The Division 2 Clans |OT| Endgame


Gold Member
Taken from Ubisoft: Intelligence Annexe

So, I started a PS4 Destiny 2 clan on here for GAF, and we'll probably create a separate community thread per platform. So all the info is down there below, you'll need at least four members to found the clan to start earning progression perks. Anyone interested? Suggest we keep the clan name and tag consistent across platforms

Name: DivisionGAF
Tag: GAF

PS4 Players
cormack12, Subutai_HD, verdanth, Pieceratops, crumbs39, bucyou ;

Xbox Players
ReventantX, Xaero Gravity, YapapieDefMatch, InsaneMauricio, MrMissleFart4k ;

PC Players:
Allnamestakenlol, Eyeron, Grimmsticks, JareBear, MadYarpen, RaptorGTA, shark sandwich, SkinnerSw33t;


A new feature in The Division 2 is the ability to create and manage clans in-game. Clans are designed to make it easy for you to find likeminded players to play with, and to make clan management a user-friendly experience.

Clans will focus on building tight knit communities with common goals, and will consist of up to 50 accounts, with up to four characters each. The ability to create a clan is unlocked early as a part of The Division 2's story progression. Anyone who has unlocked the feature can create their own, but to start progressing a clan, a total of four members is required.

Clan members can keep themselves informed through the clan feed, keeping you up to date with clan activity and progression. The ability to leave messages on the feed will enable members to easily stay in touch with each other and it also allows for leadership to pin important messages in order to coordinate events.

In addition, each clan will have access to two voice channels for up to 25 members each, allowing you to socialize with each other at all times, regardless of where in the game you are or what activity you currently are partaking in.


Joining a clan
When searching for a clan, you will be presented with a number of options enabling you to find a clan that best suits your particular needs or playstyle.
  • Activities – The primary focus of the clan, PvE, PvP or both.
  • Most Active Times – The time of day the clan is the most active.
  • Atmosphere – The general atmosphere of the clan; would you prefer a relaxed easy-going clan, a clan focused on certain aspects of the game or a highly competitive PvP clan?
  • Mic Requirement – If the clan requires a microphone to be able to join.
  • Language – The primary spoken language of the clan.
  • Region – The geographical location of the clan members.

Creating and managing a clan
One of the first steps when creating a clan is to design your insignia, which will serve as the visual representation of your clan in The Division 2. When designing your insignia, you will be able to choose from a selection of icons, background and border types to create your own unique design.

Next, you need to name your newfound creation. A clan name can be between 4 to 15 letters long and the clan tag, which is visible to all players, consists of 3 capitalized letters. You can also write a presentation to introduce your clan to your players.

Finally, each clan can set their preferred privacy level, consisting of three distinct levels:
  • Open – Searchable and open for all players.
  • Invite Only – Searchable but requires an application to be sent and reviewed by clan leadership.
  • Private – A private clan is not searchable and can only be joined through an invite sent by the clan's leadership.
Clan membership is organized into four ranks, allowing for improved organisation and a clear structure:
  • Commander – The leader of the clan which has access to all administrative functions of the clan.
  • Lieutenant – The officer rank, which will be able to send out invites, review applications, promote and demote members as well as moderate the clan feed.
  • Agent – The established clan member able to invite potential recruits to the clan.
  • Recruit – The recruit is a new member of the clan with limited access to administrative clan functionality.
When reviewing applications as a Commander or Lieutenant, you will be able to inspect the applicant's characters, including gear, in order for you to quickly make an informed decision.


All in-game actions taken by members yielding experience points will also yield CXP (Clan XP), which is a new form of experience in The Division 2. Earning CXP will level up your clan, earning you and your friends additional benefits for each level on your Clans journey to level 30, as well as unlocking additional customization options for the insignia, showcasing your clan's veterancy.

Clans will collectively work towards common goals in The Division 2, in the shape of weekly projects and an upgradeable clan cache, both yielding rewards for all members upon completion. The weekly clan cache requires a weekly CXP goal to be reached with additional stretch goals. There are 3 tiers of reward - bronze, silver and gold. Reaching the bronze tier will unlock guaranteed rewards, while reaching the silver and gold tiers will further improve the week's rewards each time.

Clan projects are weekly tasks that grants a boost of CXP upon completion, each focusing on a particular aspect of the game. If your clan manages to complete all weekly projects, the clan will receive an additional, significant amount of CXP.

The East Wing of the White House will serve as your clan's home, providing you with a space to socialize and regroup. Here you will find your clan stash to collect your weekly rewards, as well as the clan vendor, a unique vendor available only in the East Wing. As a natural part of the clan's level progression, the quality of the items offered by the clan vendor will improve. Certain levels will also unlock the ability to purchase unique cosmetic headgear, featuring your insignia, enabling you to represent your clan wherever you go.

The clan quarters will showcase your clan's top three weekly CXP contributors, giving recognition to your most dedicated members' accomplishments. There is more to discover in the clan quarters, that you will have to discover by yourself at release!
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Gold Member
Sounds like a very welcome addition to the formula

Honestly, I think Ubi have knocked it out the park with these QoL enhancements. It's like they've actually listened and understood they need to provide ways for people to play with each other and not just sort it out themselves. With the good work Apex is doing with their 'ping' system, I really hope it starts becoming more prominent for next gen. Let's face it, if GaaS is going to take off, they need to do stuff like this and enable player communication and grouping rather than just invite me to a mic party.

Activities – The primary focus of the clan, PvE, PvP or both.
  • Most Active Times – The time of day the clan is the most active.
  • Atmosphere – The general atmosphere of the clan; would you prefer a relaxed easy-going clan, a clan focused on certain aspects of the game or a highly competitive PvP clan?
  • Mic Requirement – If the clan requires a microphone to be able to join.
  • Language – The primary spoken language of the clan.
  • Region – The geographical location of the clan members.
Being able to find a EU clan for PvE only that doesn't care if you use a mic, and is most active between 17:00-22:00 is a godsend when in-game. No more searching for guilds etc.

Great job Ubi. Hopefully find some gaffers to team up with too!
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Count me in.
Playing the division 1 at the moment to prepare myself. And I should be there day one, as I have division 2 from AMD.
So, do we have anyone who is going to organize the PC clan?

I'll do it in a hands-off fashion, which will work since I think we'll be relatively small but...

(I have the Ultimate Edition and can create the clan and invite people, but I'll be AFK until Friday at best, Saturday at worst.)
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So, do we have anyone who is going to organize the PC clan?

I'll do it in a hands-off fashion, which will work since I think we'll be relatively small but...

(I have the Ultimate Edition and can create the clan and invite people, but I'll be AFK until Friday at best, Saturday at worst.)

Yea, if you don't mind. No rush here. :)
For anyone out there who prefers solo, I’m pretty sure you can join a clan just for bonuses and whatnot and never have to play with anyone else if you don’t want to. I think it works like like Alliance in Anthem where everything you do individually contributes to a Clan “XP pool” or something like that. I guess Destiny 2 has something similar as well.

Correct me if I’m wrong though.

So yeah, assuming this is correct, let’s fill up a PC GAF Clan!
Yeah. You don't actually have to play with anyone and can just benefit from the clan vendor and rewards.

One problem I have is that I didn't realize clan creation was unlocked via story progression.

I will only have my laptop with me and I'm not sure how much free time I'll have. So, if someone else wants to do it, that's great.

But if not, then I will get to it as soon as I can but can't make any pre-Friday promises.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Name for PS4 clan.... DivisionGAF just?

I think it may unlock at level 4 but not 100% sure. Whoever gets there first get that name snarfled up.


Gold Member
Yeah, the clan name can be 8-15 characters long and needs a 3 char tag. Think it unlocks at level 4 and you need at least 4 people in it before your clan can earn XP. Suggest people get their structures in place in terms of lieutenants etc to invite people and approve applications.


Gold Member
I only played The Division 1 beta and it didn't sell me on the game. My brother plays it religiously and said I should try the open beta for The Division 2 and I really loved it. We both got the Gold Editions for Xbox, so I'm down to contribute to a GAF presence in the game. Like others mentioned, I'm looking for more laid back vibes. I'll be playing about 15-20hrs/week.
OK. DivisionGAF and GAF for PC unless there are any complaints.

I'll need Uplay handles. You can either post it in this thread or PM me if you prefer. A + next to your name means I already have your Uplay handle.

If you are NOT on this list and want to be and your real name is NOT Aaron Keener, mention my name in a post or PM me.

+shark sandwich

How soon I start playing on Tuesday will just depend. It will be early enough to get invites out to Europeans by 8 CET.

We'll only accept invites through this thread. I'll just put everyone at Agent. No need for Recruit and Lieutenant is just for handling invites and managing the feed.

(But if that sounds like something you want to do, let me know.)
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OK. DivisionGAF and GAF for PC unless there are any complaints.

I'll need Uplay handles. You can either post it in this thread or PM me if you prefer. A + next to your name means I already have your Uplay handle.

If you are NOT on this list and want to be and your real name is NOT Aaron Keener, mention my name in a post or PM me.

Allnamestakenlol Allnamestakenlol
JareBear: Remastered JareBear: Remastered
RaptorGTA RaptorGTA
S shark sandwich

How soon I start playing on Tuesday will just depend. It will be early enough to get invites out to Europeans by 8 CET.

We'll only accept invites through this thread. I'll just put everyone at Agent. No need for Recruit and Lieutenant is just for handling invites and managing the feed.

(But if that sounds like something you want to do, let me know.)

Pretty sure I am the_jarebear on uPlay
OK. DivisionGAF and GAF for PC unless there are any complaints.

I'll need Uplay handles. You can either post it in this thread or PM me if you prefer. A + next to your name means I already have your Uplay handle.

If you are NOT on this list and want to be and your real name is NOT Aaron Keener, mention my name in a post or PM me.

Allnamestakenlol Allnamestakenlol
RaptorGTA RaptorGTA
S shark sandwich

How soon I start playing on Tuesday will just depend. It will be early enough to get invites out to Europeans by 8 CET.

We'll only accept invites through this thread. I'll just put everyone at Agent. No need for Recruit and Lieutenant is just for handling invites and managing the feed.

(But if that sounds like something you want to do, let me know.)

My Uplay is: CallMeMonkey

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Updated OP - good news is looks like we have four founding members for day 1 clan setup.

Think bucyou bucyou is wanting in on that PS4 Clan as well. Sent them a friend request but nothing back yet. So pumped for Tuesday now, not so pumped for the 50 something GB update but shouldn’t take too long to download for me. Went physical cause it was £15 cheaper for the gold edition. So we are going DivisionGAF for the name?


Gold Member
Think bucyou bucyou is wanting in on that PS4 Clan as well. Sent them a friend request but nothing back yet. So pumped for Tuesday now, not so pumped for the 50 something GB update but shouldn’t take too long to download for me. Went physical cause it was £15 cheaper for the gold edition. So we are going DivisionGAF for the name?

Yeah, it sucks but I'll be at work so stick it on first thing in the morning then get home and level my ass off.
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