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The Black Culture Thread

guys guys guys

can anyone recommend me some new reggae/dancehall/soca tracks? i feel like nothing good has come out since 2005. the new sean paul last year was full of fail

also, is there a beatport equivalent for this as well? thatd make new music so much easier to find.
Himuro said:

I would OBLITERATE this woman.
The force created by my pelvis colliding with hers as my dudesteak rended her asunder would cause stars to collapse.
Skin color? It goes like this:


No no. Like I said before, I don't discriminate. I'll find a chick regardless of skin tone. I'll find some real dark skinned girls hot and some real light skinned chick not so appealing. It depends.

Himuro said:

Now, if I Ajuma here had some hair, I'd LIKELY consider her attractive.



Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
they do that on purpose, because Afro's or extremely curly hair in general,is too good and kicks the shit out of any other type of hairstyle out there. So what do they do? CUT CUT CUT!
Himuro said:
Looks like a man to me.

Can we talk about dating issues in this thread?

How do you feel about folks who like sex maybe a bit TOO much? I know, I know, I should savor it, but every time she opens her mouth or texts me or calls me it's about my dick. WHAT DO I DO?! It's like she wants my piece more than she wants me. Admittedly, I popped her cherry, but I've never met a woman this sex obsessed.

Trust me, I'm not complaining.

You'll get over how much of a man she somehow looks like as soon as the bra comes off.

As for girls that like the pipe you lay too much...it's an interesting problem. It's a great way to ensure that your girl's not going anywhere else for that work but you. However, it's kind of weird if it gets to the point where you want to do other things and the only thing she wants is for you to hit repeatedly. Then, it feels as if the only thing she substantiates your interest in her with is the sex...which is not the case.

...unless it is, in which case you're in the catbird seat in the relationship. :lol


not licensed in your state

what about us middle-of-the-road, peanut butter, burnt sienna brothas? We'll always be in style!
captmcblack said:
RE: the "misuse" of the N-word by black people? We can't misuse it. Ever.
It was used to cut us down for a jillion years, and it was decided that we're using it to NOT cut ourselves down anymore. So non-black people sort of have to deal with the fact that their usage of the word will almost never be colloquial, and ours almost always will be. It's just like that, and will be like that until the almost 400 years of subjugating black people in America can be ignored/forgotten/disavowed.

RE: looking more/less black and light-skinned v. dark-skinned...it's a complicated thing. Since the dawn of time, "black" has always had a negative connotation. I don't mean that simply from a racial/ethnic point of view - I mean that in a straight-up, literal etymological sense. "Black" has always implied things like evil, or the unknown, or darkness, and things like that.

Black magic.
Black flags.
The dark side of the moon.
Calling Africa the "dark continent" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Continent)
Heart of Darkness.
Black ops.

and so on. The idea of "black" isn't just the absence of color/light like it is supposed to be. There is a negativity associated with it too...and naturally, over centuries of time and countless generations of people that negativity was tied in with skin tone too - people with darker features are of lesser worth, or are potentially nefarious/evil/mysterious. As society became more keyed in on the "differences" between people, things associated with being "black" or "more black" acquired that negativity too. Bigger noses, plumper lips, wider hips, kinkier hair, and more prominent facial features became less desirable characteristics given that the people that generally DIDN'T have those features (white people) were those who ran shit in the world...so naturally, the societal thinking became "well, I'll have an easier go of life and people will like me more if I resemble the ruling class".

Can't fault people for thinking that way either...it makes sense, right? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. If you can't join 'em, look the part at least.

And of course, over time this idea became built into society - and it creates a schism in the minority subsections of society about what "beauty" is. It's easy for people who have been fucked up for years by the ruling class to beat themselves up over things they perceive about themselves as wrong - especially when the society at large has collectively decided that those things are wrong in the first place. Why would you dig kinky hair if nobody else did? Why would you think dark skin was awesome if everyone else was trying to be less dark? This sort of thing plays right into the self-hatred that almost 400 years of non-white people getting shit on by white people caused...but what can you do really, except deal with it and move forward?J ust gotta start digging yourself for whatever you have, is all. I'm happy I'm nappy, and I got a nice-sized nose to breathe up all the white man's air. :lol
And I love my women with nice lips for easy kissing, and nice hips for that killer walk, and dangerous curves to get lost following. So sue me.

In the black community, there is that light-skinned v. dark-skinned thing...but it's not really a big thing, because we've got way too many issues just being black to begin with. So there are many beautiful people of all shades of color - and generally, we think of it that way. I'd like to believe in the other minority ethnic groups, things are more along those lines than not as well.

I agree. But it's not just the psychological stereotypes. It is these facial features that you've identified - and people associate/identify subsequently with blacks - that is part of the cliche of dark skin being unattractive. In basic terms..

When someone says "I'm not attracted to black girls", and you ask them to expand, in some cases you realise its not the complexion of skin colour here they find unattractive, but the features that are associated with black people in general. The curly hair, the lips, the nose. It is fundamentally a racial issue.

I'm being careful as not to generalise groups or cultures, but there is a tendency to interpret these features as masculine and therefore unattractive when you're speaking about black women. Lighter skin groups, e.g. East Africans, tend not to have these features as much hence explaining some of the favouritism towards that complexion. Whilst you suggested that generations of conditioning could have a play in our understanding of beauty, I don't think this is a coincidence either - certainly in what I've experienced. It isn't a question of merely complexion, but ultimately of features, and "lighter" skin people in my example tend to have what is considered to be more Caucasian appearances. On a woman, these are seen as the epitome of femininity (the softer, smaller features).

Let me expand this and give you a related example. Have you ever seen the film Good Hair with Chris Rock? It's a documentary on the hair product industry in the US and how it is dominated by black hair products despite the popular discrepancy (blacks being minorities). Some famous black female actresses are interviewed as to their motives of why they choose to get their hair straightened out, and how black mothers strive to help their daughters achieve similar results - even at the potential risk of the girl's health. "They're trying to look white!", was a quote that was stuck on my mind because I remember having a conversation previously about this very same topic. The "kinky", or curly, black hair is seen is unattractive just by appearance of the difficulty in combing it and fashioning it. Every other girl straightens her hair. You don't want to wet a black girl's hair, is the general sentiment I get from my other black friends. In this example, we've identified that another type of appearance to be beautiful, and we put chemicals and shit in our hair from a young age to replicate that.

Those in the documentary essentially suggested it was, like you earlier exclaimed, conditioning (pardon the pun). This is a mild example of what I was talking about, but there are more extreme mindsets related to it as well and it goes beyond just hair. This may not be surprising or relevant if we were talking about Europe, but this shit exists in black Africa.

There is a word in my mother's language. 'Jareer'. It means "black", and it's never uased in relation to other countries or cultures, but individual appearance. There is another word for black, it's called madow (not sure if that's how you spell it but its how you pronounce it). Their use depends on context. For example, Halle Berry would be called madow whilst Chris Rock would be Jareer. Ethiopians, another example, wouldn't be called Jareer.

Here's the really interest part: it doesn't matter if the male personifies the stereotypical black image, the entire "beauty" debate in this regard is predominantly reserved for women.

I'm not exaggerating any of this, and to be honest, I was a little uncomfortable writing about it - even with Internet anonymity. My sister has a dark skinned friend, shes a really sweet girl and it pisses me off when I see elders mispeak about her in pictures because of the way she looks. Ironically, she doesn't have the type of nose, hair or lips that some seem to disdain, her only "flaw" is that she is dark skinned. There is a tribe called Midgan (incidentally the word is a slur in the Somali language, similar to the usage of the N word when used in a derogative sense). They are considered a lower caste, and I'm certain that one of the primary reasons for that is their distinct appearance (google it I guess).

This in Africa.


lightless_shado said:
Speaking of black movies, has anyone brought up tyler perry yet? or are we going to leave that subject alone

He has been brought up before and everyone responds with indifference. I normally do too but after reading for colored girls I fear what he may do to that movie. Thank god Ntozake Shange put her foot down on that Madea shit.

eternaLightness said:
Dang I haven't been here in a minute. But I see womenz!
Black gaf pattern=nostalgic about old stuff, nerd stuff (its gaf afterall), food, and woman


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Meus Renaissance said:
I agree. But it's not just the psychological stereotypes. It is these facial features that you've identified - and people associate/identify subsequently with blacks - that is part of the cliche of dark skin being unattractive. In basic terms..

When someone says "I'm not attracted to black girls", and you ask them to expand, in some cases you realise its not the complexion of skin colour here they find unattractive, but the features that are associated with black people in general. The curly hair, the lips, the nose. It is fundamentally a racial issue.

I'm being careful as not to generalise groups or cultures, but there is a tendency to interpret these features as masculine and therefore unattractive when you're speaking about black women. Lighter skin groups, e.g. East Africans, tend not to have these features as much hence explaining some of the favouritism towards that complexion. Whilst you suggested that generations of conditioning could have a play in our understanding of beauty, I don't think this is a coincidence either - certainly in what I've experienced. It isn't a question of merely complexion, but ultimately of features, and "lighter" skin people in my example tend to have what is considered to be more Caucasian appearances. On a woman, these are seen as the epitome of femininity (the softer, smaller features).

Let me expand this and give you a related example. Have you ever seen the film Good Hair with Chris Rock? It's a documentary on the hair product industry in the US and how it is dominated by black hair products despite the popular discrepancy (blacks being minorities). Some famous black female actresses are interviewed as to their motives of why they choose to get their hair straightened out, and how black mothers strive to help their daughters achieve similar results - even at the potential risk of the girl's health. "They're trying to look white!", was a quote that was stuck on my mind because I remember having a conversation previously about this very same topic. The "kinky", or curly, black hair is seen is unattractive just by appearance of the difficulty in combing it and fashioning it. Every other girl straightens her hair. You don't want to wet a black girl's hair, is the general sentiment I get from my other black friends. In this example, we've identified that another type of appearance to be beautiful, and we put chemicals and shit in our hair from a young age to replicate that.

Those in the documentary essentially suggested it was, like you earlier exclaimed, conditioning (pardon the pun). This is a mild example of what I was talking about, but there are more extreme mindsets related to it as well and it goes beyond just hair. This may not be surprising or relevant if we were talking about Europe, but this shit exists in black Africa.

There is a word in my mother's language. 'Jareer'. It means "black", and it's never uased in relation to other countries or cultures, but individual appearance. There is another word for black, it's called madow (not sure if that's how you spell it but its how you pronounce it). Their use depends on context. For example, Halle Berry would be called madow whilst Chris Rock would be Jareer. Ethiopians, another example, wouldn't be called Jareer.

Here's the really interest part: it doesn't matter if the male personifies the stereotypical black image, the entire "beauty" debate in this regard is predominantly reserved for women.

I'm not exaggerating any of this, and to be honest, I was a little uncomfortable writing about it - even with Internet anonymity. My sister has a dark skinned friend, shes a really sweet girl and it pisses me off when I see elders mispeak about her in pictures because of the way she looks. Ironically, she doesn't have the type of nose, hair or lips that some seem to disdain, her only "flaw" is that she is dark skinned. There is a tribe called Midgan (incidentally the word is a slur in the Somali language, similar to the usage of the N word when used in a derogative sense). They are considered a lower caste, and I'm certain that one of the primary reasons for that is their distinct appearance (google it I guess).

This in Africa.
To be fair. Somalis and east-africans in general are equally racist towards anyone. Arabs, whites, asian you name it. :lol
Veidt said:
To be fair. Somalis and east-africans in general are equally racist towards anyone. Arabs, whites, asian you name it. :lol

Yeah but how can you, being black, hate on others because their black. Unless you don't consider yourself "black", and I can put a few Somalis I've met in that category
Himuro said:
Fuck Madea and fuck Tyler Perry and fuck his harem of naked colored men.

What about his harem of black womenz? usually his movies have good looking black women in them of all shades. I haven't really actually seen any of his movies, but I do hear that he does a lot of humanitarian work.

Now I wonder what's keeping him from coming out of the closet.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Yeah, that's what bothers me most too. I hate that shit.
I think I said it somewhere in this thread. It's ridiculous how the world doesn't seen east-africans as black africans and how they themselves don't categorise themselves as such either. I just don't get it. Being black doesn't mean you look a specific way in terms of features, sure you might have some softer features, but if your skin is brown/black, you're black, game over man. Although, I've met some Indians that were blacker than Somalis sometimes :lol
lightless_shado said:
What about his harem of black womenz? usually his movies have good looking black women in them of all shades. I haven't really actually seen any of his movies, but I do hear that he does a lot of humanitarian work.

Now I wonder what's keeping him from coming out of the closet.
maybe he'll be coming out on Oprah tomorrow. he was on there crying during today's preview.

he's going to be discussing all the molestation (men and women) he had to deal with growing up. shit sounded crazy. stuff that makes Precious look like a childrens story.

Fox the Sly

I don't have kids yet, but how does blackGAF feel about child discipline? Do you approve of spanking? I for one, do. Spare the rod, spoil the child and all that. Does anyone do the "time out" thing? Personally I've never seen that be effective. Thoughts?


Fox the Sly said:
I don't have kids yet, but how does blackGAF feel about child discipline? Do you approve of spanking? I for one, do. Spare the rod, spoil the child and all that. Does anyone do the "time out" thing? Personally I've never seen that be effective. Thoughts?
They getting the switches, just like I did.



Is superior to all
Fox the Sly said:
I don't have kids yet, but how does blackGAF feel about child discipline? Do you approve of spanking? I for one, do. Spare the rod, spoil the child and all that. Does anyone do the "time out" thing? Personally I've never seen that be effective. Thoughts?

Belt (the leather part, not the buckle), ruler, and hand. My child will learn to respect my authorita the way I did with my parents


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
robidomask said:
What's this? I hadn't heard anything about Ursher.

Super Head on Usher


Were you in a relationship with Usher, or was it just for the sex?
I wouldnt dream of being in a relationship with him.YUCK. It was just
for sex, but the sex was NOT all that good either. I kinda felt sorry
for him. So I fuucked him.

Were you dissapointed?
Um yeah. Because it was after a concert when we "fuucked" and it was
smelling like straight up FISH up in backstage in his dressing room. It
was NOT me either. So im like babes? whats that smell. He tried to make
it seem like it already smelled like that when they got to the arena. Im
like whatever, can we get this over with.

How was the sex?
It was fuucking horrible and on top of that it was smelling back there.
This man is not packing, his d*ck is way small and he was having a hard
time trying to find my hole. Then ol' boy did something out of this
world, he yelled out something haitian and some big ugly black man came
out and walked over to Usher and they started making out. I was sick to
my stomach. I got dressed and ran out of there.

Are there any celebs you'd want to sleep with?
Yes! Just not Usher. I'd fuuck Lil Jon before I have sex with Usher
again. I really would want to have sex with that guy Tyson Beckford, now he is packing, I seen some movies.

Also Nas lost

Nas - small
Jay-Z - Real thick and juicy but you cant stand looking at him when he's on top
Make em say...
Master P - nice and long and can fuck


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
dvdjamm said:
The woman is an embarrassment,period

Shit at least she is honest about it... a lot of groupies can't admit they are hoes..


Banstick Emeritus
Fox the Sly said:
I don't have kids yet, but how does blackGAF feel about child discipline? Do you approve of spanking? I for one, do. Spare the rod, spoil the child and all that. Does anyone do the "time out" thing? Personally I've never seen that be effective. Thoughts?
I got my ass beat on the regular coming up. Old school Jamaican Pentecostal parents who took


shit at any time from me or my siblings (except for the youngest - folks complained that they wore out their whupping shoulder on me). I rebelled HARD once I hit age 14, and it didn't matter what my folks said or did at that point.

With that said, my then-gf (not black) and I had a few serious discussions on child-rearing when it became apparent that marriage was in the cards, and we really wanted to attempt a different take on discipline in our house with kids of our own. My oldest son's mom and I did the same thing, but she can't pull it off like I can :lol It's hard sometimes, especially as they get older, but the boys know that when Dad's voice shifts to that tone, with that look...play time is over.

/cue avatar quote
Fox the Sly said:
I don't have kids yet, but how does blackGAF feel about child discipline? Do you approve of spanking? I for one, do. Spare the rod, spoil the child and all that. Does anyone do the "time out" thing? Personally I've never seen that be effective. Thoughts?

Cuff the head immediately when he starts acting like a punk.
Tight grip on her shoulder when she stops acting like a lady.

Its best to stop the kid the moment he/she starts losing his/her mind. I got the old school treatment when I was younger, but I'll be more tame with my kids if I ever have them.

But then again who knows. A lot of people say they'll do ____ when they have kids but then dont:lol

Also: SMH @ superhead and anyone who may actually have gone within ten feet of that thing she calls a pussy


My future kids will get beaten if it's necessary. I think it depends on the kid though. My 2 yo niece does whatever I say. My 9 yo nephew does most of the time also, but not when he was her age. That kid was a maniac. :lol


bishoptl said:
I got my ass beat on the regular coming up. Old school Jamaican Pentecostal parents who took


shit at any time from me or my siblings (except for the youngest - folks complained that they wore out their whupping shoulder on me). I rebelled HARD once I hit age 14, and it didn't matter what my folks said or did at that point.

With that said, my then-gf (not black) and I had a few serious discussions on child-rearing when it became apparent that marriage was in the cards, and we really wanted to attempt a different take on discipline in our house with kids of our own. My oldest son's mom and I did the same thing, but she can't pull it off like I can :lol It's hard sometimes, especially as they get older, but the boys know that when Dad's voice shifts to that tone, with that look...play time is over.

/cue avatar quote

Mother used to beat my sister all the time. I got the belt ONCE and something my mom still jokes about today happened. She hit me one time after I tried running around, I immediately stopped, told her that I don't like it and that this will never happen again. I pretty much stayed out of trouble/lied my way out of trouble since. I was 6 or 7 at the time.

Yo Gotti

Loving this topics, it's been a great time killer during the day.

On the topic of beating kids.

My parents kicked my ass all over the place as a kid, and I always thought I'd do the same, but getting older and learning different things about fear, freedom, sense of entitlement etc, I don't think I'll be doing it.

Can't put that false fear of repercussion/authority that I had to overcome into my own kids, especially in the world we grow up in today where they already have enough REAL problems that they'll have to overcome in life. I'd rather my kids at least feeling like they run the world than beating that feeling out of them, then who knows maybe they will one day!

My 2 cents.
I got banned for a month for saying I would smack my kid if I caught them smoking. The mod referred to me as a child beater. In fact a few people made or insinuated simile comments when talking about child discipline. They were all banned too. I would guess probably for the same thing, so I would advise against continuing this discussion

Fox the Sly

Meus Renaissance said:
I got banned for a month for saying I would smack my kid if I caught them smoking. The mod referred to me as a child beater. In fact a few people made or insinuated simile comments when talking about child discipline. They were all banned too. I would guess probably for the same thing, so I would advise against continuing this discussion

Thanks for the warning, but Blackace and bishoptl saw it and could have grabbed the hammer, so I think we're safe so long as we don't go overboard. :D
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