stalker single mother that they met on accident than -meet- a girl thats another race.

So, they can all swallow me.
Yeah, if they can't accept you for who you are and respect who you bring home then you shouldn't bother with either accepting or respecting them.

Blood only goes so far.
I honestly don't know how I'd feel if my family had a serious problem with who I dated. Part of me wouldn't want to care what they think, but I think another part of me would be disappointed that they don't approve especially because of race.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Having your family like your partner is a nice perk, nothing more. If you really like someone go all in and tell your family to deal with it. Politely. Maybe.


My parents are super open-minded about me dating whoever, not sure about my other relatives, but then again we're not that close and it's not like I see them often. I too went through an Asian Girl phase in my younger teen years, but coming up on 20 y.o. pretty soon I'm attracted to all races. Like others have said, it's the parents of the girl I'm dating that have me worried the most about whether the relationship would fail or not.


She wouldn't be marrying the family, she'd be marrying me. I'd have no problem with telling them to fuck off if they had a problem.

Also, candy yams.


I normally keep my hair at a low cesar, but I'm kinda tired of it. Thinking about s-curls like this or at least going for the look without burning my scalp, or trying this 'nudred' thing for some twists after I grow it out for a few weeks. What you guys think of s-curls and twists black gaf? Are s-curls played out? I've never rocked it before and never tried twists. Maybe I'll just grow my hair out a bit and just taper it, I dunno.
Gotta get my soul food fix at least once a month!
mmmmmmmMmmm Mmmmmmm.

I haven't had good soul food in a minute.

@Imm0rt4l- I don't really mind twist. I used to have them years ago before I switched to braids. I had those twists that laid back and have been thinking about getting them again since my hair has grown since I cut it. I don't really like the s curl look, plus I don't like putting harsh chemicals in my hair. Considering cutting my hair back low, similar to that guy in that video.
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