Can we get the OP updated? A lot of us use this as a quick reference on whats new and in the vault.
Speaking of...Mulan vaulted? I never did get that one and not really seeing it around.
The very top of the OP is updated as of yesterday. (The US availability image that I made)
The new releases on August 12th were Fun and Fancy Free, Ichabod and Mr. Toad, Tarzan, and Hercules of the main canon + Muppets Most Wanted and I want to say one other?
The very top of the OP is updated as of yesterday. (The US availability image that I made)
The new releases on August 12th were Fun and Fancy Free, Ichabod and Mr. Toad, Tarzan, and Hercules of the main canon + Muppets Most Wanted and I want to say one other?
The very top of the OP is updated as of yesterday. (The US availability image that I made)
The new releases on August 12th were Fun and Fancy Free, Ichabod and Mr. Toad, Tarzan, and Hercules of the main canon + Muppets Most Wanted and I want to say one other?
Do only certain movies get diamond status? Will more be upgraded later? Don't wanna buy some now and have to double dip again at a later time
Ahh. Yea, I've been waiting on frozen to get the 3d treatment. I just got lion king and little mermaid. Anything else supposed to get a 3d re release?
After taking almost a year off from the Disney Movie Club I just dived right back in to scoop up some of the recently released titles. I just got the following for $21.xx and they should be here soon...
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad/ Fun and Fancy Free
Mary Poppins
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers
Mickey's Christmas Carol
Muppets Most Wanted
I can't wait to receive this batch!
I have a quick question about the Disney Movie Club. I was thinking of joining it as I'm a bit behind on getting recent titles.
So the current deal is four movies for $1 with a commitment to buy five more titles. You can also spend $15 to get your "first movie" which takes you down to a four title commitment.
The part that's somewhat vague to me is the "second bonus movie" offer for $10. Does that also count towards your commitment purchases or would I still have to buy four movies afterwards?
Good stuff
Outstanding. Thanks for the info!
I had a digital HD version of the lion king off of PSN. I recently borrowed a copy of the diamond edition blu ray from a neighbor and holy balls, the picture quality and sound quality is way better. So much better it's absurd
I was this close to shelling out 60 bucks for one of the few remaining copies but my neighbor gave me his copy of it. This is the same neighbor who recently gave me his old PSP 3000 model {which was in near mint condition} and has a huge collection of blu ray movies and video games that he lets me borrow {he says he trusts me with them more than he does his friends since I take impeccable care of them}.
I think I have the best neighbor ever.
November 18th, 2014
The Wind Rises
Kiki's Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke
First, don't sign up with "the current deal". There are always better promotional codes. Try signup code 10042B (5 for $1; 1 for $11.95; you need to buy 2 more over 2 years). That's assuming you're in the US. I don't have a current Canadian promotional code.
Are Miramax titles a part of Disney's Movie Club?
No, only Disney / Buena Vista titles.
(I actually just remembered that Disney doesn't own Miramax anymore)
I guess what I'm asking is: do you think The Wind Rises and Princess Mononoke will be available through DMC? The Wind Rises was released theatrically under Disney's Touchstone label and when Princess Mononoke was released by Disney, it was as a Miramax title.
Yes, it absolutely will be available through the club. The DVD of Princess Mononoke is still listed on their site already.
Lame.. It says some movies are for members only
Wanted Hercules
What are "Members Only" titles?
It's titles that you technically aren't supposed to be able to select as your enrollment titles. If you call in and give the item numbers though you can usually get them to accept them over the phone. You can't do it on the website though.
There used to be a trick to do it all online without ever having to call them, but they put an end to that a while back.
You can't select them as your enrollment titles, but you can still get them towards your commitment, right?
Yes, absolutely.
But again, if you call in with the item numbers you can possibly get through with them in your enrollment.
Same as the DVD, meh.Princess Mononoke's box art is awful.
Same as the DVD, meh.
Tarzan and Herc are out?!
I watched both so much when they were on DVD. Must cop fast due to the stupid vault.
I'm not going for a full collection. Just my favs. Disney is really dragging on Aladdin. That's my favorite.
Tarzan and Hercules arent vault titles.
I thought all Disney stuff was vaulted? This is so confusing. Disney is really dumb with this vault crap. Snow White, Lion King, Beauty and Beast, Little Mermaid should always be in print. They're classics.
I don't understand, the Black Cauldron has a cover but no blu?
I don't understand, the Black Cauldron has a cover but no blu?
How's Herc on blu? Good transfer/upgrade?
I have a question about the DMC, does everyone get the same Featured Title or does it vary from person to person?
EDIT: Do you not benefit from the "members only" prices until you fulfill your full priced title amounts?
My latest Disney Movie Club enrollment package just showed up!
Only 7?
My latest Disney Movie Club enrollment package just showed up!
The current best enrollment offer is:
5 for $1
1 for $11.95
1 for $8.95
7 for $21.90