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The Black Culture Thread

I've always wanted to go to the Bayou Classic(Southern and Grambling) but never went.

Been going to the Bayou Classic all my life. May go to the game, but Bourbon and Canal St have gotten too dangerous at night. Too many ignorant folk in one place. I'm not 18 anymore. I have a wife and kid now and can't afford to be an innocent bystander. You know like 15 people were shot on or around Bourbon on Halloween night?
So Occupy DC has its own black caucus now. They haven't really decided much of anything yet. Still, it's good to see the black community being well represented at DC's Occupy, especially since some of the other Occupies have been accused of not adequately representing the black community.

Also, quick question: How does Black-GAF pronounce the letter "r" when you're spelling a word? One syllable or two? I'm just trying to figure out if pronouncing it with 2 syllables is just a DC thing or not.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Not going to lie. I had a stop snitching t-shirt in high school lol
You haven't read much of this thread have you lol.

One of the founding fathers like myself, Dreams, and Himuro - back when this place was still the Barbershop
Not going to lie. I had a stop snitching t-shirt in high school lol

One of the founding fathers like myself, Dreams, and Himuro - back when this place was still the Barbershop

Yeah but we've had some convos about interracial dating and it seems no one cared =). In fact it seems like some of you guys are more down to date non-black women due to the drama that exists with some of them.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Yeah but we've had some convos about interracial dating and it seems no one cared =). In fact it seems like some of you guys are more down to date non-black women due to the drama that exists with some of them.

After 2 years at a high school with only 40 people who aren't black out of 2,000 and years at a HBCU, I'm branching out for a while. Its kinda weird how it happened, but I think that being in a diverse, growing area like Charlotte while at a small black college right in the middle of it put a lot of things in perspective for me. I don't feel like I have to be with a black woman anymore, but at the same time its nice if I can.

Meanwhile, I flip tables when I come back home to family and they decide to eloquently and discretely spout ignorant shit.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Not going to lie. I had a stop snitching t-shirt in high school lol

One of the founding fathers like myself, Dreams, and Himuro - back when this place was still the Barbershop
I miss the barbershop. Such concentrated beauty destroyed by someone trying to be funny....


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I didn't see this barbershop, pity.
it was awesome. The thread exploded in an amazingly short time. Everyone was chilled out, and the crazy amount of conversation was amazing. Then something happened, threads merged, walls were almost put up, and the thread was put out of its misery.
it was awesome. The thread exploded in an amazingly short time. Everyone was chilled out, and the crazy amount of conversation was amazing. Then something happened, threads merged, walls were almost put up, and the thread was put out of its misery.

Is this when a bunch of the minority threads got merged? What was up with that anyway.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I miss the barbershop. Such concentrated beauty destroyed by someone trying to be funny....


Never forget


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Is this when a bunch of the minority threads got merged? What was up with that anyway.

the short end is that a week or so after negro age, someone made a white gaf thread as a joke, and put white bread and mayonnaise in the first post as a joke. evilore took notice of it, and merged it, ours, and the latino thread(which had existed longe before ours did)with the reason that there couldnt be any mega threads that arent gaming or sports related or something. then the gay community got brought up, and it went to hell from there. the thread was an unreadable mess, and there was no chance of getting them separated, so i guess the thread was just put out of its misery.


Never forget

I will never, ever forget why it no longer exists, and how the events that caused that were a PERFECT MICROCOSM of things in the world.

Man I remember see it slowly fall apart....I was like what?

Anywho tired from work(which I have to get to in a few) can't make any funny stories about being the token black guy at work right now.
I can't stand this whole light skinned team thing or colorism in general. Even though I'm light skinned I hate hearing someone put down someone else for being darker skinned to the point of wanting to hurt someone when I hear it. All of my sisters and my mother(god bless her soul) are dark skinned and to see my mother be so insecure about it during the later part of her life hurt me to the core of my soul.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior

Light skinned is overrated. Beauty has nothing to do with skin colour.

Come to Africa.( should be new meme, after reading that comment page on that ironman/batman dance video).

I mean, it's normal to want what you don't have. White people want to have a tan, black folks want to have a lighter skin tone. But I don't see our paler skinned counterparts saying 'I'll have more chance with black girls, now that I am a bit more tanned!'. Nevah.

I know it's a joke and all coming from Pinko, but I just never got it. So I still smh at it.
I can't stand this whole light skinned team thing or colorism in general. Even though I'm light skinned I hate hearing someone put down someone else for being darker skinned to the point of wanting to hurt someone when I hear it. All of my sisters and my mother(god bless her soul) are dark skinned and to see my mother be so insecure about it during the later part of her life hurt me to the core of my soul.

Me too, but that's because I find everyone attractive.
+1 more on the "every shade is beautiful" bandwagon. I've dated everything from mocha to french vanilla and at this point I have no preference at all. I don't think I ever really did. But it's the personality that I fall in love with anyway. The rest is just gradations of icing on the proverbial cake for me.

I miss the barbershop. Such concentrated beauty destroyed by someone trying to be funny....

It's never too late to get back to barbershop talk. We just need a new subject to reminisce on. Here's one:


the state of black comedy, or the superiority of classic black comedy.

Lately I've been looking over the landscape of current and up-and-coming comedians and I can't help but be EXTREMELY disappointed. Sure guys like Kevin Hart are funny in doses, but for some reason, black comedians (maybe comedians in general) don't have the staying power or quality they used to have.

I've watched plenty of Martin's standup series and others and the talent seems to mostly just rely on ever-increasing amounts of vulgarity and nastiness. Whereas, just one watching of Harlem Nights is enough to remind me that comedy used to be some of that, but so much more. Consider the caliber of comedy we used to get from our best:

Eddie Murphy

Martin Lawernce (90s Martin, that is)

Bill Cosby

Dave Chappelle

Steve Harvey


Eddie Griffin

Red Fox

Jamie Foxx

Robin Harris

Bernie Mac

Chris Tucker

So who's left to carry this mantle, GAF? Is Kevin Hart all we have anymore? (Yes, I left Katt out because he seems to be fading into obscurity)


(this is also a good excuse to post some of your favorite classic stand-ups.)


I'm a complete anomaly in my circle because I do not find Kevin Hart funny at all. I've watched his specials, except for the most recent, and the most I'll do is crack a smile occasionally. Really don't get the appeal.
I'm a complete anomaly in my circle because I do not find Kevin Hart funny at all. I've watched his specials, except for the most recent, and the most I'll do is crack a smile occasionally. Really don't get the appeal.

tbh, I don't really find him particularly funny at all. I think that comment about him was more out of deference to any of his fans that may be here. Plus, he's pretty damn popular these days. I think his "movie" did well as far as those kinds of things go. But his gimmicky style (playing off his small stature and awkwardness) may shorten his lifespan like it has for Katt Williams (who, I might add, was funny as hell for a good 2 years or so).

I just hate when people call me "yella". I'm not yellow! Rrrrrrrrrrr.

"high yellow" must have been the most offensive term ever created by our community. lol


Junior Member
On comedy, is it wrong that I like Katt Williams? Other than him the most recent guy I've watched and enjoyed is probably Bruce Bruce.
On comedy, is it wrong that I like Katt Williams? Other than him the most recent guy I've watched and enjoyed is probably Bruce Bruce.

oh, the state of black comedy. seriously, compare the eras and cry with me.

it's not that i don't like Katt Williams, it's just that he's not in my top 10

his light has already faded. he's been using the same material for 3 years now. I wouldn't be surprised if we never hear from him in a significant way again.
oh, the state of black comedy. seriously, compare the eras and cry with me.

his light has already faded. he's been using the same material for 3 years now. I wouldn't be surprised if we never hear from him in a significant way again.

Katt has been using the same material since like 2006. Ugh.

Anyone here like Patrice O'Neal? His special "Elephant in the Room" is on Netflix IW. I think he's pretty funny.


Katt has been using the same material since like 2006. Ugh.

Anyone here like Patrice O'Neal? His special "Elephant in the Room" is on Netflix IW. I think he's pretty funny.

yeah. he had a stroke a few weeks ago though. saw a rumor that he has something called Locked In Syndrome.

Kevin Hart is the funniest dude out right now tho
yeah. he had a stroke a few weeks ago though. saw a rumor that he has something called Locked In Syndrome.

Kevin Hart is the funniest dude out right now tho

Sadly, that's not saying much at all. He survives on the gimmick of being a weak, punk ass-man. I'm not sure how long that will be entertaining to the masses. I enjoy him in doses, but I don't think I'd ever want to watch his material multiple times. Whereas, I could enjoy any of the links I posted any time, every time.
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