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The Boys season 4 trailer


Just had a animated talk with me dad about The Boys. Good 'ol family fun.

Told him to wait for a certain someone who can make heads explodes lmao.
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In case it needs to be pointed out, this is indeed mocking the woke and DEI types for their shallow patting themselves on the back.

Really? I got told it was mere bad writing and musings of psychopaths.

christoph waltz nod GIF

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
brooo starlight looks fucking digusting...why did she do that to her face? they should add a contract clause to tv shows that prevent this kind of stuff..takes me out of the show

It’s called buccal fat removal.

The surgeon removes the fat pad that’s on the checks resulting in an angular, chiseled look. I think it looks like ass, truth be told but the procedure is the latest rage in Hollywood.


Gold Member

I can't be the only one that wants to unzip the front of sage's costume.....right? Right? :p

Anyway, as expected the floppy dick to sweet tits ratio is like 30:ZERO this season. Would it kill them to lay off the dick prosthetics a bit?

Still not really buying Sage's "super smart" power. She is mostly just manipulating easy to read folks like Homelander and Deep, plus outmaneuvering Mother's Milk was a piece of cake. For example, when she is explaining basic PR marketing to "the team" she lists off Star Wars and the like, nerd points for sure, but if she had listed off obscure literary archetypes, got a dazed and confused look all around, then had to sigh and say "like Luke from Star Wars" I think it would have supported her power MUCH better. I think they are trying for some sort of Keyser Soze level tactical genius but the writing is shit. If anything she is more like a low level mind reader or implanting psychic suggestions. I'd almost prefer that she IS just a supe assisted con artist and her "super smart" thing is just part of the con, hence her need to be constantly reading to support the grift.

They seem to have forgotten how Homelander works as well. At the ice skating rink he just stands there, doesn't fly, and is even "shocked" by the flash and misfires, killing the skater chick. WTF? Remember in the first season when the Boys had to hide the invisible guy in a special area because Homelander could search the whole city for him? Make Homelander TERRIFYING again!

Also, we've seen the Seven engage in actual crimefighting, yes? To say that A-train has NEVER fought crime, that it has ALWAYS been a staged thing, seems like an unnecessary retcon. Didn't all these guys come up as local crime fighters first? Surely Vought isn't faking all of them. Maybe it's JUST A-train, since he seems to be the most celebrity focused one of the bunch with the endorsements and movies. Do want some A-train Ale though, along with a Deep Dunkle, Homelander Hefe, Maeve Marzen, Black Noir Nitro, Starlight LightSister Sage Sour, Lamplighter Lager, Stormfront Stout, and Firecracker IPA :p


I think I got through 2 seasons of this show and enjoyed it. But I am hearing that it gets more and more woke as the seasons go. Part of me still wants to see how it ends, but if they ruined this show like so many others, maybe I am better off not watching the newer seasons.


Well, if you assume Einstein is 10x smarter than the average person (Homelander, for all his flaws, isn't actually retarded), then she is self-proclaimed ONE HUNDRED TIMES smarter than that, it is literally her superpower, putting her on a level unreachable by ANY human EVER in history.
That's only if you take her literally when says that she is a thousand times smarter than Homelander. She's listed as the most intelligent sentient being currently on Earth, not in Earth's entire history, so I don't see why she can't merely have "street level" superintelligence.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I caught up on episodes. That was a doozy. I'm looking forward to seeing what's going on with a few characters, hopefully we get some answers.


I'm just at the end of episode 2, but it's pretty boring. Nothing interesting happens at all. I will still try to watch the 3rd episode, but if it doesn't get better. I think I'm out.


Gold Member
I got real issues with s4e4. I'm getting real tired of Homelander showing up someplace and just casually and CRUELLY killing everyone, whilst all these folks do fuck all against him. You'd think the DEEP underground Vought lair that spawned Homelander would have looooong ago been turned into a trap for him, or any other supe these lunatics cooked up (just what were all those folks doing down there?). Like have it rigged to collapse down on itself, or pump out all the oxygen, or pump in cyanide gas or have a few truely mutant freaks down there on ice, "just in case". You know, ANYTHING other than one ineffectual guard and then a bunch of folks left to die. I get he is an almost impossible force, but he can get dunked on when the show wants him to be weak, so its frustrating that all these supposed Vought geniuses aren't CONSTANTLY trying to figure out his kryptonite.

This whole season, kinda like 2 and 3, feels aimless. The Boys do their petty, often futile little heists and strikes, the political scene is murky at best (how is Starlight "losing republican voters" with her abortion [and did I just blank on that happening?] but Firecracker is clearly on the other side appealing to, presumably, the EXACT SAME fan base on behalf of Vought?), and Homelander continues to strike fear into everyone without really doing anything, unlike S1 where he was kind of a military weapon or at least a deterrent against foreign supes. I enjoy scenes from this show, but as a whole it is really a mess. And as soon as Homelander becomes predicatle, all the tension is lost and its just gore titillation.
It's either one of two things:

Either he will be her ultimate pawn sacrifice to gain 100% of Homelander's trust.


He is the only one being spared, which is why she doesn't give him orders.

I just don't think it's the latter.

Well we have four episodes left

I wonder how Kripke is gonna to wrap everything up in the fifth season

I'm hoping for the Supe Virus killing off all the supes regardless if they are good or bad as you mentioned. Since that way Amazon can't milk the IP after The Boys is fully done


I got real issues with s4e4. I'm getting real tired of Homelander showing up someplace and just casually and CRUELLY killing everyone, whilst all these folks do fuck all against him. You'd think the DEEP underground Vought lair that spawned Homelander would have looooong ago been turned into a trap for him, or any other supe these lunatics cooked up (just what were all those folks doing down there?). Like have it rigged to collapse down on itself, or pump out all the oxygen, or pump in cyanide gas or have a few truely mutant freaks down there on ice, "just in case". You know, ANYTHING other than one ineffectual guard and then a bunch of folks left to die. I get he is an almost impossible force, but he can get dunked on when the show wants him to be weak, so its frustrating that all these supposed Vought geniuses aren't CONSTANTLY trying to figure out his kryptonite.

This whole season, kinda like 2 and 3, feels aimless. The Boys do their petty, often futile little heists and strikes, the political scene is murky at best (how is Starlight "losing republican voters" with her abortion [and did I just blank on that happening?] but Firecracker is clearly on the other side appealing to, presumably, the EXACT SAME fan base on behalf of Vought?), and Homelander continues to strike fear into everyone without really doing anything, unlike S1 where he was kind of a military weapon or at least a deterrent against foreign supes. I enjoy scenes from this show, but as a whole it is really a mess. And as soon as Homelander becomes predicatle, all the tension is lost and its just gore titillation.
Disagree, the thing that's great about Vought's handling of Homelander is that they clearly were in over their heads both in originally creating/raising him and now trying to deal with what he is (and is becoming). It's a parody of mega-corporation hubris and not putting any thought into what the potential issues could be down the road. Of COURSE they would ultimately create a weapon so powerful and terrible without the first idea of how to contain it if and when things started going south. Honestly it is kind of refreshing to see him just "be his own worst enemy" and not have to struggle against some stupid MacGuffin that nonsensically exists.

If anything will be his undoing, it will either be his own humanity (ha!!!) or more appropriately, whatever becomes of his relationship with his son, which has honestly barely been touched upon thus far. Even then it is really easy to see the few routes they could go down with that one, but in general the show can be kinda good about subverting expectatations. Anyway, it's still got me watching to see how it gets wrapped up. I'm happy they aren't going to drag it out much longer.


Perpetually Offended
This entire time I thought the actress playing Victoria Neumann was Latina... She's Italian and Lebanese born and raised in Australia.
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Neighbours from Hell
I think The Boys has been gradually going down hill. Just because it has been getting redundant. Every season is a will they or won't they finally stop Homelander, when we know they won't until the final season(if then) because he makes the show. But there are episodes where Anthony Starr is just so good that he makes an episode great all by himself. Episode 4 was one of those episodes. Homelander was absolutely sinister in this episode and it was so painfully cringy the best way.

Also am I the only one who finds the actress who plays Vicky hot?
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
First 2 episodes bored me to tears. All the side plots are terrible and the main plot didn’t exactly enthrall me.


Neo Member
My main problem with the show, past season and this one, you have 8 episodes, ok, you cannot do a lot. But then you go and episode two and on it already seems like they are stalling it.

I wish they would have either decided to bring up long seasons again, or cut back more and just do a movie.


Gold Member
My main problem with the show, past season and this one, you have 8 episodes, ok, you cannot do a lot. But then you go and episode two and on it already seems like they are stalling it.

I wish they would have either decided to bring up long seasons again, or cut back more and just do a movie.
See, I disagree with this vehemently. With 8 eps they ought to be able to JAM PACK it will plot development, ending EVERY episode with each character in a very different place than when they started. I'll bring up my gold standard for dynamic action TV, Spartacus, and how that show NEVER WASTED A SECOND in delivering narrative drive with character development. That The Boys (and many other shows these days) can not either stick to a strong plot arc OR be a set-up for episodic adventures is just a fault of the crappy writers we have today, their poor education in the writers room, and producers failing to manage their teams. About the only TV delivering narrative flow anymore are ones based off books where all the heavy lifting has been done and even then half of them piss away their momentum with pointless dialogue scenes that can be edited in anywhere and no sense of location.
See, I disagree with this vehemently. With 8 eps they ought to be able to JAM PACK it will plot development, ending EVERY episode with each character in a very different place than when they started. I'll bring up my gold standard for dynamic action TV, Spartacus, and how that show NEVER WASTED A SECOND in delivering narrative drive with character development. That The Boys (and many other shows these days) can not either stick to a strong plot arc OR be a set-up for episodic adventures is just a fault of the crappy writers we have today, their poor education in the writers room, and producers failing to manage their teams. About the only TV delivering narrative flow anymore are ones based off books where all the heavy lifting has been done and even then half of them piss away their momentum with pointless dialogue scenes that can be edited in anywhere and no sense of location.

That's my main issue with these shows that are 8 to 10 episodes each. They should have a lot more plot packed into it. I hate it when they drag on stuff and there's only like 8 episodes. Like I'm fine with character development but when most of the characters are boring to watch, I tend to not care. That's been a pet peeve of mine when it comes to TV especially. What you posted is my main issues so far with current movies and shows
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