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The Criterion Collection in 2012/13: Why haven't they released *insert title here*?


It's weird that Criterion constantly shies away from using some really wonderful one-sheet artwork in lieu of their own (often lousy) commissioned work, and then randomly opts to use this Saul Bass poster that definitely was not one of his better efforts. Ah well.

I assume the Frankenheimer commentary is the same one from the old DVD, so you guys are in for a treat. He's got a lot of really fun anecdotes about the filming, along with some very cool tech talk. Not entirely sure why Baldwin was chosen for one of the other extras on this disc (was he friends with Frankenheimer?), but I do love me some Alec.

they did that lousy political movie together in the 90s, their personalities seem really similar though. also alec has been hanging around criterion a lot recently, maybe they are going to release the shadow?

also if people are really stoked about to be or not be get this:


for 20 bucks, great mid period comedy box set. and bringing up baby has a great bogdanovich commentary track
It's weird that Criterion constantly shies away from using some really wonderful one-sheet artwork in lieu of their own (often lousy) commissioned work, and then randomly opts to use this Saul Bass poster that definitely was not one of his better efforts. Ah well.
Which one-sheet pieces were you thinking would work better? I've seen better Bass posters, but this one's pretty good. And I guess Criterion likes having control over their own media, for better or worse.

Alec's pretty versed in cinema, and he's friends with Criterion, so tagging him onto an important release like this could be smart.


Damn, I saw Kon's name in this thread and was instantly hyped :(

I'd kill for a Blu-ray of Perfect Blue. Also, side note, but I really want a rerelease of Paranoia Agent, since it's OOP and super expensive.

It'd be really awesome if Criterion would get into animation, especially foreign works. I saw a site talking about that recently, there's such a wealth of material out there that at most hits festivals here, but never anything resembling a significant release.

Well, they did a really nice laserdisc version of Akira back in the day, but I'd be amazed if they did anything these days. Happy, but amazed.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Which one-sheet pieces were you thinking would work better? I've seen better Bass posters, but this one's pretty good. And I guess Criterion likes having control over their own media, for better or worse.

Oh, I didn't specifically mean there was a poster for Seconds I liked better, just that they've missed a lot of good opportunities in the past.

When they posted the video of Alec's visit, I got excited that maybe Miami Blues was coming!


I've been watching a bunch of Criterions lately, does anyone else find it really hard to appreciate/enjoy the pre-70s movies?

Some are great but a lot of them I just watch and go "meh". I also wasn't a huge fan of their selections for 2010+, there's so many Criterions that I might just prioritize my time and go for the 70s to 00s movies
Yeah, it can get very theatrical at times. There were many cultural differences back then that we'd consider melodramatic and needlessly rigid too, so that has an effect on things. Future generations will no doubt look at contemporary movies in much the same way.

I have no problem with it myself, though.


Damn, I saw Kon's name in this thread and was instantly hyped :(

I'd kill for a Blu-ray of Perfect Blue. Also, side note, but I really want a rerelease of Paranoia Agent, since it's OOP and super expensive.

It'd be really awesome if Criterion would get into animation, especially foreign works. I saw a site talking about that recently, there's such a wealth of material out there that at most hits festivals here, but never anything resembling a significant release.

fuck yes

perfect blue too, but i cant front on my Paprika bd, that movie is endlessly watchable....


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So, they have The Brood and Scanners on the slate. Dare I hope for Shivers to be among them, as well?

Shivers would be great. It's the only Cronenberg that I don't own. I'd love to see Criterion do Dead Ringers and Crash. I'd jump at upgrading those.

I couldn't care less about Scanners getting the Criterion treatment, however. I'm a massive Cronenberg fan, but I frankly think that movie mostly sucks.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Yowza, that's amazing. The downside for me, though, is that to see any Blu benefit I need to be wearing my glasses, and I hate having them on at home. One of the main reasons I never felt compelled to pick up a Blu player after getting rid of my PS3 several years ago.

Looks like Speedy is a near-lock for the next Lloyd release; it just was added to Hulu and is a featured release at the moment.



these maybe getting easier, but it's at least stromboli and i bet the other bergman films rossellini made. "the affair collection" maybe?

real hopeful because janus is touring a new print of voyage to italy that isn't playing near me.
didn't you love the conformist?

anyway it's joke about the themes of that move and your plight.

Yeah I do but that movie is just so different than the other films I have seen from there. I like Bicycle Thieves too. Blow-Up was good too. Those are the only three I actually like.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Several Criterion titles are half off on Amazon right now. I picked up Repo Man, Badlands, and Medium Cool blu-rays for $19.99 each.


Bit on some of the Amazon deals. As I don't yet own a Blu Ray player, but foresee an upgrade in the future, I went with DVD-only releases:

My Dinner with Andre
Martha Graham: Dance on Film
Eclipse Series 4: Raymond Bernard

Because, we've all just got money to throw out there, right?!


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Pick up Ivan and Bad Lambs from Amazon. Don't think I've used the 50% off B&N sale for the a couple years now.


Pick up Ivan and Bad Lambs from Amazon. Don't think I've used the 50% off B&N sale for the a couple years now.

BN sale is good if you manage to stack in-store coupons on top of it. But I've found that to become increasingly difficult the past year or so. BN headquarters seems to be cracking down on excessive coupon use.


Bit on some of the Amazon deals. As I don't yet own a Blu Ray player, but foresee an upgrade in the future, I went with DVD-only releases:

My Dinner with Andre
Martha Graham: Dance on Film
Eclipse Series 4: Raymond Bernard

Because, we've all just got money to throw out there, right?!

pretty great choices.

love that bernard set.


missing worth watching, i'm not sure of what the extras are (it was on instant streaming) the bernard set is worth your time if you really want to see a 5 hour version of les mis (and you do, cause it's amazing).


Oh, I don't doubt it. I love Sissy Spacek, and Les Mis was the reason I considered it in the first place! I'll probably re-purchase both before night's end, but I just need to doubly, triply, quadruply convince myself that there aren't better things to do with my money (new work computer paramount amongst my needs).

EDIT: Meh. Re-bought the two previously cancelled items. I've got like ten discs already on a backlog. Oh me and my wonderfully brilliant decision-making. And I'm sure I'll end up buying a few more when the B&N sale rolls around. And I'm almost at a free $50 card from Criterion.com. WHY DO YOU LOVE MY MONEY, CRITERION?!
Etaix set for 29 bucks ? Yeah, can't really pass this one out. But it'll be the only one this time, because customs never miss one of my amazon packages, unlike B&N.

Also ordered the Fernando di Leo set on deepdiscount (25$). Let's see if it crosses the atlantic without me having to dish out a little extra in taxes.
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