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The dishonesty about the Xbox One's lack of gaming performance

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Patrick S.

This has bothered me for a while now, and I really wanted to hear other people's opinion on this.

People love to really put down Xbox One's gaming performance, and praise the PS4 to heaven.

I finally have both a PS4 and an Xbox One, and checked out differences of the versions of games I have or could play myself on both machines. I'm not a fanboy of either machine, I love both of them, and really wanted to see how their games compare, now that I have the chance.

So, these are my observations for the games I tried:

Destiny: At first sight, the game looks the same on the Xbox One and PS4. But once it starts moving, the differences become apparent. And they surprised me. The game runs better on Xbox One. It feels more fluid and responsive on the Xbox. And on the the PS4 it has much more aliasing and shimmering on ground textures, and on meshes and gridlike structures. The aliasing and shimmering on your jump ship while in orbit is also much more noticeable on the PS4.

The Division: It is a bit more blurry on the Xbox, but runs smooth like butter here. On the PS4, it looks a bit better because of the resolution being a bit higher, but the game becomes a jerkfest once you actually start to move, and moving the camera around with your right thumbstick results in very noticeable stuttering and frame drops.

Final Fantasy XV: It is blurry on the Xbox, but gameplay is absolutely smooth. In the six hours or so I have spent with it, I have not noticed any performance lag at all. I swapped my Xbox One copy for a PS4 copy the other day, and I was really surprised with this game. It's blurry on PS4, too. Why doesn't anyone mention this? Sure, the blurring start a bit further away from you than in the Xbox version, but it is very noticeable, and it's constant. And the game's performance is really bad on PS4. It jerks and jumps almost constantly, when you're running or rotating the camera.

ProjectCARS: People say this game is unplayable on Xbox One. I donwloaded the demo and did a few races in different conditions and different tracks, and I honestly haven't noticed any problems at all. I've ran a night race in the rain against 19 other cars, and switched through all the different views, and it was always smooth. Where is this unplayable? I played it for an hour on Xbox and had no issues with it.

After doing these comparisons, I think I can really say that people are not being honest when claiming how bad and unplayable games are on the XO compared to the PS4.

And I have to say a few words about games I haven't played on console myself, too.

Dragon Age Inquisition: In a Mass Effect thread here on Neogaf, I read this morning how someone claimed it was a stuttery mess on PS4. Someone responded by saying that's not true and posting a link to a Digital Foundry comparison of both consoles. In this comparison, the Xbox version ran better than the PS4 version all the time, although I wouldn't go as far as calling the PS4 version a mess.

Mass Effect Andromeda: In this post, we see comparison pics of the Xbox One, PS4 Pro and PC pics, and the poster says the Xbox One version looks rough. But, it is worth mentioning that it's being compared to the PS4 Pro here, not the base PS4, so I don't think it's a fair thing to dismiss the Xbox One version in comparison to a console that is an upgraded PS4 that's being built to play games at 4k...

Now, people will say I'm dumb because "Xbox One is only running at 900p haha lolol".

Yes, (some/many) games on Xbox One run at 900p. But they run WELL. How can you claim a superiority of the PS4, when many PS4 games that run at 1080p have obvious problems to run at that resolution, and as a result display a high amount of stuttering and performance problems?

I got The Last Guardian and Bloodborne with my PS4, and Bloodborne has a lot of aliasing and often stutters, while TLG has huge amounts of slowdown. I'd really rather have those games at 900p if it meant they performed better, and that Bloodborne got better anti-aliasing.

I would LOVE to see 1080p versions of XO games that devs chose to launch at 900p. My bet is, people would be in for a surprise because they would see that many of them would run just as "well" at 1080p on the Xbox than they do on the PS4, meaning, stuttery but playable. I wonder if Microsoft unoficially encourages devs to go for 900p resolutions on Xbox One?

It would be great if people would focus more on having FUN with games again, rather than console bashing because it's cool and conforms to the "hivemind let's dogpile" mentality. I bet that many people are guilty of just parroting dismissals they have read who knows where else, because they fit their agenda of speaking bad of the console they chose not to buy this gen.

The Xbox One clearly can put out incredible graphics at 1080p and perform well while doing so, as anyone who has played Destiny or Forza and Forza Horizon, and probably many games I haven't had a chance to play on Xbox One can confirm.
Have no idea what you are on about OP, I have a PS4 and used to have an Xbox One, never noticed any difference between the two in terms of the Xbox one running games better. Gonna need some actual proof of this, especially considering the two consoles are pretty similar.




Sorry but I can't take anything you say seriously when you say FFXV and Destiny look worse on PS4.

Also, what exactly is the point of this point? Xbox One games don't look like dogshit? You don't say...


I mean, even on PC you'll typically notice better performance on lower resolutions, which is what it seems to boil down to based on your observations.
i'm surprised anyone still cares about these kinds of comparisons. i own both and at this point all that matters to me is which OS is better.

neither console looks too hot in that regard.


Dude we have DF for that, I think they are more scientific than your "jerk fest" impression, PS4 most of the time looks or/and performs better than XB1's games, your observation doesn't hold much merit.

Patrick S.

Sorry but I can't take anything you say seriously when you say FFXV and Destiny look worse on PS4.

FFXV doesn't look worse. But it does have blurryness too, while many people never mentioned that for the PS4 version. And it stutters. Even Digital Foundry said it ran better on Xbox One.

An Lord of Ostia, I can't prove anything to you. I'm just saying what I saw on my TV screen. I'm sure there are many compariosn videos on YouTube :)


OP the x1 manages to play games. But it just less Powerful no doubt. No kind of twisting can get around that the GPU has ~40% less resources and it has rubbish memory bandwidth for a gaming device, with edram acting as a plaster to try and solve that.


Digital Foundry has done more than enough comparisons. I can't say your observations are right because it goes against the consensus, but bottom line is it doesn't really matter unless it's something you're taking into consideration when choosing between the two platforms. Apart from that, what does it matter how the other performs?



This pretty much captures what OP was saying, though not as extreme (PS4 has more frames then that :p ).

Honestly I game on Xbox more just because I have more friends there (and my Gamerscore!) whilst PS4 has basically become a Destiny machine I play for a few weeks every few months.

None of it has anything to do with graphics or exclusives but mainly because of where all my friends are.

If, for example, a majority of my friends jumped ship to PS5 next generation, I would possibly buy that console first. I've never really understood a lot of people's hard on for best graphics considering neither console really offers that.


Well the PS4 is factually more powerful than XBO so it is to be expected to have people praise the better version regardless of the difference, saying there is almost no difference IS dishonest


FFXV doesn't look worse. But it does have blurryness too, while many people never mentioned that for the PS4 version. And it stutters. Even Digital Foundry said it ran better on Xbox One.

An Lord of Ostia, I can't prove anything to you. I'm just saying what I saw on my TV screen. I'm sure there are many compariosn videos on YouTube :)

If you can't see the difference you need to get your eyes checked.
Most people, including here, stopped giving a crap about this since early 2015.

Comparisons were "important" for console war purposes at the beginning until this generation's winner became clear.

All games run decently enough on XBO.


Yeah, I mean I have a PS4 and not an Xbone, but I'm really annoyed the whole 1080p thing became such a big marketing point. It places all the focus on a ridiculously minor thing in games, and makes people split hairs aggressively like it means something. Of course Microsoft is just as bad an offender here as Sony, so I also don't feel a lot of sympathy for how the console war played out.


Well UMvC3 supposedly has better netcode than its PS4 counter part but we have digital foundery to analyze performance issues now. I just enjoy the stuff I play, performance be damned.

Patrick S.

Dude we have DF for that, I think they are more scientific than your "jerk fest" impression, PS4 most of the time looks or/and performs better than XB1's games, your observation doesn't hold much merit.

I'm not a computer. I only have my eyes to analyze what I'm watching on my screen, and they work quite well :)

I don't think anyone can deny that quite a few games on PS4 have the same kind of performance problems that Xbox One games have.


If only there was as an aggressive push towards smooth gameplay and 60fps as the push for 1080p.


Don't know about destiny but eurogamers said FFXV runs better on Xbox one than PS4 here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-final-fantasy-15-performance-analysis

Let's discuss the Microsoft console version first. There's a dynamic resolution scaling solution in place that gives the title a softer look than its siblings, and in effects-heavy scenes, there are also performance dips you won't see on PlayStation hardware. Square-Enix has realised that this may be an issue, so it has implemented a semi-adaptive v-sync. If a frame is just a few milliseconds late for the next display refresh, the framebuffer flips a little later, resulting in a tear that is only ever seen at the top of the screen. But otherwise, frame-times are an absolutely rock-solid 33ms - a new frame is presented on every other display refresh. It's 30fps the way it's meant to be seen and it feels smooth and consistent.

PlayStation 4 Pro's 'lite' display mode almost on par with the consistency of the Xbox One presentation. The lite mode runs the base PS4 visual feature set at 1080p30 and features a rock-solid performance profile. Stutter in the form of incorrect frame-pacing is very rare during gameplay and is only really noticeable in the title's engine-driven cut-scenes. But switching to the higher resolution mode with its 1800p checkerboarding, improved texture filtering and shadows sees inconsistent frame delivery strike back with a vengeance. We've actually opted to play the game on lite mode instead - trading the resolution and improved image quality for a smoother experience. The good news is that HDR support - which is phenomenal in this title, by the way - works across all modes.

All of which leaves the base PlayStation 4 - the most important platform in terms of the size of its potential audience - right at the bottom of the pack. There is no way to avoid the stutter, it's an ever-present 'feature'. Now, it may well be the case that this kind of jitter isn't really an issue. The extent to which it is noticeable is seemingly quite a personal thing - but if you found it distracting in Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3, we found it to be much more intrusive here.

Frame pacing issues...didn't notice it in bloodborne until someone mentioned it, I personally ain't bothered by it.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This is a joke right?

I've had PS4, XBO, PS4 Pro and XBO S since launch.

My biggest problem with the XBO is that it's underpowered. Mind you I still bought two, it's lack of power in comparison to PS4 is just factual.

It is one of the (many) reasons Halo 5 dissapointed me so much.

And other exclusive like Quantum Break, although amazing, has terribad IQ. Same with Sunset Overdrive.

Horizons 3 looks good..

Patrick S.

Well the PS4 is factually more powerful than XBO so it is to be expected to have people praise the better version regardless of the difference, saying there is almost no difference IS dishonest

Of course 1080p looks better in a picture than 900p. But when things start moving, and the 1080p version drops frames left and right and has awful frame timing, while the 900p version runs smooth as butter, I'll gladly take the 900p version.
Dishonest seems like a strong word.

Almost all games run better or look better on PS4.

Some games have better frame pacing on XB1 or a bit more stable target frame and (too many) have better anisotropic filtering.

XB1 as a whole has a lower input latency.

Nothing dishonest about technical tests with the data to back it up.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Of course 1080p looks better in a picture than 900p. But when things start moving, and the 1080p version drops frames left and right and has awful frame timing, while the 900p version runs smooth as butter, I'll gladly take the 900p version.

Thats...Not the case though.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Unless posters here, OP included, are willing to dive as deep as Digital Foundry for some objective analysis with empirical data, it's going to essentially be one subjective opinion against another. Thus nothing good can come from this thread except comparisons to DF and then the eventual Console Warz bans. Enjoy games on whatever console you want and ignore the crazier outlier opinions, OP.
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