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The Breakfast Club: The Soviet weapon that did destroy the US

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venison crêpe


it's ok, you're all right now
Was the Goonies a communist propaganda piece, too? Innocent Sharing Individuals vs The Evil Capitalist Pigs? :lol
I only agree in that I wish to ultrabone emo teenage Ally Sheedy something fierce, and that her metamorphosis constitutes history's greatest monster.

I can't stop myself from liking the movie, anyway. Where does one make the first cut, to tear that cancer out? How does one abort this burden of nostalgia?

It's got a cancer joke, an abortion joke, a Simpson's reference, an Anthony-Michael-Hall-esque desire to fuck somebody totally out of my league and chronology, and purple prose. Bingo.


The Amiga Brotherhood

What's next on the GAF hate list?

Fast Times At Ridgemont High?
Dazed & Confused?

Leave The Breakfast Club and it's communist propaganda alone!



Forgotten in his cell
Nash said:

What's next on the GAF hate list?

Fast Times At Ridgemont High?
Dazed & Confused?

Leave The Breakfast Club and it's communist propaganda alone!


Just White Man's hate list.

Wah wah ART


The Ally Sheedy transformation was regrettable, but its still an enjoyable movie.

Easily better than Forrest Gump.


i've never seen this movie in its entirety, but i've always thought it was weird that a movie about a bunch kids in detention had such a big impact on people's lives.


there is joy in sucking dick
Its essentially The Joy Luck Club for teens with tremendous angst. 16 Candles rocks it and so does Weird Science and possibly even Zap! if just because of the premise being used to show tits.


Yeah, about this whole Soviet thing... um, you guys do know that the janitor, you know an actual labor job, is named Carl, right?

I'm wondering if the script had it with a 'K'... as in Karl. As in Karl Marx!! dun dun dun


cjdunn said:
Yeah, about this whole Soviet thing... um, you guys do know that the janitor, you know an actual labor job, is named Carl, right?

I'm wondering if the script had it with a 'K'... as in Karl. As in Karl Marx!! dun dun dun
Mind blown
Finally sat down and watched it properly the other weekend.

I love anything from the era so obviously I had to love the movie as well. :D

But yeah I lol'ed at my fav character


being soooo much more attractive to me than the make-over and yet we're supposed to be like zomg!! NOW SHES GORGEOUS!! :lol

Some cool quotes, and enough cheese to make me chuckle - great movie.

Edit: Oh yeah, cool music too!
Truth so far:

Repo Man is Emillio fully realized.

Ferris Bueller is crap (albiet, with some amusing moments/quotes).

Ally Sheedy looked better in the "before" picture.

White Man is off his meds.
While, admitedly, I do enjoy the Breakfast Club, I find the notion that it is a communist plot both amusing and interesting. As a movie it is so point blank about all of its goals that it just barely stays below preachy. You should all like each other because you have so much in common. But that unity and seemingly gained strength increases the ease at which they could be dominated? Intriguing.

Also, the transformation is the moment that ruins the movies message. Such a dumb moment.

Whiteman, I must ask, is there a secret communist plot in Real Genius? Or is my love of that movie safe?


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
Ignatz Mouse said:
Truth so far:

Repo Man is Emillio fully realized.

Ferris Bueller is crap (albiet, with some amusing moments/quotes).

Ally Sheedy looked better in the "before" picture.

White Man is off his meds.

Emilio Estevez knows when something smells funny.




Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This thread is nuts. The only thing I have agreed on in here is that nutcase Ally Sheedy was better looking than the glammed up version. I've never met a person that thought she looked better after the makeover.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off > The Breakfast Club > Sixteen Candles

I've never seen Pretty in Pink...


Jealous Bastard
yeah, this movie is awful. dead poet's society is also awful, and is essentially just the breakfast club for english majors. it's pukealicious


joshcryer said:
Was the Goonies a communist propaganda piece, too? Innocent Sharing Individuals vs The Evil Capitalist Pigs? :lol

Don't even bring The Goonies into this shit.

White Man

Ferris Bueller's fatal flaw is that it's a comedy without any humor. I think it might just be a cheeky piece of absurdism designed to illustrate that the bourgeois will laugh at anything labeled a comedy, even if there is no humor value. If the marketing folks had made an error of manila envelopes, mixing up the marketing strategies for Platoon and Ferris, I think both movies would have basically had the same critical and box office receptions.


White Man said:
The purpose of this post is to illustrate that The Breakfast Club is:

1) A terrible movie
2) The white person equivalent of the equally terrible Scarface
3) A hidden pro-Communist chestnut hidden in wholesome middle American culture.

Point 1 is incredibly easy to prove. The acting in the movie is piss poor across the board. The focal fault is that nobody involved displays talent. Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson appear to be decent actors at first, but once the surfaces of their characters' are scratched, they become dumpster babies. Emilio, Anthony Michael Hall, and especially Molly Ringwald, due to their acting, deserve to be illegally aborted babies, via rusty fish hooks to the cooter. John Hughes also invents fake, hip, young person lingo, pretending that he understands youth culture. It's fakier than fake.

2) Much like Scarface, the Breakfast Club has no admirable qualities. It feels tedious, as if the material is reaching for a plateau it can't quite reach. The acting is terrible across the board. The love of the movie appears to be tied specifically to one ethnic group, in this case, dumb white people.

3) Illustrated by Anthony Michael hall's variations of the same speech at the beginning and ending of the movie. Allow me to C&P these.

Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong. What we did WAS wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write this essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us... in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at seven o'clock this morning. We were brainwashed.

Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong, but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal
Does that answer your question?

Basically, this "Breakfast Club" forms a union of disparate minds in order to combat what they believe to be the expectations of the principal. What they don't understand is that by becoming one unit instead of five individual units, they have fallen to their master. One unit is easier to control than five for an authority figure. If these very different people see themselves as "one," the leader, the principal, can rule them as one, The "Breakfast Club" is the union, and the principal is the Stalin. The club may think they have won by learning to work together, but they have signed the documents to end their own lives and individuality. The school--the soul-crushing system--wins.

My interpretation is that the principal was a hardass on purpose in order to trigger this grouping together. Indeed, it is probably the only logical interpretation there can be. The Breakfast Club can only be viewed by intelligent people as a pro-Stalinist piece of propaganda. If you find the Breakfast Club to be inspirational, or a feel good movie, you are probably extremely susceptible to brainwash and manipulation, and you shout probably cut all ties to any media.
The Breakfast Club is one of the GREATEST movies EVER A legendary movie!!
Judd Nelson >>>> all

White Man said:
The Breakfast Club is held up as his highest achievement when it is actually an awesome movie.

White Man

Nash said:

What's next on the GAF hate list?

Fast Times At Ridgemont High?
Dazed & Confused?

Leave The Breakfast Club and it's communist propaganda alone!


I love both Fast Times and Dazed and Confused, actually. Last year I went on a pretty comprehensive high school movies kick, and those would probably be in the top 3 along with American Graffiti.
I've never seen this movie. Thanks for convincing to never see it White Man

I always thought that white people's Scarface was Blade Runner


at first i was like "NO, YOU!!!"

then i was like, "lol, what do i care? i still like that movie. i'm sure someone at the time of release hated it even more than WM and i've enjoyed it since then."

damn, now i really want to watch this. thanks WM! and Goonies. oh, and Ferris Bueller's. oh, and the Wizard! yeah, and Purple Rain. God i love having a low tolerance for entertainment. elitist and critics always seem so unhappy. i love being happy. ignorance=bliss?

White Man
Don't You Forget About Me

I'd bang the shit out of both Molly and Ally in this movie, but yeah, it's kind of a stupid movie, though I hadn't considered the communism aspect of it all, seeing as how the USSR collapsed when I was 6. I don't know if I've seen more community theater acting chops passed off as actual acting than the Judd Nelson Christmas monologue.

Escape Goat

May I ask what brought you here?

Some fuck named John Hughes.

"Sixteen Candles" John Hughes?

You know that guy, too? That fuckin' guy. He made this flick "Sixteen Candles." Not bad. There's tits in it, but no bush, but Ebert over here don't give a shit about that kind of thing 'cause he's, like, all in love with this John Hughes guy. He goes out and rents, like, every one of his movies. Fuckin' "Breakfast Club," where all these stupid kids actually show up for detention. Fuckin' "Weird Science," where this chick wants to take her gear off and get down, but oh no, she don't 'cause it's a PG movie. And then, "Pretty in Pink," which I can't even watch with this tubby bitch anymore, 'cause every time we get to the part where the redhead hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little bitch with a skinned knee and shit. And there's nothing worse than watchin' a fuckin' fat man weep.


What the fuck is up with gaf?

forrest gump a republican agenda?
cloverfield a peta agenda?
the breakfast club a communist agenda?
anything mainstream is bad?

I knew it was odd when you people don't even play games for a gaming board. This forum is a fucking trap to spur your agendas to helpless nerds.
silly thesis.

the moral of the film is this:

'it was all their parents fault.'

rejection of your parents is rejection of society basically. ergo... no communist agenda here.
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