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The Black Culture Thread


Ive been lurking black-gaf for a while haven't really posted before
- Where you're from Florida
- Where you live Florida
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Not sure
- Your Age -24
- Favorite musical genre- Jazz Dance Hip Hop
- Your profession/major/career interest - BS in Mass Media
- Your religious affiliation - Baptist
- Hobbies-Gaming, Watching movies, GAF


Shans on Tinychat in the Gaf channel and I'm trying to make him get on camera so we can finally see what he/she/it looks like, but he's ignoring me :(


Hello, BlackGAF. For the new year, I'm trying to be less introverted, so allow me to introduce myself.

- Where you're from The Bronx
- Where you live The Bronx
- Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy Jamaica
- Your Age 22
- Favorite musical genre Eclectic: Cascada, Britney, T-Pain, Eisley
- Your profession/major/career interest Bachelor's in Biochemistry. Working on a BS in Computer Science
- Your religious affiliation Apatheist
- Hobbies Gaming, Reading (Fantasy), TV (Yu-gi-oh, Happy Endings, Super Sentai), RPGs (DnD, Ars Magica, Mage the Awakening, Mutants and Masterminds)
Omg you are a Britney stan

Lebron said:
It's funny, the two times it's been banned came from trolling this thread.

Poor thing just couldn't stay away.

Death @ "it"
There are plenty of reasons to be disappointed in Michael Jordan, but who he decides to marry isn't one. I'm tired of the mentality that the black woman's plight is so bad they deserve relationship affirmative action and as a black man I would be morally in the wrong to date outside my race. I hear this from my family, from friends, everywhere.

Do black women have things tough? Of course, there's no denying. But the proper response is not to denigrate white women, be jealous, angry etc. There's pure vitriol in that article. Can this white chick be a gold digger? Of course. But then again there's no way Jordan didn't have her sign a pre-nup, and she won't be getting much of any of his money. So that argument is void in my eyes.

I know black guys whose girlfriends bitch them out for just talking to a white girl - not even flirting, just "oh hey how are you long time no see blah blah" talking. That mentality of self-doubt and jealousy is really off-putting.


It's a shame. I'm a big fan of miscegenation and wish that people would be more accepting of it. It's not a betrayal or attack for someone to date or marry outside of their race. It's an affirmation that people from different backgrounds can come together and fall in love.

What bugs me is how ironic it is when a Black person is against an interracial relationship since the person (at least from my experience) is usually the same one to call something racist VERY quickly. Very hypocritical.

The biggest thing that gets me is how people think race is biological when it comes to that. All "races" are related. It's really amazing how a man made concept has altered people's views so much 200+ years later (though I guess that can be said for most racial topics).


Banstick Emeritus
white is good
black is bad
white and black is still too bad
that's why every time I turn around
all the people in the neighborhood turn and look around and say
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