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The Black Culture Thread

That sucks, man. Glad you stuck it out though. What is/was your major?

MBA, concentration in HR. It's actually still in progress- I was going part time and got promoted, kind of slowed me down for a while.

I hadn't done any kind of math in years, so stat was brutal. I'm glad I stuck it out though.


Has anybody else had the experience of being one of a few Black people in your advanced courses in your school?

Not advanced classes, but I'm usually the only black person in any of my classes. It's art school too, so that may be one reason...

I mean it's not too bad, but I do miss seeing pretty black girls walking on by.

I can't imagine how it would be at a more traditional college.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I cant believe that thread got as big as it did. That thread could have had "ban trap" in it, and people still would have posted.

Careful now. "trap" read in the wrong context...

But w/e. I'm REALLY thinking about getting this tattoo now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
If I get banned for that, then this forum is gonna have problems in the near future.

Thats how Frankman got banned. He was having a sidebar/slightly off-topic and friendly back and forth with a member of girlgaf then got banned for 2 months and called a bigot because the mod took it completely out of context.


Has anybody else had the experience of being one of a few Black people in your advanced courses in your school?

In high school, yes. I think during the year I took AP Bio, there were 3 black students out of a total of about 80 total AP Bio students. Most advanced classes I took were mostly Indian or east Asian.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Thats how Frankman got banned. He was having a sidebar/slightly off-topic and friendly back and forth with a member of girlgaf then got banned for 2 months and called a bigot because the mod took it completely out of context.
Is that how it happened?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
It feels that way sometimes. I would say stick to subcommunities, but you aren't safe in those either anymore unless a mod or admin in a major poster.

I'm pretty sure I'm the most active member in the 30,000+ post club right now. I still have to walk a fine line.
That Trans thread is interesting. I do believe a person isn't just the sum of their parts (or at least they shouldn't be).But really,I'm just plain ignorant when it comes to gender identity and I'm having a hard time forming an opinion on the topic. I don't want to ask a question in that thread and risk having it misconstrued as something insensitive, so I'mma just continue to lurk it.There have been a few asshats popping up in that thread though, but some of the people posting are being put on the defensive for little reason ( I can understand why though )
You trying to make him feel bad brah? Beefy is an awesome poster, if anything he should find ways to post more.
Thanks mang.
Risky would have gone straight HAM in that thread
He(?) Would have gotten a lot of people banned in anger. I have a feeling shan would have too.
Risky prolly would've gone batshit in there, no doubt. I have a feeling that Shan would've just floated around and said stupid shit that people would freak out over and get banned due to responding.


RiskyChris had some right ideas, but he just went about them the wrong way; when you're a super progressive thinker you shouldn't be intolerant of those who aren't, and don't insult them and treat them like idiots.

Shanadeus was just a straight-up weirdo who liked to pretend he was from the year 3000.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
RiskyChris had some right ideas, but he just went about them the wrong way; when you're a super progressive thinker you shouldn't be intolerant of those who aren't, and don't insult them and treat them like idiots.

Shanadeus was just a straight-up weirdo who liked to pretend he was from the year 3000.
How long have you been lurking?
I thought I was being nice in that thread, I could have easily gone into Defcon 1 with some of the ignorant shit people were pretending was fact.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Devo, its too late for you to 'be nice' with the clout you've gathered. Jus sayin. The same way I go into a race thread and people see me coming... you got the same cloud above you.
if you can read this dy, pull out. pull the fuck out!
I'm riding the fuck out of that line. I swear... I can come off as innocent, humble, and honest as ever and somebody will still come through twist words or take some shit out of context then go to a mod about it. At least when I bait people, I get them to a point where they're digging their grave long after I'm done posting. Some people here though.. they just want to see people banned instead of pushing their case.
Devo, its too late for you to 'be nice' with the clout you've gathered. Jus sayin. The same way I go into a race thread and people see me coming... you got the same cloud above you.

I'm riding the fuck out of that line. I swear... I can come off as innocent, humble, and honest as ever and somebody will still come through twist words or take some shit out of context then go to a mod about it. At least when I bait people, I get them to a point where they're digging their grave long after I'm done posting. Some people here though.. they just want to see people banned instead of pushing their case.

Well others won't see it as nice but I definitely can say I was being nice given how I usually roll up in those threads.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That Trans thread is interesting. I do believe a person isn't just the sum of their parts (or at least they shouldn't be).But really,I'm just plain ignorant when it comes to gender identity and I'm having a hard time forming an opinion on the topic. I don't want to ask a question in that thread and risk having it misconstrued as something insensitive, so I'mma just continue to lurk it.There have been a few asshats popping up in that thread though, but some of the people posting are being put on the defensive for little reason ( I can understand why though )
They don't make it easy... I remember when we started out here (and we didn't have looming ban hammers hovering overhead) that we put up with the bullshit and tried to explain shit at the same time. I remember waaaay back, Smokey Dave said something... can't even remember what it was, but it just rubbed me and Himuro the wrong way. We kept talking though. Now, I feel like I owe Dave a couple of beers at least.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
They don't make it easy... I remember when we started out here (and we didn't have looming ban hammers hovering overhead) that we put up with the bullshit and tried to explain shit at the same time. I remember waaaay back, Smokey Dave said something... can't even remember what it was, but it just rubbed me and Himuro the wrong way. We kept talking though. Now, I feel like I owe Dave a couple of beers at least.

weve had a few ones. when dudes would come in saying black culture isnt a real thing, and that because we dont have centuries of history it doesnt compare. the only difference is that like you said we dont have the floating banhammers. hell i think the only ones ever banned in this thread are the repeat offenders in measley and ssjgoku


They don't make it easy... I remember when we started out here (and we didn't have looming ban hammers hovering overhead) that we put up with the bullshit and tried to explain shit at the same time. I remember waaaay back, Smokey Dave said something... can't even remember what it was, but it just rubbed me and Himuro the wrong way. We kept talking though. Now, I feel like I owe Dave a couple of beers at least.

My man, that would be a privilege. Like Rocky 4 but with more beer and less cultural animosity.

No doubt I've said some ignorant shit in my time on GAF. Some of it isn't ignorant, it's due to small cultural differences between the US & UK, some of it is due to me adjusting to 'black people' usually meaning 'black Americans' and some of it was because I was (and sometimes remain) ignorant about all sorts of racial politics and issues. I hold my hands up to that and apologise to those I have offended.

I do hope that you and the other members of black-GAF keep fighting the good fight though. Even if the wave of morons never seems to end, I promise you that you are getting through to some people. I know, I'm one of them. And just like ripples in a pond, that shit spreads. Now when I hear a friend IRL utter some ignorant shit I'm able to casually pull them up on it with a million reasons why their shit is ignorant. All that context and knowledge has been provided to me by black-GAF or sources pointed out by black-GAF (currently reading 'Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?' recommended by a GAFfer and it's fascinating).

Shit never changes if people give up in the face of ignorance.

weve had a few ones. when dudes would come in saying black culture isnt a real thing, and that because we dont have centuries of history it doesnt compare. the only difference is that like you said we dont have the floating banhammers. hell i think the only ones ever banned in this thread are the repeat offenders in measley and ssjgoku
Straight up, I did that. Not so much that black culture doesn't exist, but more that the arbitrary barrier was a bad thing. Some decent conversation came out of it and now I dig the reason for this topic existing. I didn't get that it was 'predominantly black' rather than 'exclusively black'. I was about to hand back all my Miles Davis LP's.


Junior Member
haha, I might watch one of his films for the lulz then.

Has anybody else had the experience of being one of a few Black people in your advanced courses in your school?

I was always one of the few black people in my classes. It was different here in that most of the advance classes had all the black students in high school. There was only about 4 of us but we were all always there.

I wish i was smart, i am just kinda lucky and can talk a good game. It was weird, from my secondery school where there were tonnes of black guys in science and maths classes (pretty much all the Nigerians barring maybe one dude (from winning a maths prize and being in top set to doing shit,.

Yeah this is how it was.

At uni though I could definately tell when it was me and 100 other students. I took an advance economics class where it was only me and 1 other black guy. We had an assignment (3,000 word essay) which i breezed through but I could see the other black guy was struggling with it. I was cool with him and wanted to see him do well so I decided to help him. We'd arrange a time at the library but he'd always blow it off so in the end I just left it.

I had a Chinese lecturer for this class and who was one hell of a bitch. On results day she stands up in front of 20 of us and says One of you has failed and gives the guy his essay. And then she's like "You only scored 24% which is terrible". The guy just gets up, starts swearing and leaves, never comes back. She just stood their shaking her head as to say "typical". I did suprise her by getting the highest as they're marked annoymously but still, I greatly regret not saying anything. She was so a bitch though. She'd spend atleast 20mins a lecture talking about how great Germany is and how the Japanese are evil scum and will get their cumpupence.
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